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By David Roux on 2024-09-07 02:01:00

I attended Smackdown.  Here are some live notes:

-The crowd was pretty full only a couple sections in the top of arena hard cam side was empty.

-Cody was over on that entrance and live it was amazing...note to WWE keep the fireworks, it makes the show better 

During the package for Monday's Raw in Calgary, live in the building the fans booed (calgary and edmonton have a large rivalry)

Not sure why WWE aired a package about USA College football titles in the building during a commercial....In Canada, a hockey nation, we do not even get college football.

After Smackdown ended, Dominik Mysterio took on Kofi Kingston. 

Sami took on Bron Breaker in a very fun Edmonton Street Fight.  Bron won the match and after went to attack Sami and got put into the table instead..  After the match sami grabbed the mic said some words about wrestling in canada in front of home crowds and said even those he is a Montreal Canadiens fan (which got boos) he still loves performing across Canada as if it was his hometown.  Kevin Owens came out and also said some words thanking the fans to send them home happy.

On a personal note in the section I was in, a couple drunk fans got into it and police and security had to get involved. The guy with two young kids was escorted out because he threw a punch at the drunk guy who was lipping off and the police witnessed it.  The drunk guy was allowed to stay and then just after the Bron match, he got into it with another guy and was crying to security.  Other fans in the section kept yelling at him to stop crying.


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