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By Anthony Pires on 2024-10-02 22:35:00

It’s Wednesday, that means on this very night, 5 years ago, along this same stretch of road in a dense fog just like this. I saw the worst accident I ever seen. There was this sound, like a garbage truck dropped off the Empire State Building…wait, that’s the legend of Large Marge. But it IS the five year anniversary of AEW Dynamite!!!!  Excalibur, Tony Schiavone and Nigel McGuinnes have the call of the action.

Pac, Jon Moxley, Claudio Castignoli and Marina Shafir have ominous words for Wheeler Yuta and Bryan Danielson.

AEW International Championship: Will Ospreay vs. Ricochet 

Do I need to even say that this will be insanity? Lockup, clean break, headlock takeover by the challenger. Backslide for 1 by Ricochet. Takedown by Ricochet into a springboard armdrag. We see a familiar double cartwheel and they go nose to nose. Forearm and chop exchange, Ospreay slinks to the floor. Tope by Ricochet. Rana off the rail by Ricochet. Senton back in the ring by Ricochet. Flip kick by Ospreay. Phenomenal Forearm for 2 by Ospreay. Chop by Ospreay, Ricochet is down. Lariat by Ricochet for 2. Knee strike by Ricochet. Standing Spanish Fly by Ricochet for 2. Ricochet blocks an Oscutter. Chop by Ospreay on the apron. Heel kick and an Oscutter on the apron by Ospreay as we go to commercial.

By the way, MAJOR congratulations to Tony Khan and AEW on the new TV deal.

We are back and they are fighting on the top rope. Super rana by Ricochet, Ospreay lands on his feet. Springboard cutter by Ricochet for 2. Double bird flip by Ospreay, kick by Ricochet. Piledriver for 2 by Ricochet.  Knees by Ospreay. Northern Lights by Ricochet. Stun Dog by Ospreay. Styles Clash by Ospreay for 2. Oscutter for 2 by Ospreay. Hidden blade misses by Ospreay, Ricochet with a hidden blade. Shooting star for 2 by Ricochet. Stomp by Ricochet.  Hidden blade by Ospreay and both men’s shoulders are counted down.


Horrible finish as Ospreay clearly pinned himself here

Tony Khan orders the match to continue.  They trade forearms and kicks. Hidden blade by Ospreay and Konosuke Takeshita runs in and beats down Ospreay and Ricochet.


Backstage: Mercedes Mone’ is with Kamille with Rene’ Paquette. We see a best of video of Mercedes’ best Dynamite moments. MVP interrupts and gives Mone a business card.

Backstage Rene’ is with the Gunn Club. They get attacked by Hangman Adam Page. One of the Gunns gets laid.

Big Bill is in the ring…ERRRRR…Large William is in the ring.  He brings out Chris Jericho, accompanied by Bryan Keith. Jericho congratulates himself on the new TV deal. Jericho is focused on a new era.  Ther Ocho is gone, the Nueve is alive. He challenges Mark Briscoe to an ROH title match at Wrestle Dream. Briscoe comes out and tells Jericho that it sucks that he got pinned in NYC.  Briscoe accepts the challenge.  Jericho remarks that maybe Jay could beat him.  Briscoe with a punch and promises a Briscoe Brothers ass whipping.

We hear from Darby Allin in a junkyard. He relays a story from his youth about bullies spitting on him.  Allin says people are losing faith in him. He puts out an open challenge for Wrestle Dream.

Hangman Adam Page vs. Juice Robinson

WE have a brawl before the bell on the ramp.  Juice with a leather strap and he whips Page with it.. Page gets the belt and whips Juice with it. Into a chair goes Juice. Backdrop by Juice. They are well into the crowd by now. Juice with the advantage and he chases Page to the ring. We are now officially underway. Choke by Juice. We go to commercial.

We are back and it’s Page climbing the ropes. Juice knocks him down. Superplex by Juice.  Elbows by Juice. Jabs by Juice into a lariat. Left hand of god by robinson. Juice misses a cannonball. Action spills to the floor. Spinebuster on the apron by Juice. Cannonball on the rail by robinson. Cross body, Page rolls through and nails a fallaway slam into the buckle. Powerbomb by Juice for 2.  Low blow by Page into a buckshot for the pin by Page


Page takes off his leather belt and chokes Juice with it.  Here comes Switchblade Jay White. Clothesline by the Switchblade and he punches Page. Page bails. White chases and catches him. They brawl in the crowd. Spear through a table by White. 

Rene is backstage and Jack Perry pulls up. Katsayori Shibata shows up and challenges him at Wrestle Dream. Perry with a cheap shot and accepts the challenge. 

We hear from Bryan Danielson backstage ahead of tonight’s main event.

Dr. Britt Baker, DMD vs. Serena Deeb

Lockup. BTW it looks like AEW has a good crowd on hand for tonight. Good to see that. Armtwist by Deeb, foreman carry by Baker.Baker goes for the lockjaw but Deeb escapes. Mariah May is at ringside. Single leg crab by Deeb, Baker makes the ropes. Go behind headlock and shoulder tackle by Deeb. Neckbreaker by Baker. Chop block by Deeb as we go to commercial.

We are back, my apologies as by cable went down for a few moments. Air raid crash by Baker for 2. Deeb with a sweep, kick by Baker. Forearm by Deeb. Deeb to the top. Avalanche air raid crash for 2 by Baker. Lockjaw by Baker and Deeb taps.


Deeb attacks and goes after the knee.  Queen Aminata makes the save.

Rene’ is with Hook.Taz was attacked earlier today. Hook vows to find out who did it.

Christian Cage is backstage. He vows to win the AEW World Title.

Rene’ is with Mariah May.  She runs down Willow Nightingale. Willow shows up and gets in her face. They brawl. Security breaks it up. 

Private Party vs. Already in the ring Iron Savages

This goes about 40 seconds.


Zay has the mic. They vow to be the next AEW World tag team champions. They want the Bucks now.  Here come the Bucks. They accept the challenge for RIGHT NOW.  Oops, not tonight and not in a town like this.

Jack Perry attacks Private Party. It’s a 3 on 2.  Shibata runs down and makes the save. Christopher Daniels comes out and makes a 6 man tag for Rampage. 

Rene’ brings out MVP. Prince Nana interrupts. Shelton Benjamin shows up to stop Nana from attacking MVP

AEW World Championship & AEW Continental Championship (Continental Title on the line for 20 minutes): Bryan Danieslon vs. Kazuchika Okada

We will have a significant overrun tonight. Staredown, lockup. Okada gets the edge, Danielson reverses it. Clean break. Test of strength, Okada rolls through, Danielson tries a short arm scissors but Okada escapes. Side headlock takeover by Okada as we go to commercial. 

We are back with another test of strength. Punches and forearms by Okada. Danielson takes him down and pounds him with elbows. Okada with a flapjack. Neckbreaker by Okada. Into the buckles goes Danielson. Back elbow by Okada, he has slowed the pace down tremendously. Uppercuts by Danielson. Danielson with a diving headbutt misses. Money Clip by Okada. Danielson with an armdrag. Okada with a DDT for 2. 

We are 13 minutes in. 7 minutes left before the Continental Title is no longer on the line. Eye rake by Okada. Danielson misses a charge, an Okada dropkick sends Danielson to the floor. Into the rail goes Danielson. Boot to the face by Okada. Okada gets sent into the rail. Running boot to the face by Danielson.  Dropkick by Danielson into a tope suicida. Shotgun dropkick by Danielson back in the ring. Yes kicks by Danielson. Okada blocks the Labell Lock. They trade uppercuts. Palm strikes by both men. Big dropkick by Okada. Elbow off the top by Okada. Triangle choke by Danielson. Danielson with elbows. Labell lock by Danielson at the 19 minute mark. Okada to the ropes. Busaiku knee by Danielson as the first 20 minutes have elapsed, only the AEW World Title is on the line now.

The match spills to the floor. Okada with a piledriver as we go to commercial.

Welcome back. It’s Okada missing a dive. Chops and kicks by Danielson. Dropkick by Okada. Yes kicks by Danielson. Danielsonwith kicks to Okadas head. Rainmaker by Okada out of nowhere. Now they trade forearms. Okada gets the edge. Danielson fires up. They trade Busaiku knees. Danieslon with a rainmaker.Anvil elbows aaaaaand my cable goes out….

As we come back Jon Moxley and Wheeler Yuta are in the ring. Danielson attacks Moxley and we have a brawl. Danielson and Yuta remain in the ring. Yuta has the mic and challenges Claudio and Pac to a match next week:


We go to credits

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