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By Mike Johnson, Cory Strode & Richard Trionfo on 2024-09-07 04:02:00

AEW will present All Out 2024 tonight.  Here is our take of what should happen!

Willow Nightingale versus Kris Statlander in a Chicago Street Fight.

Mike:  My feeling is Statlander wins to set up a big rematch at Arthur Ashe in their hometown.  

Cory: Willow got the big win at the All In and the match was mostly for the crowd to see Stokely Hathaway get squashed. This one will be more serious, and I look for them to brawl all over the place.  Statlander has gotten a few wins so it is time for Willow to get revenge. Stokely got beat up last time, this time, Statlander will be the one losing so that Willow can go on to her next step on the ladder.  

Richard: I am not excited for the stipulation for this match because we have so many street fights in professional wrestling and I want something unique for a PPV. Since there is already a steel cage match, they can't do the exploding Bounce House Match I wanted Willow to announce. This will not be the final match in this feud and will probably go on until one of these women leave the company. I assume Stokely will try to get involved but Willow will stop him and Statlander will be unable to take advantage of that situation and Willow gets the win.

Daniel Garcia versus MJF.

Mike:  Unless Garcia has signed a new deal, MJF has to beat him.  If Garcia signed, then he should shockingly beat MJF in convincing fashion.  MY gut is MJF goes over.

Cory: Normally, when someone comes back, they get the big win, but AEW does swerve on that from time to time. We did have MJF beat Garcia down on Dynamite, MJF just lost to Ospreay, and we have not heard that Garcia has signed a new deal. I think this is pretty odd, since Garcia’s promo was very “Rah rah AEW”, so I have to wonder if he has signed a new deal and they are just keeping it quiet. Still, I have to keep that in mind while I think about this, and while Garcia has a lot of upside, MJF needs to win a big match to make up for losing in Wembley, so I see him beating Garcia. 

Richard: If the goal of this match is to reintroduce Garcia into the AEW landscape, he should win the match. If this is just a temporary stop on the Daniel Garcia farewell tour out of AEW, MJF should win. I hope we get the ass kicking, NO DANCING Daniel Garcia in this match and that he makes MJF's life a living hell for fifteen to twenty-three minutes. The way that he has been used, I expect to see something or someone cause MJF to win the match through underhanded means. While I expect that to be the finish, I hope I am wrong and Garcia gets the win.

Swerve Strickland versus "Hangman" Adam Page - Lights Out Unsanctioned Cage Match.

Mike:  This is apparently going on last and gut is that Page wins after Swerve almost has him beat but loses focus because now Page is the one who has beaten him psychologically.  All I ask is please no drinking of the blood, that was the most horrifying thing ever and I don't think my stomach ever recovered - and I've sat through a lot of death match tournaments live in my youth.  They could always do the Rocky finish where they beat the hell out of each other so bad, they collapse and it has to be stopped by order of the State or whoever, but I think that would leave the show flat in most cases.  Page continues his evil turn to the dark side and comes out the victorious arsonist?

Cory: Page has lost at every turn of this feud, and Swerve just dropped the World Title to Bryan Danielson. Will they have Page lose?  And if he does, can they have yet another round between these two? Page burned down a house that Swerve bought, and the video of Swerve buying the house was the most babyface thing Swerve has done in the company.  I can’t see them beating Swerve down twice in a row, but if Page loses, he is pretty much shown to be ineffective in the ring. With all of that in mind, I have go with my gut and say Swerve loses to try to elevate Page back to where he was before he won the title. His new violent, out to cause pain heel persona is one that can use, and Swerve can start the slow climb back to the top if done right. 

Richard: Why let arson stop a match from happening. (I have decided to not use 'fire' related puns in my thoughts, but I will be disappointed if Burning Down the House, Fire, or Firestarter is not Page's entrance music for this match). If there is ONE WRESTLING MOVE in this match, they have failed. Swerve should want to murder Page (but if he is successful, that won't stop their next match) and Page should want to do everything to get further into Swerve's head while trying not to be murdered by Swerve. This is not the end of the feud but what is the next step for these two men? They are not at DEFCON 1 yet, so let's get there by the end of the year. Page wins because he will burn down Tony's house if he doesn't win.

Wheeler Yuta and Claudio Castagnoli versus The Young Bucks for the AEW World Tag Team Championship.

Mike:  Claudio is amazing and Yuta has always been real good in the ground and pound, technical sense of professional wrestling, dating back to the ROH Pure Title tournament during the pandemic, so they should mesh very well in terms of making The Young Bucks really have to fight against them and not just be the bases for the Buckery superkick and flying stuff.  This could have the potential for being excellent.  I just don't see the titles changing here, but I like that idea.

Cory: The Bucks won at All In, and rarely defend the belts. The crowd is hot for Claudio and Yuta, and I think it’s far past time for Claudio to get a AEW title.  However, they beat The Elite rather handily on Dynamite when they clashed, so I have to think the Bucks will cheat to win and continue the story fo the Elite trying to get ALL the belts.  The Bucks win. 

Richard: Would AEW have the balls to pull the trigger on a title change and give Wheeler and Claudio two titles? How will that affect Pac when they defend the Trios titles? Will Nicky and Matty connect with more than 20 super kicks during the match? Will Matt and Nick show more effort than their fellow Elite member Okada in his match? Do I have any more questions about this match? I think the Bucks retain because why not.

Hikaru Shida versus Mercedes Mone for the AEW TBS Championship - Kamille is barred from ringside.

Mike:  I think it was way too soon to do a Kamille should be banned deal, she JUST came to the company and it's not like this was a Britt rematch after Kamille did something heinous.  This should be a good match on paper but my feeling is they telegraphed the ending - Kamille, perhaps in disguise, interferes after a ref bump to give Mone the win.

Cory: As a fan, I want Shida to win. She’s awesome in the ring, has had solid runs as Champion, and is now calling herself The Ace after Tanahashi.  I also think Mone being the aggrieved heel is something they need to add to her arsenal, as her match at All In didn’t get over.  Having Kamille banished gives Mone an excuse for losing and can focus her in another direction.  However, they had Shida stand tall after beating BOTH Kamille and Mone after her match on Collision, which is usually a sign the babyface will lose, so I am reluctantly thinking Mone wins.

Richard: Since Kamille is banned from ringside, that means she will find a way to show up during a ref bump or some other magical distractiference moment that allows Mone to retain the title. This should be a decent match but what is next for Mone?

Kazuchika Okada versus Mark Briscoe vs. Orange Cassidy vs. Konosuke Taleshita for the AEW Continental Championship.

Mike:  I am all for a Mark Briscoe win over everyone, but my feeling is Okada retains.  There's a lot of talent here so if they give it enough time, this could be fun.

Cory: This will be a big crazy four way, but Okada isn't losing the title any time soon. 

Richard:  Okada finds a way to win the match, but this should set up a singles match between Okada and Takeshita.

PAC versus Will Ospreay for the AEW International Championship.

Mike:  Man, you know these two are going to go all manic and insane with aggressively wrestling each other and soaring overhead.  I expect this to fit the breathless action junkie part of the show, but in the end, Ospreay is the future here and I don't see him losing to PAC two weeks after getting the title back.

Cory: This will be the match of the night, with Pac’s brutal style vs Ospreay’s athleticism. I expect the two of them to tear the house down, do a lot of spots that make you think someone has gotten seriously injured and in the end Ospreay will win. 

Richard: Two British wrestlers battling for Commonwealth supremacy two weeks after the UK PPV. This should be a good match between two wrestlers who will not hold back. I could almost see this opening the show to get the crowd excited for the rest of the show. I can't see them taking the title off Ospreay so soon after winning it. We move closer to the anticipated "DO THE SPOT" match between Ospreay and Ricochet (where I hope they don't do the spot).

AEW TNT Champion Jack Perry versus Bryan Danielson for the AEW World Championship.

Mike:  I don't see Jack Perry winning the title, but I do see Danielson giving him one of the best matches of his career.  Are we going to see Christian Cage cash-in and ruin the night after Danielson wins or does he do it at Grandslam and ruin Darby's title shot?  Inquiring minds want to know!!!

Cory: There is no way Danielson loses before Wrestledream. I get they are pushing Perry to the moon, but he is not going to be the one Danielson loses his career to.  I expect Danielson will pull a good match out of Perry, but then Danielson could have a good match with a broomstick.  

Richard: I am trying to think of a scenario where Jack Perry beats Bryan Danielson in a wrestling match and there is a better chance of the White Sox winning the World Series this year. The only way that Perry wins the title is if there is outside interference or some sort of Buckery that costs Danielson. I don't see that happening. Danielson can put this one behind him and prepare for Darby Allin in New York.

Undisputed Kingdom versus Top Flight and Action Andretti versus Shane Taylor Promotions and The Beast Mortos on Zero Hour

Mike:  Top Flight gets the nod here.

Cory: This is the big “get a bunch of people on the show” match. None of these teams have beef with any of the other teams, so I will call it for Top Flight, since they have gotten a soft rebranding recently.

Richard:  Even though this is Zero Hour, it is nice that they have Mortos on the show because I enjoy his work (it would be nice if he won a match [unless they are giving him the Takeshita path]).  Another person I am happy to see get on Zero Hour is Roderick Strong.  If this match focuses on those two, then I will enjoy it.  Maybe with Mortos teamed with Taylor and Moriarty, they might get the win.  I think the team that is getting pushed the most of the three will get the win so give it to the flight attendants.

Bang Bang Gang versus Gates of Agony on Zero Hour

Mike:  Bang Bang.

Richard:  Maybe if they embraced the Orlando TNA days and brought in the six sided ring, we could have combined these two trios matches and even added another team to the match.  What did House of Black do to be kept out of TriosMania?  Could they have added Pure Fusion Collective to this match?  I have been thinking for four minutes about what to say about this match and all I can think is stuff will happen and someone will win.

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