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By Kendall Jenkins on 2024-10-17 07:18:00

Vince McMahon is the subject of much controversy. A documentary about the man behind the WWE is gaining traction on Netflix, Mr. McMahon. Of course, there’s the ongoing sexual harassment scandal concerning former WWE employees. As you can now bet on the US presidential election its gaining even more interest from the markets. Without any say in the WWE Vince McMahon won't be able to push his own political agenda this time, but how have his viewed made their way into the product in the past?

Giving Backlund a Platform in 2000

Bob Backlund worked hard for the WWF in the 1970s and 80s as one of the pre-mainstream stars. Backlund held the world champion title for over 2,100 days, making him one of the most accomplished figures in professional wrestling. However, come the new millennium, he wanted to reinvent himself as a politician. Vince is known to be pro-Republican, so he had no problem welcoming back his former star for a guest appearance in the 2000 Royal Rumble amid his political campaign.

Flattening Out Impersonators of Both Democrats

The US election in 2008 was incredibly important for the Democratic Party, as George Bush was not running after two successful presidential elections. The Republicans put up a relatively weak nominee in John McCain, meaning the Democratic representative would have a great chance to win the election.

Barack Obama and Hilary Clinton were the front-runners. Not wanting to be left out of political relevance, Vince prompted a match between the two candidates. Well, two look-alikes, which made light of both politicians' appearances. Neither of the combatants won as Umaga (an in-character henchman of Vince McMahon at the time) knocked them both out as he interfered with the match. While it seems harmless, it’s a straightforward tactic to try to derail any credibility that the politicians have, as Vince tried to push his Republican preferences on his audience.

PG Content Change in 2008

Vince's wife, Linda McMahon, wanted to leave the wrestling business in 2008 and pursue a political career in the Republican Party. However, she was continually criticised for the WWE’s content, given that the attitude era a few years before had been sexually suggestive, had multiple chair shots to the head and not to mention footage of her taking a tombstone piledriver on steel steps.

The business changed its outgoing TV content to PG-approved to stop such complaints from her counterparts. There might not have been a more evident political move by Vince as he changed the entire content of his product to suit his wife’s career best. However, it didn’t lead to much success, as she ran as a US Senate candidate in both 2010 and 2012; after the latter, she decided to retire from politics.

The 2013 Real American Angle

It’s no secret that Vince McMahon is a Republican supporter and, therefore, couldn’t resist sanctioning a storyline that echoed the Tea Party faction within the Republican institution. This narrative was supposed to be a criminal movement, where the extreme views should have been challenged with boos – yet the wrestling fans were split, leading to some awkward broadcasts when the politically charged lines were applauded. Vince has been known to have total creative control during this era. Was this just his inner monologue?

Siding with Saudi Arabia

The WWE was among the first sports businesses to enter the Saudi Arabian market. This was on Vince McMahon’s watch when he took an exceptional amount of money from the Saudi government for the one-off ‘Greatest Royal Rumble’ event 2018. Vince and his fellow officials implicitly took political stances by accepting money from the government – while also potentially tarnishing his links in the Republican scene, as many called for the WWE to cancel events in the country.

Ties with Donald Trump

You don’t have to look too far to see that Vince was a prominent ally of Donald Trump. In the 2010s, the businessman incarnation of Trump was all over the product – even appearing at Wrestlemania 23. Trump would become US president many years later, making an era of WWE content unwatchable for left-field WWE fans. Vince has more recently been seen with Trump, and the two are known to often go to dinner together.

The Politically Neutral Future

Vince McMahon most certainly had a political agenda. Now he’s out of the business (well, we are told he is), and Triple H is the front-facing CEO of the company. The suggestion is that the company will avoid political jibes and storylines. With changing opinions and acceptances in the broader world, wrestling must adapt, like everything else. Obtuse political opinion, which can divide, serves no purpose but to isolate fans.


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