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By Adam Cardoza on 2024-09-27 10:40:00

Wrestling Open “Dangerous Minds”

9/26/24 Worcester, MA

Spotlight Match: Julius Draeger vs Brother Greatness

Draeger has a huge test against an opponent he could conceivably beat. Brother Greatness might have a date with Krule this weekend but he doesn’t wrestle at Open very often so he might have some rust tonight. Draeger is absolutely keeping the heat on, trying to grind the preacher down but a series of holy chops and a top rope bulldog put the newcomer down and sends BG in the weekend with a W. 

Match 1: Nick Robles vs Bobby Orlando

Nick still has that cowbell and donks it with zero rhythm and negative finesse. So I hate him. Mom is back and definitely rallying the crowd early with some high energy shenanigans and sick tricks. Robles guts him and lays in some shots and a powerslam for two. He tries a famouser….bobby bomb! Sick trick cutter for three!

Mom on the mic. He had something to say…but he can’t muster the words. He apologies and says he’ll get back to this later.

Match 2: Alec Price vs CPA

Price continues to murder our faves. Tonight, it’s the taxman. But he might kill the sound guy first for playing his old theme music. CPA throws his shirt in the face of the northeast beast and Price just goes feral. CPA finally catches him on the top. Form 1099! It’s time to crunch numbers? Price out to the floor! CPA with a baseball slide! Price kicks the rope and crotches CPA into the buckle. VERTICAL BRAINBUSTER INTO THE TOP BUCKLES JESUS CHRIST!!! Price punts CPA into the head so hard and gets the three. That was a f***ing brutal finish.

Match 3: Prodigal Sons (Lucas Chase & Sammy Diaz w/ Brother Greatness) vs Brick City (Julio Cruz & Victor Chase) (No DQ)

No one is wearing wrestling gear tonight. This is gonna be a FIGHT. And the fight flies right out into the crowd and to the bar. Church is thirsty work! This is just an all-out brawl as they bounce off every flat surface they find themselves in front of. Chase X2 wind up in the ring after several minutes but Julio cuts Lucas off..big double attack in the corner! Kick out! Sammy left in a pile on the outside. Julio grabs a pair of chairs! Lucas dodges a standing conchairto! Sammy with a crossbody body! Victor gets sabu’d. Sammy unloads on Victor! Lucas blasting Julio on the outside! Steep dive from the heavens! They hit Cruz with their new finish! They aren’t done…and that lets Victor cut off Sammy. Julio with a low blow to Lucas…and smashes him in the back of the head with a brick. Cruz steps on Lucas and easily gets the three. Brick City just reminded Worcester and the entire Wrestling Open tag team division just how ruthless they can be. Brother Greatness runs down from commentary to try and bring Lucas back to life. 

 Bryce Donovan walks in with the same zero energy he always does now. He grabs the mic. He’s very irritated at everyone that got in his way from escaping during the no escape match against Ryan Clancy a couple weeks back. That seems reasonable? Maybe? Anyways, Bryce is also going to go on a tear of killing everyone who “got in his way”. Starting with Jermaine Marbury. 

Match 4: Bryce Donovan vs Jermaine Marbury (w/ Benny the Basketball) 

Bryce with a blindside as Marbury takes off his jersey. Marbury weathers an early beatdown, Bryce eats buckles. Marbury tries the ankle breaker but Donovan blasts a lariat. Marbury can’t seem to put more than a couple moves together as Bryce is waiting for that ankle

Breaker and keeps countering it ! Marbury finally hits a top rope air Jordan! Running splash for two! It’s starting to look like Marbury is having ankle issues now? Did he go for that move too many times??? Bryce with a popup bomb! Swinging powerslam for the win! Bryce reiterates that he’s taking everyone out…permanently! He stomps out Jermaine and hits a huge chokeslam! Bryce grabs a rope hook from his gym bag! He wraps it around Marbury hand and snaps it back. Jesus! The medic runs over to check on Marbury’s hand. Will he able to compete in the future? 

Match 5: Ray Jaz vs Landon Hale

Jaz is on a 1-loss losing streak and this is TOO MUCH FOR HIM. He’s got an all

American challenge. It’s a 7-minute scramble. If Hale can beat him in 7….he gets the key to Jaz’s Jersey Shore house. Does anyone even WANT that? Ray Jaz has collegiate wrestling headgear??? Ray with a quick takedown. He even offers Landon his back before quickly switching the position on him. Hale is VERY confused as to what kind of wrestling match this is. The crowd is confused too. Jaz gets driven to the ropes and Jaz changes gear: he’s mad now and ready for a real fight. This is what Landon was waiting for! High knee! Springboard stunner!  Landon goes for the SPO driver but Jaz slides out of the hold…he traps the legs and gets Landon’s shoulders down and this is mercifully over. 

Match 6: Brett Ryan Gosselin vs Fancy Ryan Clancy

We might have last seen BRG is a favorable light but he is back in Worcester in full d***head mode. The real story here is what Clancy is gonna do with that Call Your Shot contract. BRG is looking to remind everyone just who in the hell he is and that he shouldn’t be overlooked. Clancy is doing his damndest though is just counter everything and frustrate the Victorious one. BRG with a knee to the back of the head and Clancy goes tumbling to the floor. Swinging neckbreaker for two. Clancy eats the post…BRG comes running…right into the KO dropkick for three!

And just as we think there’s reason to be happy tonight, Channing Thomas hits the ring to pummel Clancy. He teases the piledriver but opts to KO Clancy with his own dropkick. The fancy man is left laying as World Class makes his exit.

Match 7: Swipe Right (Ricky Smokes & Brad Baylor) vs Iron Savages (Bulk Bronson & Beefcake Boulder) 

Ricky is NOT HAPPY about being in t***y city tonight. Brad is taken to Boulder town early as well. Swipe Right is getting left in a pile. Of course, Baylor goes for the eyes but it’s not like Boulder isn’t a huge man that will plow him over blind. Huge second rope shoulder tackle! Stereo press slams to Swipe Right. This is wonderfully cathartic. Ricky saves Brad from a trip into Beefcakes chest. Bulk body tossed for two. Swipe Right staying on Bronson and keeping him far away from his corner. Swipe right avoid a Mack driver but it lets Bronson escape…hot big man tag! Beefcake is an unstoppable dump truck! Double fallaway slam! Earthquake style running basement crossbody! Huge sitout chokeslam! Swipe right getting murdered but keep kicking out! Brad is about to eat chest….Ricky takes the shot. Brad sent Bronson flying. Ricky rolls up beefcake and obviously it up on the ropes for leverage. What a f***ing theft.

We may be mad but at least Ref Bill got in on the action too!



Main Event: Pedro Dones vs Big Bacon Brad Hollister(c) (for the Wrestling Open Championship)

Brad is uber confident but Pedro brings him right to the corner. Pedro lighting up the champ with hard chops. Dones batters him around the ring, through the crowd as they light up with his “WE” catchphrase. Hard lariat from Bacon. Brad yells “ME!” as he hits a snap suplex for two. Pedro with an airplane spin Samoan drop for two! Hip attack and powerbomb from Brad for two! He goes for the jackhammer but the crowd gets under his skin and Pedro is able to knock him to the floor! Brick City hit the ring but Pedro knocks them off the apron….Brad hits a pedigree for the w…PEDRO KICKS OUT! Brad goes for the kill but Pedro locks in a cobra clutch! Brad runs them into the ref! NOW Brick City can attack without repercussions. The prodigal sons hit the ring to even the odds! Brick City on a tear but Sammy manages to wipe them out with a swanton to the floor! Brother Greatness is coming to the ring! He feigns like he’s going join Big Business but it’s a trick! Dones and BG hit a huge double shot to Bacon but the ref can’t count fast enough! Bacon dodges a flying headbutt and Brad hits the tornado jackhammer for the win and you can feel the life just get sucked out of the room. 

Bobby Orlando is out here?!? Did his failed comments earlier have to do with the Open champ?!? He has some unfinished business with Bacon. He loves Wrestling Open and all of us fans. He has a great time being a goof…but he will do ANYTHING to fight for Open. And he’s sick of Brad insulting the people of Worcester…and he’s REALLY sick of Brad calling himself the GOAT. Bobby is the GOATEST. Brad says he’s not just giving out title shots anymore. Bobby needs to EARN his shot and we’ll find out who the goat is.

Denver Colorado is in the ring to thank everyone and let us know that tonight marks THREE consecutive years of weekly Thursday night wrestling in Worcester. Wow!


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