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By Mike Johnson on 2024-09-10 09:40:00

Siince Joe Tessitore announced last night that WWE's Monday Night Raw would revert back to two hours next month through the end of its run on the USA Network, a number of readers have asked why.

Obviously, WWE is leaving for Netflix in January, but they needed a home for Raw until then.  When made their short-term deal with the USA Network, the deal was for two hours of Raw, not three.  The goal was to keep Raw running weekly and with the move to Netflix and the bounty they will received for those rights, what the company was making for the short two month window that is October through December was not as important as keeping Raw in place through 1/5/25, when they make the great leap to Netflix.  The company also wanted be a good partner to USA, especially since they would be continuing that relationship with Smackdown airing on Fridays.

For those who have asked whether Raw will revert back to three hours come January for the Netflix leap, we have not been able to lock down a definitive yes or no on that.  Some in the company have played coy when asked while others have suggested that they will have the ability to be flexible with the length of the show depending on what is needed that specific week once they move to streaming.  So, stay tuned on that. 

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