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By Mike Johnson on 2024-10-02 19:46:00

Independent talent Kelly Madan was knocked out and may have been injured tonight during the filming of a Ring of Honor match In Pittsburgh, PA prior to Dynamite going on the air. is told that Madan was wrestling Lady Frost and in the last spot of the bout, was hit with a spinning move off the ropes, but it appeared Frost's legs landed on her head or neck.  After the referee made the three count, Madan was described as "obviously being out" and didn't move, at which point AEW's medical team, Frost and the referee all surrounded her.

We are told that as AEW medical checked on Madan, the house lights were darkened. 

One fan in attendance relayed Madan was taken out on a backboard after AEW loosened the ring ropes. will update as we confirm more and send Madan, who has worked for WWE and AEW on television before, our best wishes.

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