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By Cory Strode on 2024-09-07 13:03:00

It is Friday and AEW Rampage is live in the Now Arena in Chicago, IL.

Our commentary team is Tony Schiavone, Matt Menard, and Nigel McGuinness.

The first 12 minutes of the show is the ending of the big 8-man match at the end of Collision, so head over there to read that recap!

In the back, the Outrunners are celebrating their first TV win when Jon Moxley and Marina Shafir show up and beat them down with Mox saying this is what he is talking about and they need to check their ego.

Queen Aminata vs The Already In The Ring Missa Kate

Aminata wins quickly with a headbutt leading to the pin and the win.

Winner: Queen Aminata

We get a hype video for MJF vs Daniel Garcia at All Out.

Dustin Rhodes, Sammy Guevara, and Hologram vs the Dark Order (Evil Uno, John Silver and Alex Reynolds)

Hologram and Evil Uno start the match. Uno calls for a handshake and then kicks Hologram. Uno tries to grab Hologram who keeps dodging him in the corner. Hologram gets a big kick, and Alex tags in and they run the ropes. Sammy tags in and they double-team Alex with Hologram getting a DDT and Sammy getting an insigiri. 

The Dark Order goes to the outside and Dustin’s team poses as we go to picture in picture.

When we return to full screen, Sammy tags in Dustin and he runs wild. After giving everyone a power slam, he tags in Sammy and all six men get in the ring to throw hands. The Dark Order win the exchange and they triple team Hologram, who is the legal man after a double tags. Hologram and Sammy get a series of double team moves ending in moonsault from the top onto Uno and Silver. Everyone gets a big move on Alex, and Hologram gets the pin after a 450 splash.

Winners: Dustin Rhodes, Sammy Guevara, and Hologram

The Bang Bang Gang is in the back and Austin says he doesn’t have a nickname. Brian Cage, Toa Leona, and Bishop Khan show and insult him and they get in each other’s faces to set up a match on Zero Hour tomorrow.

In the back, Lexi is with Top Flight and Shane Taylor Promotion, and Undisputed Kingdom show to say they are the third team in the match. 

MxM Collection (Mansoor and Mason Madden) vs House of Black (Brody King and Buddy Matthews) 

They are followed by “judges” for the Fashion Fight, scoring poses. They are, of course, dressed ridiculously.

Mansoor and Buddy start off with Mansoor posing and getting 10s from the judges. They lock up and when they break, Mansoor gets a pose and three more 10s. Mansoor tries for a sunset flip and Buddy tossed him to the corner. When they break, the judges give Buddy low scores. Buddy is able to get a big shoulder tackle and tosses Mansoor, and the judges give low scores again.

Madden tags in as does King. Mansoor tags back in and lays in a chop. Which is ignored by King and scored a 10 by the judges. King knocks Mansoor out of the ring and he gets lower scores, so he rips up the judge’s numbers. King follows him to the floor, gives him a big chop and holds up a 10. We then go to picture in picture.

This is a decent comedy bit after three hours of action, but as a main event?  Not good placement in the show. This would be better as a bit in between to other matches. Oh, and the “Friends turning 30 ad” has worn out its welcome tonight.

Buddy has been kept in the ring by MxM’s quick tags. Mansoor springboards into a big knee by Buddy and both men are down. King and Madden both tag in and they charge into each other and then move to throwing hands. When King picks up Madden, Mansoor pulls him down and gets a big thrust kick. King takes him down with a clothesline. Madden gets a big headbutt and King sends Madden into the corner.

King gets the cannonball with a cover for two. Mansoor is attacking Buddy on the floor, so King grabs him and pulls him up, but Mansoor gets a jawbreaker to escape. Buddy tosses a chair at his head and the ref is distracted. Madden gets a chokeslam for two. Mansoor is tagged in and King shoves them into each other. Buddy tags in and cleans house. Mansoor goes for a chokeslam, but Buddy twists out of it. Buddy then gets a superplex on Mansoor from the top and they hit Dante’s Inferno for the pin and the win.

Winners: House of Black

We end the show with a promo from Will Ospreay where he talks about their history, and where ever he showed up, they told him he was good, but he wasn’t Pac. But now he’s not just caught up with Pac, he’s lapped him. 

We then get a rundown of All Out and go into the All Out hype special. 

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