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By Cory Strode on 2024-09-18 22:23:00

It is Wednesday and Dynamite is in Wikes-Barre, PA. Our commentary team is Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and Taz.

We see Jon Moxley, Marina Shafir and Claudio Castagnoli have arrived as has Darby Allen, and they will be confronting each other tonight.

Orange Cassidy w/Mark Briscoe and Kyle O’Reily vs Chris Jericho, w/Bryan Keith and Big Bill

Jericho is NOT wearing the orange juice stained jacket. When the bell rings, all six men are in the ring throwing hands. We quickly get to just Cassidy and Jericho in the ring, but Cassidy leaps from the second rope onto everyone on the floor. Briscoe leaps as well and Jericho acts as if he is going to dive, but waves at the fans instead. Cassidy leaps into the ring and hits an Orange Punch on Jericho in the ring for two.

Cassidy is able to dive onto Jericho on the floor, they brawl on the floor and then back into the ring when Cassidy gets another two count. Cassidy goes to the top and Jericho is able to meet him there. Jericho is knocked down and tries for a diving hurricanrana, but Jericho catches him and puts him in the EWalls of Jeircho. Jericho reverses it for a cradle for two. Jericho blocks the spinning DDT and slams Cassidy for two. 

They brawl in the corner and Cassidy fights Jericho out of the corner. Jericho whips Casidy to the other corner and then knocks Casidy to the floor. Jericho grabs a camera and films as he lays in boots to Jericho. Cassidy is rolled into the ring and Jericho hits a double axe handle from the top. They trade blows in the middle of the ring and Jericho is able to knock Cassidy down, hit a lionsault, and cover for two. 

Cassidy is able to hit Stundog millionaire with a Michinoku driver for two. Cassidy goes to the top and when he leaps, Jericho gets the knees up and when Jericho charges at Cassidy, Cassidy is able to dump him to the top. He leaps onto Jericho for a DDT, and Jericho instead catapults him into the barricade. Jericho pulls Cassidy onto a road case by the timekeeper's area and backdrops Cassidy through the timekeeper’s table as we go to picture in picture.

When we return to full screen, they are throwing punches and both collapse to the mat. Cassidy is able to drop Jericho when they get to their feets and stomps him down in the corner. He tries for an Orange Punch, and Jericho takes him down with a clothesline for two. They fight in the corner and then fight on top and Cassidy head butts Jericho to the mat and hits a diving crossbody. He tries for a DDT and Jericho turns it into the walls. Cassidy makes it to the ropes for the break.

Bill kicks Cassidy from the floor and Jericho covers and Kyle attacks Bill and they fight to the back. Jericho hits a Death Valley Driver for two. Jeircho starts giving Cassidy mocking kicks and Cassidy is able to get to his feet and hits a DDT. Cassidy gets the spinning DDT. Cassidy then goes to the top and gets a diving DDT for two.

Cassidy calls for the Orange Punch and Jericho hits a Codebreaker for two. Cassidy dodges the Judas Effect and hits a beach break for two. Keith hits the ring and gives Jericho a roll of quarters, but Bricoe and Keith fight to the back. Cassidy kicks Jericho, and catches the roll of quarters and hits Jeircho with an Orange Punch for the pin and the win.

Winner: Orange Cassidy

Cassidy puts the quarters in his pocket before the ref sees it.

We then see that last week, Pac, Mox and Claudio told Wheeler Yuta he is still part of the trios champion and needs to remember his responsibility to them.  

In the back Alex Marvez asks him about it, and he is conflicted and has worked his whole career to be a champion. Yuta says you don’t change who you are just because everyone around you changes. He says next week, he will kick whoever’s ass he has to.

Roderick Strong joins commentary as Hook comes to the ring.

Hook vs The Already In the Ring JD Ink

Well, that was a lot of suplexes until we get a Redrum and a tap out.

Winner: Hook

Alex is with Private Party and they are ready to challenge for the Trio championships, and they are still looking to get revenge on Mox. 

Renee Paquette is with Christian Cage and the Patriarchy. Cage says he wants Nick Wayne to hold gold at the same time as him. He says he will take the World Title whenever he wants it. He then sees Kip Sabian and starts yelling at him and says if he keeps following him, he’ll put him in the ground.

Serena Deeb and Mariah May vs Yuka Sakazaki and Queen Aminata

For those who haven’t been watching Collision, Deeb has reverted to her heel persona.

Yuka and May start off but Deeb tags herself in before they lock up. Yuka gets a head scissors takedown and Deeb gets a shoulder tackle. Yuka counters a dragon screw for two and they trade two counts. They reset and run the ropes with Yuka getting a rolling mare into a kick. Aminata tags in and they double team Deeb.

May is too busy to pose with her title belt for Deeb to get the tag. Deeb gets a dragon screw in the ropes and then runs into Aminata in the ropes. May does get the tag this time and gets a drop kick. May poses as Yuka does as we go to picture in picture.

When we return to full screen, Aminata gets a big back body drop onDeeb and Yuka tags in. May gets in the ring and gets a hurricanrana, a northern lights bomb on Deeb, and then drops May on Deeb for two. That sets off the tag team siren and everyone is hitting German suplexes on eachother. Yuka gets a merry go round slam. Yuka leaps on Deeb and May.

Deeb is rolled into the ring and Yuka gets the magical girl splash, but May nails Yuka with the belt right in front of the ref.

Winners via DQ: Yuka Sakazaki and Queen Aminata

May beats down Yuka with the belt. 

We then get a video from Mina Shirakawa, and she doesn’t know what has happened to May, but MIna is coming.

We get a lot of hype for Nigel McGuinness and Byran Dnielson’s possible match next week at Grand Slam, and we get a video package after some technical difficulties

It is time for Jon Moxley to come to the ring. Asw he, Shafir and Claduio come to the ring, they are attacked by Private Party, who don’t do well in that brawl. Komander shows to help and he gets taken out by Claudio. Alex Abrahantes is also attacked and beaten down. MOx grabs a hammer and says he could end their careers if he wanted, but he won’t. He says after 5 years, they are in the same place, and he’s going to give them some friction. He attacks Zay with the hammer. 

Darby attacks Mox with a skateboard out of nowhere. They get in the ring and Shafir tells Claudio not to interfere. Darby chases Mox from the ring and tells Mox he is not the same guy Mox knew 5 years ago. He will beat Mox next week and become the next world champion at Wrestledream.

Next is a hype video for Jack Perry.

Ricochet vs The Beast Mortos

Ricochet attacks quickly with strikes and kicks. When the ref pulls him off, Mortos takes over with attacks of his own. Ricochet gets a back elbow and a kick as Mortos is charging, and Ricochet leaps onto Mortos on the floor. Mortos is rolled into the ring. Ricochet hits a springboard clothesline followed by a running shooting star press for two. Mortos gets an arm drag and they trade quick attacks at each other

They reset and Ricochet gets an insigiri and knocks Mortos to the floor. He dives and Mortos catches him and rams him into the ring apron as we go to picture in picture.

When they return to full screen, Mortos has been beating down Ricochet, but Ricochet gets a tiger feint kick. After Ricochet tries for more high flying attacks that don’t hit, Mortos gets a pop up samoan drop for two. Mortons gets a pair of kicks but Mortos stops him with a head butt. Ricochet blocks a monkey flip and Mortos. Ricochet leaps onto Mortos and then reverses a power bomb into a destroyer and both men are down.

Mortos is rolled into the ring, Ricochet gets a springboard 450 onto Mortos for two. Ricochet goes to the top and Mortos sweeps his legs. They fight on the top and Morros press slams Ricochet off the top. Ricochet is able to escape a slam into a crucifix bomb. Ricochet hits his reverse DDT for the pin and the win.

Winner: Ricochet

Tony Schiavone is in the ring to interview Adam Page. He asks Page about when Page said he would attack anyone who was on Swerve Strickland’s side. Page says he knew there would come a day when Swerve was gone and others would have to pay as well, who protected and supported Swerve.

He says he is surrounded by people who would cheer Swerve. He then says there was a voice coming from the commentary desk. Tony starts to say Jeff Jarrett, but Page says it was Tony he was talking about.  Jarrett shows up to attack Page and they brawl around the ring with Page taking control. This turns into a pull apart brawl as security hits the ring. 

Jarrett says he will not allow Page to attack Tony. And there are a lot of people to go after Page, and he is at the front of the line.

In the back, Renee is with Ricochet and Will Ospreay interrupts. Renee leaves and Ricochet says since he got to AEW, everyone is calling him out, and people are more worried about him than they are about Will. He challenges Will for a match at the 5 year anniversary for the International Championship.

Will Ospreay, Kyle Fletcher, and Konosuke Takeshita vs The Young Bucks (Matt and Nickl Jackson) and Kazuchika Okada

Don Callis joins commentary

Kyle and Nick start off with Nick attacking immediately, but Kyle gets a big clothesline. They run the ropes and Opsreay gets a blind tag. They get a wishbone on Nick. Okada is tagged in and Takeshita calls for the tag, but Ospreay stays in. They run the ropes, and Okada gets a shoulder tackle and Klye immediately kips up. 

They run the ropes and Takeshita tags himself in, which sets off the tag team siren and everyone is in the ring. The Bucks and Okada get a synchronized senton into a pose and then slide out of the ring to pose. Ospreay’s team hits dives on all of them and we go to picture in picture.

When we return to full screen, Ospreay has been the babyface in peril and gets the hot tag to Kyle, who cleans house. Kyle nearly gets the pin with a brain buster on Nick. Okada tags in and he and Kyle throw hands. Kyle gets a Michinoku driver and tags in Takeshita. Takeshita hits a big clothesline and then an elbow in the corner followed by a brain buster. Takeshita hits a senton from the second rope for two.

Okada hits a DDT and the Bucks knock Takeshita’s partners off the apron and then set to attack Takeshits in the corner. Takeshita dodges and the Bucks and Okada take each other out. Takeshita is able to cover Oakda for two, broken up by the Bucks. The Bucks hit a superkick party on Takeshita and he shakes it off and takes them down with a clothesline. 

All six men are down and Takeshita and Okada are up. Okada is up first and gets a neck breaker on Takeshita for two and they go to picture in picture.

When we return to full screen, The Bucks are double teaming Takeshita. The Bucks and Okada pose to flip off the fans. Takeshita dodges a EVP trigger and suplexes both of the Bucks at once. Takeshita tags in Ospreay, who runs wild. Ospreay runs into a superkick party. The Bucks drape him on the top rope, leap onto his back and springboard him into a power bomb for two.

Impressive move there.

The Bucks pump up their shoes and it gives him time to recover. They trade kicks and the Bucks are able to get more blows and drop him for two. They set for an EVP trigger and hit Matt with a spine buster into a jack knife pin for two. Kyle tags in and it’s time for everyone to get a big move on the last person. Kyle is left in the ring and the Bucks double team him, but Kyle is able to escape and get a twisting pile driver on Matt for two, broken up by Nick. Ospreay gets a hidden blade on Nick and they hit the coriolis on Matt for the pina dn the win. 

Winners: Will Ospreay, Kyle Fletcher, and Konosuke Takeshita

Ospreay calls for a handshake with Takeshita, who refuses the gesture. 


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