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By Mike Johnson on 2024-09-21 15:41:00

In regard to rumors of Penta and Rey Fenix, The Lucha Brothers having signed with WWE, we noted back in August on that there would be interest in them if they ended up "free and clear" of AEW contractually.  While the team has not been at AEW as of late, we are told by a source close to the team that they have been in communication with the promotion and are available to wrestle if needed.

As I noted in my Q&A yesterday, they are both also still under contract to AEW, so there is no way they could have legally signed with WWE.  There is an expectation that when their deals expire, they are WWE-bound but as of right now, legally, they could not have signed with anyone else.

So, while they could be WWE-bound, nothing can or will happen until (or unless, pick your poison) their AEW deals expire.

As I said, I addressed this in my Q&A but readers are still asking, so if you wrote me, there's the deal.

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