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By Mike Johnson on 2024-09-20 10:00:00

Do you find it funny people are lathering themselves up over the Puck reporting of the potential AEW deal when these same folks were attacking past Puck reporting because they had Nick Khan on a podcast?

No, fan is short for fanatic and usually the more fanatical one is about something, the less logical and sane they approach the thing they love.  I see it all the time with sports, comic book and Star Wars fans as well.  When someone loves something THAT much, they want to defend it against anyone "outside the circle" and rally it on to victory.  Right or wrong, while I think it's silly, I can understand it, but there are times when the biggest fans of something can often be a detriment to the thing they are trying so hard to champion.  I am happy they have something that important to them in life, though.

Is it true the Lucha Brothers have signed with WWE?

As of this writing, they are still under AEW deals, so they couldn't have signed anywhere else.  There is an expectation that when their deals expire, they are WWE-bound but as of today, legally, they could not have signed with anyone else.

Any chance WWE uses Jesse Ventura or Cyndi Lauper for Saturday Night's Main Event?

I would think that's the best use for Jesse, who they have been discussing a Legends deal with.  I haven't heard anything about Lauper but I really like the idea of her and Wendi Richter making some sort of appearance.

With rumors the Nassau Coliseum will be replaced by a casino, could the WWE SNME event be the final one in the arena?

It's a possibility, but there's always a chance AEW runs there as well.  The wrecking ball isn't 100% guaranteed as of this writing

Is there anything to the Damian Priest claim that Marvel was interested in him for a film project and WWE blocked it?

100% there was interest in him for the second Black Panther film, but once WWE was contacted, the discussions dissolved.  This was the previous ownership. not Endeavor.

If WCW and ECW hadn't closed down, what wrestlers that were signed at the time do you think would have received bigger pushes in those companies than they did in either WWE or TNA? .

In WCW, you could see they were getting ready to push Jason Jett. Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, Kevin Nash, etc. were all set to return and you know they would have been the top dogs. I could have seen Lance Storm settling into a top role as well. It's interesting to note that WCW had planned on grabbing some talent from ECW as well, so some of those names may have been pushed too.  There was talk of trying to get Joey Styles and Don Callis as the new announcing team and of Steve Corino coming in at the time as well.

In ECW, CW Anderson would have gone babyface as Tommy Dreamer's ally and partner. The top feud was to have been RVD chasing Rhino and the Tag scene would have been built around Steve Corino (assuming he had stayed) and Justin Credible as a team facing off with Doring & Roadkill. Jerry Lynn would have been a top heel and I suspect the TV Champion, possibly feuding with Anderson. Low Ki, The Backseat Boyz, The SAT, and The Amazing Red would have been brought in as well, so there would have been a new generation of talent.  You'd have likely seen CM Punk, Eddie Kingston and Homicide migrate there as well, but that's just me guessing.

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