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By Mike Johnson on 2024-09-09 12:43:00

The Daily Mail featured a piece on Dave Bautista's weight loss to look leaner on screen at this link.

Zelina Vega was trending for a good part of the weekend on Twitter as fans were pointing out how similar Mercedes Mone's look at AEW All Out over the weekend was to the outfit Vega wore at Backlash in Puerto Rico earlier this year.

Former WWWF stars Manny Soto and Davey O'Hannon will be doing a free signing on Sunday 10/6 in Allentown, PA at Ag Hall as part of the Allentown Spring show.  There will be 8x10s anf photo opportunities for $5 each.

Hulk Hogan will be appearing in Swansea, MA to promote his new beer.

The Barry Horowitz memoir has been delayed to 12/5.  Promotional material for Wrestling Is My Gimmick: My Life on the Wrong Side of the Three-Count:

For someone whose career spanned nearly four decades, Barry Horowitz might have the lowest winning percentage in professional wrestling history. But there's a reason why his name reached household levels among fans of the sport. Wrestlers who put on a deliberate losing performance (known as "jobbers") provide the starting points for the game's top names, and Horowitz was always there to help every new generation of talent rise to the next level. He took all the moves. He made them all look good. He absorbed every pin and submission. And then he came back to do it for someone else. From the local federations in Florida to years in the World Wrestling Federation, Horowitz helped launch the careers of wrestlers from Ric Flair to the Ultimate Warrior to Kane to Bill Goldberg, and everyone in between.

This book presents the life and career of Barry Horowitz. From his life outside the ring to his storied career in professional wrestling's most unsung role, this biography hopes to shed light on why Horowitz was so committed to an industry who sometimes failed to return the favor. From Horowitz comes a tale of defining one's own success and doing the best for the toughest of businesses--and about becoming a cornerstone in a part of pro wrestling that's commonly underrated, but an integral part of the trade!

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