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By Anthony Pires on 2024-10-16 22:22:00

It’s Wednesday! You know what that means. Actually, given the power shift in AEW this past sunday night, I have no idea what this means. We begin with the somber ending of Wrestle Dream and we see Jon Moxley and crew leaving Washington that night. Moxley said he burned down the forest in order to build a new one. Moxley says we all work for him now. Tony Schiavone and Excalibur are joined by Nigel McGuinness.

Adam Cole comes to the ring. It’s story time with Adam Cole Bay Bay. He tells Roderick Strong, Mike Bennett and MAtt Taven that he has to do this himself. He wants to talk about the worst person ever, MJF. He says anyone who trusts MJF is stupid. He says he knew the real MJF all along. He calls MJF a fake, a scared little boy. Cole puts over the AEW locker room. Cole says he hates MJF and wants to fight him now. 

MJF’s music plays but no MJF. Instead, we get a video. He understands everything Cole said, but he won’t be chewed up and spit out again. He doesn’t understand why the unwashed heathens cheer Cole. MJF vows never to fight Cole. Cole reminds him he can’t hide.

Renee Paquette is with Chris Jericho, who accuses Mark Briscoe of cheating to beat him Sunday. Jericho wants a rematch. That was actually after the match at Wrestle Dream. Live, Rene’ is with Mark Briscoe. Mark says he will give Jericho a rematch next week in Ladder War. Tonight, FTR will face Big Bill & Bryan Keith

FTR vs. Big Bill & Bryan Keith

Dax and Keith kick us off. Headlock/shoulderblock by Dax. Clothesline by Keith. Big boot to the face by Keith followed by a chop exchange. Suplex and a leg drop by Dax. Cash tags in and tackles Keith for 1. Slam by Keith followed by a knee drop. Bill tags in. Hammer forearms by Big Bill. HUGE chops by Bill. Cash with a back elbow and a dropkick. Forearms and a clothesline by Cash. Bill with a Boss Man slam as we go to commercial.

We are back and it’s Keith with a front facelock on Cash. Suplex by Cash. Bill tags in and misses a splash. Dax tags in. Dax hammers away at both Bill and Keith. Short arm lariat by Dax but a huge clothesline by Bill. Cash with an assist. Bill blocks the Shatter Machine. Bill with a powerbomb. Keith tags in. Cutter by Keith a big Boot for 2. Cash and Bill fight on the floor. FTR hits the shatter machine on Keith for the pin.


Rush, Dralistico and Mortos look on from the back.

BUT HERE COME THE OUTRUNNERS. They pose and celebrate with FTR.  

Rene’ is with the Acclaimed and Billy Gunn. They say they’re going to the gym. MVP shows up. He’d like to have a meeting with them. They turn him down. MVP laughs.

TBS Championship: Mercedes Mone’ w/Kamille vs. Queen Aminata

Kamille takes a swipe at Queen’s leg and Mone with forearms. Mone with an armdrag and Aminata reverses it. Vicory roll by Mone, reversed by Aminata. Fallaway slam by Aminata. Kamille pulls Mone out of danger. Aminata slaps Kamille, giving Mone time to attack and ram her into the steps as we go to commercial.

Mone with a surfboard as we return. Elbow strike by Mercedes for 2. Air Raid Crash for 2 by Aminata. Back elbow by Aminata. Backslide for 2 by Aminata followed by a neckbreaker. Leg assisted surfboard by Aminata. Rolling cradles by Aminata for 2. Snap suplex by Aminata. Kick by Mercedes. Double knee stomp by Mone. Statement maker by Mone and Aminata taps out.


We see highlights of the tag team title match from Wrestle Dream. Rene is backstage with Private Party and the Young Bucks. Zay and Quen want another shot. The Bucks turn them down. Stokely Hathaway joins them and still wants to manage them, sort of taunting them.

The Elite is backstage. They mockingly with Kenny Omega a happy birthday. They dump raw meat on a birthday cake.

The Young Bucks & Kazuchika Okada vs. Rocky Romero, Orange Cassidy & Kyle O’Reilly

Reilly and Okada lock up and trade forearms.

Rocky tags in and we have immediate Chaos (Ironic since Rocky and Okada were in CHAOS in NJPW)  

All 6 men battle it out as we go to commercial.

As we return, it’s Cassidy fighting off a Bucks double team

Okada tags in but Reilly tags in as well

O'Reilly with strikes. The Bucks come in to help.

Okada misses the rainmaker

O'Reilly with a guillotine but Matthew JAckson with an elbow drop

Rocky breaks up a pin. Forever clotheslines by Rocky

Okada with a big tombstone piledriver to Rocky

Matthew tags in and the Bucks hit a double elbow.

The Bucks pump up the sneakers.

Cassidy with a double rana to the Bucks.

Stundog by Cassidy

All 6 fight it out. Cassidy slows things down and goes for an Orange Punch

Wheeler Yuta, Claudio Castagnoli and Pac attack Cassidy

The ref calls it off

Jon Moxley joins the fray


Top Flight and Action Andretti try to help. They get beat down. Dark Order tries to help but they are no match. They hand Alex Reynolds from the post. Claudio and Yuta slam the steps into Reynolds. Moxley and company walk off.

Backstage the Elite say what just happened was none of their business. Daniel Garcia confronts them with Private Party.

We see what went down with Swerve Strickland and MVP on Saturday.

Lio Rush w/Leila Gray vs. Shelton Benjamin w/MVP

Shove by Banjamin. Go behind by Rush. Kick by Rush. Shoulder tackle by Benjamin. Rush avoids a clothesline and nails a Pele’ kick. Big PK by Benjamin. Rush goes to the floor as we head to commercial.

We are back and Benjamin is working over Rush in the corner. Shelton misses a dive. Stunner by Rush. Rapid fire shots by Rush. Tope Suicidas by Rush. Another cutter by Rush. Rush misses a frog splash. Leg Lariat by Shelton. Leg roll and a DDT by Rush for 2. Rush to the top. Hiptoss off the top by Shelton. Release German by Shelton. Another Release German and a side kick by Benjamin. Face buster by Benjamin into a powerslam for the pin


MVP sticks a card in Rush’s trunks. MVP takes the mic and tells Rush “good try”. MVP still wants to work with Swerve Strickland.

The announcers tell us that they haven’t been able to reach Darby Allin since Sunday.

Backstage, Swerve and Nana accept MVP’s challenge.

Tony Schiavone is in the ring for a press conference. Don Callis comes out. He’s got Brian Cage and Lance Archer with him. Callis mocks journalists, clearly NOT talking about Mike Johnson. He announces Cage and Archer are a team now. He brings out Kyle Fletcher and Kenosuke Takeshita. Takeshita says some words in Japanese. Until he stood by Archer, i did not realize how tall Fletcher is. Fletcher will not talk about why he did what he did. 

Backstage, Rene is with Mariah May. She’s upset that no one respects her. She wants competition. Anna Jay gets in her face and May runs off as Jay accidentally strikes Christopher Daniels.  

Ricochet is with Rene’. He reminds us that he came to AEW to be a champion.

We see Moxley and Company beating down Dark Order and Top Flight again. Dark Order challenges them.

Jay White w/Juice Robinson & Colton Gunn vs. Christian Cage w/Nick Wayne & his ridiculously hot mother

Cage bails. We have a lockup, they trade chops and Cage is down. White sends him into the buckle and rains punches. Leg sweep by White. LEglock by White. Cage makes the ropes. Ref catches Juice trying to help and ejects him and Gunn. They drag Wayne with them and mother Wayne follows. We go to commercial.

We are back and Cage chokes White with his knee. Neck crank by Cage. Cage tosses White to the floor. White throws him into the rail. They both beat the 10 count. They slug it out. Backdrop by White. Eye poke by White and White connects with punches, Chops by White. DDT for 2 by White. Cage with back elbows and clotheslines White on the top ropes. Reverse DDT on the apron by Cage. Running DDT for 2 by Cage. 

Kip Sabian comes to the ring. White with a rollup for 2. Adam Page comes out as well. Uranage for 2 by White. Cage avoids a blade runner and hits killswitch for 2. Flatliner by White. Saito suplex by White. White with a suplex. Diving headbutt by Cage for 2. Kip Sabian with another distraction. Hangman Page with a buckshot lariat and Cage scores the pin.


Cage celebrates as we go to credits.

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