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By Cory Strode on 2024-09-14 00:45:00

It is Friday and AEW Rampage was recorded after Dynamite at the Rupp Arena in Lexington KY. 

Our commentary team is Tony Schiavone, Matt Menard, and Excalibur.

Dark Order (Evil Uno, John Silver, and Alex Reynolds) vs Mark Briscoe & Orange Cassidy & Kyle O'Reilly 

Alex and Briscoe start off Alex gives Briscoe a big slap and Briscoe lays in chops. Cassidy tags in quickly and they give him a double suplex. Cassidy covers for one. Alex lays in a chop and then hits a big boot on Cassidy as Silver tags in. They give Cassidy a double team slam, Uno enters the ring and they give Cassidy a triple drop-kick. Briscoe and Kyle are knocked to the floor and the Dark Order pose for the crowd. Silver slams Cassidy and goes for a second slam, but Cassidy escapes out the back and then walks to his corner to tag in Kyle. Kyle hits Silver with a series of kicks, but Silver gets in a strike and knocks him to the Dark Order’s corner. 

Kyle is able to whip Silver to the opposite corner and tags in Cassidy, who comes off the top with a flying elbow. Silver shoves him into the dark Order’s corner and Silver accidentally slaps Alex. As they argue, Cassidy goes to the top, tags in Briscoe and Uno and Alex take a drop-kick from Cassidy and Briscoe works Silver back to his corner. Briscoe’s team works over Cassidy in the corner. Briscoe goes to the top and is knocked to the floor by Alex. 

Silver is able to kick Kyle in the back of the head, and Cassidy hits the ring for the DDT, but Silver stops it and tries to slam Cassidy. Cassidy turns it into stundog millionaire. Uno kits the ring and tosses Cassidy at Silver, and Cassidy is able to get the DDT from that. Cassidy then tries to hit Uno with an Orange Punch, but Uno dodges and nails Cassidy with Something Evil. Briscoe gets a series of kicks and hit s an insigiri. Alex nails Briscoe, and Briscoe hits Alex with a clothesline as we go to picture in picture.

When we return to full screen, Alex is running wild on Dark Order with kicks. He tags in Cassidy and they team up for kicks on Alex. Cassidy is pulled out of the ring and everyone is fighting on the floor and in the ring. Dark Order hits a combo attack on Cassidy for two, broken up by Kyle. Cassidy dodges a triple bomb from them. Cassidy hits a hurricanrana on Uno and Alex. This leads to dives by Cassidy's’ team. 

Alex is rolled into the ring and Briscoe hits a Jay Driller for the pin and the win.

Winners: Mark Briscoe & Orange Cassidy & Kyle O'Reilly 

Lexi is with Matt Taven and Mike Bennett and they have asked to speak to Dustin Rhodes and Sammy Guevara. Taven and Bennett say that all of Texas interferes with their matches and they are sick of seeing Rhodes and Guevara with their titles. They ask for a rematch in a fight without honor. Sammy defends Dustin and Dustin tells them not to talk about their family, and if they want another shot at the titles, next Saturday they should show up if they have any balls.

Kamille vs the Already In The Ring Robyn Renegade.

Kamille beats the living tar out of Robyn. Kamille ends it after three minutes with The Truth, a power slam with the person slammed into the mat on their front for the pin and the win.,

Winner: Kamille

In the back, Christopher Daniels says he is doing his best to offset The Elite. He says that Jack Perry has an open challenge for the TNT title and he is accepting that challenge for tomorrow on Collision.

Roderick Strong w/Matt Taven and Mike Bennett vs. Beef w/Anthony Henry

This is Beef’s first appearance on AEW after working Ring of Honor and is related to Anthony Henry of the Workhorsemen

They lock up and break quickly. Strong grabs a side headlock and is shot into the ropes. Beef drops him with a shoulder tackle. They trade blows and Beef ends it with a drop-kick. Strong hits a forearm as we go to picture in picture. 

When we return to full screen, they are back to throwing hands and the crowd is chanting for Beef. Beef drops Strong with a right hand and then hits a double underhook back suplex. Beef gets two splashes in the corner and bulldog for two. Beef keeps throwing hands. Beef is tosses to the corner and he goes up and over. He goes to the other turnbuckle and Strong kicks him in the face and hits an avalanche suplex from the top for two.

Beef gets a splash in the ropes and Strong is draped on the middle rope. Beef hits a splash on Strong's back and then takes out Taven and Bennett. When Beef returns to the ring, Strong hits a rising knee for the pin and the win.

Winner: Roderick Strong

We then get a video from Vincent and Dutch and they are a dimly lit candle in the corner of a dark house. Dutch says we’re all here because we’re not all there. They challenge the House of Black.

Saraya & Harley Cameron vs The Already In The Ring Allysin Kay and Marti Belle

Belle takes most of the punishment for the first part of the match. She gets a hot tag in Kay and Cameron takes her out, but Saraya gets a blind tag, hits the Nightcap for the pin and the win.

Winners: Saraya and Harley Cameron

Jamie Hayter charges to the ring, but Saraya bails and lets Cameron take the shot from Hayter before she bails as well.

Konosuke Takeshita w/Don Callis vs. Action Andretti w/Top Flight

Don Callis does NOT join commentary. Weird. 

They lock up and Takeshita forces them to the ropes. When they break, Takeshita pie faces Andretti. They trade waistlocks and Takeshita gets a top rope assisted arm drag. Andretti gets an insigiri. Andretti sets to kick Takeshita on the floor and Takeshita grabs him and slams him to the floor and whips him into the steel steps. Takeshita gets a few punches and tosses Andretti into the steps again. 

Takeshita pulls Andretti into the ring and lays in chops in the corner. Takeshita puts Andretti on the top and they fight there. Takesita hits a superplex from the top for two as we go to picture in picture.

When we return to full screen, Takeshita tries for a knee, but Andretti grabs the knee. Yakleshita grabs at the eyes and Andretti is knocked into the ropes. He comes off with a leaping back elbow. Takeshita goes to the apron, and Andretti gets an insigiri and Takeshita goes to the floor. Andretti gets a senton on the floor and then dives from the ring onto Takeshita. Andretti tosses Takeshita into the ring.

Andretti misses a 450, and Takeshita gets a German suplex and a lariat for two. Takeshita goes for a power bomb, They go back and forth in the hold until Andretti gets a hurricanrana and holds on for two. Andretti missed a running shooting star. Takeshita dodges all of Andretti's moves until both men are down. Andretti gets a shotgun drop-kick that barely moves Andretti. Takeshita hits a blue thunder bomb for two.

Because no one wins with a blue thunder bomb.

Andretti crawls to the corner and Takeshita gets a big back elbow. Andretti gets a leaping kick on Takeshita in the corner and then hits a hurricanrana. Takeshita cuts off his comeback with a big blwo when Andretti tries for a springboard. He covers Amdretti for two and then pulsl him up. Takeshita then hits the Raging Fire for the pin and the win.

Winner: Konosuke Takeshita

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