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By Matt ten-Hoeve on 2024-10-17 22:09:00

Welcome to’s TNA iMPACT! coverage for October 17, 2024. Scheduled for tonight's TNA iMPACT! on AXS TV and TNA+:

*The road to Bound for Glory continues

*Pick Your Poison: TNA Champion Nic Nemeth vs. Matt Cardona

*TNA Knockouts Champion Jordynne Grace and Masha Slamovich face off

*TNA X-Division Champion Mike Bailey vs. Leon Slater

*Pick Your Poison: TNA International and Digital Media Champion PCO vs. Rhino

*Steve Maclin to appear

The episode starts off with an “In Memory Of” for Joe Koff. I would like to extend my condolences to the friends and family of Joe Koff. I never met the man, but I enjoyed hearing Mike and Dave talk about him on the No Name show this week. The closest interaction I had with Joe Koff was when I attended ROH shows. I would see him walking around with a huge smile on his face talking to some fans. He seemed like a great guy. From the stories I have heard about him, I regret not getting to, at the very least, shake his hand and thank him for all the hard work he put into providing a lot of entertainment for wrestling fans.

There is then a recap of last week’s iMPACT! - The Northern Armory taking out Eric Young and Steve Maclin, the issues between Jordynne Grace and Masha Slamovich, and Nic Nemeth teaming with Joe Hendry in the main event.

Pick Your Poison: TNA International and Digital Media Champion PCO vs. Rhino

This will be a No Disqualification Match with PCO’s titles on the line.

They lock up and exchange strikes. Rhino stands up to a tackle attempt by PCO and throws PCO to the outside. Rhino follows him to the outside and gets a chair from under the ring. Rhino hits PCO with the chair in the midsection and then gets some more chairs from under the ring. He attempts to get a hold of PCO, but PCO fights him off. Rhino reverses PCO’s attack and throws PCO into the stairs. Rhino sets up the stairs and tries to drive PCO’s face into them. PCO blocks it and drives Rhino into the stairs.

PCO grabs a baking sheet and attempts to hit Rhino with it. Rhino blocks it and grabs the baking sheet himself. He hits PCO with it a few times and then throws PCO onto the stairs spine first. They both stand back up and PCO is able to grab a chair. He hits Rhino with it - in the midsection and then the back. PCO puts Rhino on the ring apron and climbs to the top rope. He goes for the Deanimator, but Rhino rolls out of the way. PCO not only hit the ring apron, but some chairs, as well.

Rhino grabs a garbage can and hits PCO with it on the outside. Rhino attempts to pick PCO up, but PCO blocks it. Rhino misses a chop, hitting the ring post with his hand. PCO uses that to take advantage and get a strike in. He tosses Rhino into the ring and follows him in with the garbage can. PCO hits Rhino with the garbage can a couple of times and then sets it on its side. The two men exchange strikes before PCO is able to slam Rhino down on the garbage can.

Rhino rolls to the outside. PCO attempts a dive on Rhino, but Rhino grabs the garbage can and hits PCO with it as PCO flies through the ropes. Rhino throws PCO back in the ring and gets a two count. Rhino sets the garbage can in the corner between the top and middle rope. He attempts to Irish Whip PCO into the corner, but PCO reverses it and Rhino hits the corner and the garbage can.

With Rhino down, PCO sets up two chairs facing each other. He sets Rhino up on the chairs and climbs to the top rope. Rhino gets up and stops PCO. Rhino slams PCO through the chairs for a two count. Rhino gets a table from under the ring and brings it into the ring. He sets it up in the corner. He sets PCO up for the Gore. PCO side steps the Gore and Rhino goes through the table. PCO climbs to the top rope and hits the PCOsault for the win!

Winner and STILL TNA International and Digital Media Champion : PCO

Gia Miller is in the back with Nic Nemeth. Nemeth is not worried about facing Matt Cardona tonight or Joe Hendry at Bound for Glory. He’s excited and is feeding off of the energy of it. In fact, he went to Santino Marella and asked to put the title on the line tonight in his match against Matt Cardona. Santino said “no,” so Nemeth promises to put the title on the line against Cardona any time he wants in the future. Tonight’s match is a long time coming. Nemeth can’t wait to steal the show and beat Cardona.

Arianna Grace comes out to the entrance. She is here to present another NXT Superstar - Brinley Reece!

The Personal Concierge comes out after Brinley Reece gets in the ring. He smack talks Johnny Cash to get the cheap Nashville heat. He introduces Ash by Elegance, who is “hotter than a ring of fire.”

Brinley Reece vs. Ash by Elegance

Matthew Rehwoldt says that he was told that Heather Reckless was sent to a special doctor in Boca Raton for her makeover.

Ash by Elegance offers a handshake to start things off. Brinley Reece obliges, but Ash goes on the attack right away. She takes the advantage in the corner, getting in a series of punches and kicks on Reece. The Personal Concierge gets on the apron and helps Ash apply some lipstick. Reece snapmares Ash and then wipes at the lipstick. Ash freaks out and goes to the outside. The Personal Concierge tries to help her apply some more lipstick, but the lipstick is a mess.

Ash gets back in the ring and Reece uses her quickness to avoid some attacks. Ash shows Reece her muscles with a pose. Reece poses back. Ash does some push ups and then tries to attack Reece. Reece knocks her down and does some push ups of her own. Ash is upset!

Reece grabs Ash and sends her into the corner. Reece follows her in, but Ash is able to toss her to the outside. The Personal Concierge taunts Reece with the lipstick. Ash goes to the outside and throws Reece back in the ring. Ash gets in a series of punches on the mat and then locks on a chinlock.

Reece powers out of the hold and rolls Ash up for a two count. Reece then uses her strength and quickness to avoid some attacks and knocks Ash down. Reece hits a clothesline for a two count. Reece picks Ash up on her shoulders and does some squats. The Personal Concierge gets on the apron and distracts Reece. Ash hits a reverse DDT and climbs to the top rope. Ash hits Rarified Air for the win!

Winner: Ash by Elegance

The Personal Concierge grabs a microphone. He says that, recently, they’ve been in the business of doing makeovers. Next week, they will do a “Makeover by Elegance’ launch party. Why not give a preview of it tonight, though, on Brinley Reece? Ash takes the lipstick and smears it on Reece’s face. She then applies more lipstick on her own lips and plants a kiss on Reece’s face. Xia Brookside runs out to clear the ring of Ash by Elegance and The Personal Concierge.

A Rosemary and Wendy Choo video airs. Rosemary keeps saying that there should be “no more humans.” The video shifts to Jody Threat playing Five Finger Filet, with Rosemary still rambling. Threat gets a feeling about Dani Luna and goes to look for her. Rosemary and Wendy Choo are sitting where Jody Threat was. They are smiling and looking creepy.

TNA X-Division Champion Mike Bailey vs. Leon Slater

They shake hands in the center of the ring and circle each other. They lock up and Mike Bailey grabs a side headlock. Leon Slater sends Bailey into the ropes and hits a tackle. They both use their speed to avoid attacks and have a standoff.

They circle again and lock up. Bailey grabs a hold of Slater’s arm and locks in a Hammerlock on the mat. Slater powers up, but is thrown into the corner. Bailey goes for a running attack, but Slater pushes him off. Slater is sent to the outside. Bailey goes for an attack, but Slater gets a hold of him. Bailey is sent to the outside and blocks an attack from Slater.

Bailey fights off Slater and then hits a Moonsault on the outside. Bailey continues his attack on the outside with some kicks. He takes a hold of Slater’s arm and uses it to throw Slater onto the outside mat. Slater is now favoring his arm. Bailey throws Slater back in the ring and hits a big chop in the corner. He hits a second hard chop in a different corner. Bailey uses the ropes to stretch Slater’s arm. 

Bailey charges at Slater, but Slater gets a boot up. Slater almost gets a hold of Bailey, but Bailey slips away and hits a flurry of kicks. Bailey kicks Slater again and works over Slater’s arm again.

Slater powers out of the hold, but Bailey kicks at his arm. Slater goes for a handspring move, but his shoulder gives out. Bailey tries to go on the attack, but Slater uses his legs now to take out Bailey. Slater is slow to go on the attack with his arm in pain, so Bailey is able to get in some kicks.

Bailey goes for a running Shooting Star Press, but Slater moves out of the way. They exchange some strikes and Slater gets the advantage with a leaping attack. Both men get up slowly and exchange strikes again. Bailey grabs the arm again, but Slater fights it off. Bailey keeps going at the arm and Slater keeps fighting Bailey off.

Slater ends up tossing Bailey to the outside and hits a dive. Slater goes for another dive, but Bailey jumps into the ring and cuts it off. Bailey hits a couple of hard shots and then tries to hit a backflip double knees. Slater moves and gets in some strikes. He hits a backflip double knees of his own.

Bailey goes to the outside. Slater follows him out. Slater goes for a kick, but Bailey ducks under it. Bailey runs up the ring apron and ropes and hits a moonsault. He tosses Slater into the ring and climbs to the top rope. He goes for a Shooting Star Press, but Slater moves. Bailey lands on his feet. Slater hits a Standing Blue Thunder Bomb for a two count.

Slater lines Bailey up and runs at him. Bailey catches Slater and counters it into a backflip powerslam. Bailey hits a Backstabber on Slater’s arm. Bailey goes for a Tornado Kick, but Slater reverses it into a Leg Lariat. Slater hits a running attack in the corner. Bailey goes to the outside. Slater hits a dive onto Bailey over the ringpost.

Slater throws Bailey back inside the ring and climbs to the top rope. Bailey cuts him off and climbs up, as well. Slater counters Bailey and hits a spinning Brainbuster-like move. Slater climbs the top rope and goes for the Swanton 450. Bailey moves and gets a hold of Slater in a Chicken Wing-like hold. Bailey hits a throw and then hits Slater with some kicks. Bailey hits the Tornado Kick and then the Ultima Weapon. Bailey isn’t done, though. He hits the Flamingo Driver for the win!

Winner and STILL TNA X-Division Champion: Mike Bailey

Mike Bailey and Leon Slater shake hands.

A video package for El Hijo del Vikingo airs. A graphic is shown, confirming that he will be facing Mike Bailey for the TNA X-Division Championship at Bound for Glory!

A video package for the Three-Way Full Metal Mayhem Match for the TNA World Tag Team Titles airs.

The Hardys and ABC are in the back. ABC talks about how they’ve been fans of The Hardys since they were kids, but when push comes to shove - the fandom has to be turned off at Bound for Glory. Next week, though, ABC and The Hardys will be teaming together against The System. The Hardys talk about their respect for ABC. They are looking forward to teaming with them next week. However, at Bound for Glory it’s every team for themselves. Matt says that at Bound for Glory, it might be their last Tables, Ladders, and… Jeff cuts him off and says, “Full Metal Mayhem.” Either way, Matt says that at Bound for Glory, they’ll be TNA World Tag Team Champions once again.

Steve Maclin comes to the ring. He voices his frustrations over The Northern Armory’s attack on him and Eric Young last week. He wants answers and calls out The Northern Armory. They come out to the entrance. Josh Alexander calls Steve Maclin a self-serving scumbag. He wants to know the real reason behind Maclin’s change of heart in helping Eric Young.

Alexander begins to remind everyone of his accomplishments and hard work over the years. As he does so, Judas Icarus and Travis Williams begin to surround the ring. Alexander wants to know why the fans should believe in Maclin. Maclin says that Alexander believed in him. He starts to talk about the nice things Alexander has said about him. Icarus and Williams seem poised to attack and Maclin’s head is on a swivel watching them.

Alexander gets onto the ring apron, as does Icarus and Williams. Alexander talks about Maclin couldn’t hold onto the title. Maclin goes after Alexander, but quickly succumbs to the numbers game of The Northern Armory. Maclin gets his hands zip tied behind his back on the mat. Alexander calls Maclin stupid. Maclin spits in Alexander’s face. Alexander lays Maclin out and then hits the C4 Spike.

Santino Marella and Arianna Grace are in the back. They are talking about the Call Your Shot Gauntlet Match, which will take place at Bound for Glory. Frankie Kazarian interrupts. He demands to be in the Gauntlet Match and says that he’s working on a plan to be involved in the TNA World Title Match at Bound for Glory.

Mike Santana vs. Brian Myers

Mike Santana enters through the crowd and has a chain. He gets in the ring with the chain and lays Myers out with it before the bell rings. Eddie Edwards and JDC run out and Santana takes them out with the chain, as well. Santana hits Spin the Block on Myers with the chain.

Mike Santana grabs a microphone. He says that he’s sick of everyone in The System. He calls out Moose. Moose doesn’t come out. Santana says that since Moose isn’t going to be a man, he’ll go to the back and find him. He attempts to do just that. As Santana walks through the backstage area, Moose attacks him from behind and lays him out. Moose tells Santana to “be careful what you wish for.”

Winner: Match Never Started

Matthew Rehwoldt is sitting down with Jordynne Grace and Masha Slamovich. Grace was the one who asked for this time. She wants an explanation for Slamovich’s actions last week. If Slamovich has been feeling like she has, why didn’t she talk to Grace?

Slamovich wants to know how she was supposed to tell Grace? She’s been focusing on supporting Grace’s accomplishments. Grace says that she won’t apologize for all the great things she’s done recently. She says Slamovich got in her own way by going to the tag division.

Grace talks about how she’s beaten Slamovich in the past and thinks about it a lot. She says that every time she faces Slamovich, it gets harder. Slamovich says that they have both grown a lot and she wants the title more and more. She may not have been able to beat Grace in the past, but she can now.

Grace is happy that Slamovich has found the best version of herself. She has to beat Slamovich, though. Slamovich says that she loves Grace, but will be leaving Bound for Glory as the new champion.

Tom Hannifan starts to talk about tonight’s main event when Frankie Kazarian comes out. He joins the commentary table.

Pick Your Poison: TNA Champion Nic Nemeth vs. Matt Cardona

Matt Cardona has security with him to keep him safe from PCO.

Matthew Rehwoldt gets back from the Jordynne Grace/Masha Slamovich sitdown in time for the start of the match.

They circle each other and lock up. Matt Cardona backs Nic Nemeth into the corner. Nemeth comes out of the corner hot with quick strikes. Cardona is now in the corner. Nemeth goes for a running attack, but Cardona gets his knees up. Nemeth shakes it off, though, and takes full control with a series of attacks.

Nemeth hits Ten Shots to the Heart for a two count. Cardona pushes Nemeth off of him and then strikes Nemeth down. He lays in some punches on Nemeth down on the mat. Cardona shoves at Nemeth’s head. Nemeth tries to fire up, but Cardona cuts it off and throws Nemeth into the corner. Nemeth rolls to the outside. Cardona jumps through the middle and bottom rope, connecting with Nemeth on the outside feet first.

Cardona goes for a Piledriver on the outside, but Nemeth blocks it and hits a Back Body Drop. Nemeth breaks up the referee’s ten count. Cardona joins Nemeth on the apron and pushes Nemeth off of the ring into the steel steps. Cardona enters the ring and the referee starts his count.

Nemeth gets onto the apron at the count of 6. Cardona knocks him off of the apron and goes to the outside. He pushes Nemeth back into the steel steps again. Cardona goes back into the ring and the referee begins his count again.

Nemeth beats the ten count, but Cardona goes on the attack right away, laying in punches with Nemeth on the mat. Nemeth fires back with some punches of his own. Cardona throws Nemeth into the corner sternum first. Cardona works over Nemeth in the corner. Nemeth fights back, but Cardona retains control. Cardona picks Nemeth up and places him on the ropes. He hits a big forearm on Nemeth and then joins him on the ropes. 

Cardona goes for a Superlex, but Nemeth blocks it. Nemeth hits a Facebuster from the ropes. Nemeth tries to stand on the ropes, but Cardona falls into them, knocking Nemeth down. Cardona hits the Reboot for a two count.

Cardona sets up for Radio Silence, but Nemeth avoids it. Nemeth hits a DDT for a two count. Nemeth goes for a Superkick, but Cardona catches it and hits an Impaler DDT for a two count. Nemeth hits a Superkick for a two count. Nemeth goes for Danger Zone, but Cardona fights it off. Cardona goes for a Powerbomb, but Nemeth wiggles out. Nemeth hits the Fame-Asser for a two count.

Nemeth tries to go for a belly-to-back throw, but Cardona holds onto the ropes. The referee tries to break it up. With the referee out of position, Cardona low blows Nemeth. Cardona lines Nemeth up and…PCO’s music plays!

PCO comes out. Cardona’s security gets in his way, so PCO lays them out. Cardona is distracted by PCO. Nemeth hits the Danger Zone for the win!

Winner: Nic Nemeth

PCO grabs Matt Cardona and carries him to the back.

Frankie Kazarian attacks Nic Nemeth in the ring. Joe Hendry runs out to make the save. Hendry and Nemeth double team Kazarian.

Kazarian rolls to the outside and grabs a microphone. He announces that he’s going to be the Special Guest Referee for the TNA World Title Match between Nic Nemeth and Joe Hendry at Bound for Glory.

Thank you for following along with’s coverage of TNA iMPACT! What did you think of this week’s iMPACT!? What are your thoughts on how Bound for Glory is shaping up? Let me know at See you next time!

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