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By Cory Strode on 2024-09-07 01:57:00

It is Friday and AEW Collision is live in the Now Arena in Chicago, IL.

Our commentary team is Tony Schiavone and Nigel McGuinness.

We get a recap of Adam Page burning down the childhood home of Swerve Strickland.  We are told Jon Moxley and Marina Shafir have arrived.

Mark Briscoe vs Lancer Archer for a spot in the Continental Championship 4 way at All Out.

Archer attacks Briscoe as he comes out and beats him down to the ring. He then drops Bricscoe back first on the barricade. Briscoe gets in a few shots in and they get into the match. Briscoe comes off the ropes into Archer, but Archer does go down. Archer tosses Briscoe to the floor. Briscoe is busted open and Archer tosses him into the barricade.

Archer beats down Briscoe on the floor. Briscoe tosses a chair into the ring after dodging a cannonball from Archer. He then uses the chair to launch himself to the floor onto Archer. Briscoe chokes Archer on the floor with his shirt, breaking before the ref counts him off. He rolls Archer into the ring for a one count. Briscoe is whipped into the ropes and Archer gets a pop-up powerbomb as we go to picture in picture. 

When we return to full screen, Archer is beating down Briscoe in the corner and knocks Briscoe to the floor. They fight on the floor and Archer gets a chokeslam on the apron. He calls for a second and Briscoe fights him way free. He then gets a flipping neckbreaker from the apron onto Archer on the floor. Briscoe rolls Archer into the ring, gets a Death Valley driver and a frog splash for two. Briscoe caller for the Jay Driller and Archer is able to block it. Briscoe fights out of a chokeslam and runs into a big boot. 

Archer gets a chokeslam followed by a buckle bomb and a spinning side slam for two. Archer puts Briscoe on the top and joins him there. They fight on the top and Briscoe slaps Archer to the mat. Briscoe gets a flying elbow for one. Briscoe hits a sliding lariat and a second flying elbow, this time for the pin and the win.

Winner and in the Continental Championship Match at All Out: Mark Briscoe

We see Chris Jericho, Large William and Bryan Keith. We see Tomohiro Ishii is in a heap at his feet, and Jericho says it is time for Ishii to go back to Japan.

The Grizzled Young Veterans (James Drake and Zach Gibson) vs Iron Savages (Bounder and Bronson) w/Jacked Jameson 

Gibson and Boulder start off. Boulder gets a big boot after Gibson yells at him. Gibson escapes out the back from Boulder lifting him and nails Boulder with a drop-kick and wraps his legs in the ropes for Drake to get a running kick into it. Drake lays in a series of blows on Boulder and Gibson tags back in. They try for a double suplex, but Boulder suplexes them instead and tags in Bronson.

Bronson gets on Boulder’s shoulders, but Drake gets a chop block, knocking them both down. They dump Boulder to the floor. Bronson clotheslines Drake to the floor, and then gets a short arm clothesline on Gibson. Gibson is able to tag in and they get a two-man flapjack into the ropes, hit him with the hi lo for the pin and the win.

Winners: The Grizzled Young Veteran

We then hear FTR’s music and they are on their way to the ring. When they get to the ring all four men throw hands, and GYV are driven from the ring. Jameson raises FTR’s hands in victory so they hit him with the Shatter Machine because SOMEONE needs to take that move tonight.

Next is a promo reel for the Pac vs Will Ospreay match at All Out.

Lexi is with Orange Cassidy and she asks him how he is handling the pressure and a full schedule. Cassidy says his schedule is full, but his backpack is empty. So he will beat Brian Keith tonight and win Okada’s belt in his backpack as well as the $7,000 Jericho says he owes him.

Orange Cassidy vs Bryan Keith for a spot in the Continental Championship 4 way at All Out.

Cassidy looks like he is starting with pockets, but instead he hits a shotgun dropkick and a dive to the floor instead. Cassidy hits a second dive. He pauses and hits a third dive, following by whipping Keith into the barricade. He keeps rolling under the ropes to break the count and then pouches Keith into the barricade. Cassidy keeps up the attack on Keith on the floor until Keith gets a headbutt and then slams Cassidy’s hand into the steel steps.

Keith takes over with kicks and strikes on the floor as we go to picture in picture.

When we return to full screen, Keith and Cassidy are fighting in the middle of the ring as Keith is trying to keep Cassidy’s hands out of his pockets. Cassidy starts hitting drop-kicks and then kicks in the corner. Cassidy then hits a drop-kick in the corner. Keith uses Cassidy’s injured arm to whip him to the mat. Keith tries for a butterfly suplex and they go back and forth until Cassidy gives him a back body drop. Keith tries for the pin, but Cassidy gets a running kick. Keith gets a big suplex and then runs into a big boot in the corner. 

They fight to the top, and Cassidy lays in elbows to knock Keith to the mat. Keith gets a suplex into the corner and then a Michinoku Driver for two. Keith goes back to the injured arm of Cassidy. Cassidy gets an inside cradle for two. Keith blocks the spinning DDT. Cassidy gets the stundog millionaire followed by a beach break for two. 

Cassidy calls for the Orange Punch. Keith knocks it away and hits a big knee strike for two. Cassidy is able to get the Orange Punch, the spinning DDT and then goes to the top for a DDT from the top for the pin and the win.

Winner: Orange Cassidy

In the back, Jericho says he will keep Cassidy’s backpack until he gets the $7,000 for his jacket.

We then get Lexi with Mercedes Mone and Kamille. Mone asks why Christopher Daniels is all up in her business. And while Kamille is banned tomorrow night, she’s not banned tonight.

The Outrunners (Turbo Floyd and Truth Magnum) w/Erica Lee vs The Already In The Ring Davey Bang and August Matthews

This is a HUGE shift, since it is usually the Outrunners who are Already In The Ring, if you know what I mean and I think you do. The Outrunners have never won a TV match.

The Outrunners run wild and win with Total Recall on Matthews for the pin and the win.

Winners: The Outrunners

Renee Paquette has a sit down with Willow Nightingale and Kris Statlander. Kris says when Willow got to AEW, she gave Willow a title shot. She lost her title without being pinned and who won the title, Willow. And when Willow was champion, she never gave Kris a title shot. Willow says there was one factor that wasn’t there before, Stokley Hathaway, who got in her ear. Kris says that has nothing to do with how Willow never helped her after Kris had helped her.

Willow says all that matters is making Kris pay. Kris says she will give Willow the physical scars to match the emotional ones Willow gave her.

Konosuke Takeshita vs The Beast Mortos for a spot in the Continental Championship 4 way at All Out.

Don Callis joins commentary.

Takeshita keeps showing Mortos, who howls at him. They then charge into each other and fight to the corner. Mortos gets blows, a kick, and a power slam on Takeshita. Takeshita dumps Mortos to the floor and then dives onto Mortos. Takeshita whips Mortos into the barricade and then lays in blows. Takeshita controls the fight on the floor.

Takeshita rolls Mortos into the ring, but Mortos knocks Takeshita to the floor with a big punch and then hits a tornado dive onto Takeshita on the floor. They fight again, this time with Mortos in charge., They return to the ring and Mortsos charge, and Takeshita dumps him up and over the top rope. They fight on top and Takeshita gets an avalanche suplex as we go to picture in picture.

When we return to full screen, Mortos is in the middle of a flurry of offense with a big headbutt and then a backbreaker followed by a Samoan drop for two. Takeshita blocks a clothesline and hits a German suplex. Takeshita hits a Blue Thunder Bomb for two because the Blue Thunder Bomb never wins a match. 

Takeshita puts Mortos on the top and joins him there where they fight. Mortos gets a leaping slam for two. Takeshita sends Mortos into the ringpost from the inside of the ring. He follows with a German suplex and misses a clothesline. Mortos hits a spear for one. Mortos runs into a forearm, but then hits a discus lariat. They both try a headbutt and both men are dazed and down. Mortos goes for a Samoan drop but Takeshita reverses it and follows with a running knee and the Raging Fire for the pin and the win.

Winner and the final addition to the Continental Championship Match at All Out: Konosuke Takeshita

In the back, Saraya and Harley Cameron say they will be going after Jamie Hayter. 

We then get a promo from Mariah May, and says the best way to get to know a woman is to make her scream at her feet. She hasn’t had her championship celebration yet, but there is a Pay Per View tomorrow.  

Deonna Purrazzo vs Hikaru Shida

They lock up collar and elbow and break with neither getting an advantage. They lock up again and Purrazzo drives them into the corner where she kicks Shida down. Shida picks the leg and gets a jack knife cover for two. They roll back and forth for two counts. They work to their feet and Shida lays in a series of kicks. Shida starts getting punches in the corner, but Purrazzo carries them out. Shida escapes and Purrazzo is able to pull Shida into the turnbuckles head first twice as we go picture in picture.

When we return to full screen, Shida and Purrazzo trade blows. Shida gets a shotgun dropkick bouncing out of the corner and then lays in blows on Purrazzo in the corner. Shida is able to get ten in the corner and end s it with a slam into the mat for two. Shida goes to the top and Purrazzo moves out of the way. Purrazzo tries for an arm bar, and when she locks it on, Shida rolls through to escape. Purrazzo holds on to get a slam for two. 

Purrazzo tries for a slam and Shida escapes, shoves Purrazzo into the ropes and grabs a stretch muffler. Purrazzo escapes and Shida gets a series of kicks and a Falcon Arrow for two. Shida gets the Katana kick for the pin and the win.

Winner: Hikaru Shida

Mone comes to the ring, but Kamille attacks Shida from behind. When Mone gets to the ring she grabs the Kendo stick. Shida is able to dodge the hit and Kamille takes the hit instead. Shida grabs the Kendo stick and mails Mone. Shida blocks a backstabber from Mone and hits a Katana on Mone. 

FTR is in the back with Alicia Atout, and they say the last two weeks GYV attacks them from behind, and then they ran off when FTR started to get the upper hand. They challenge the GYV to a match on Collision next week. 

Lexi is with The Acclaimed and Max says that they have beat all of the best teams and teams need to be looking out for them. The MxM Collection show, make fun of them and say they will win their match tonight and The Acclaimed need some fashion tips. 

Claudio Castagnoli, Wheeler Yuta, Pac, and Bryan Danielson vs The Young Back (Matt and Nick Jackson), Jack Perry and Kazuchika Okada

Bryan and Okada start off the match. Perry is tagged in and he is reluctant to get into the ring. Bryan is maneuvered into The Elite’s corner and they work him over. Matt tags in and Bryan fights him into his own corner where Yuta tags in. Yuta gets a side slam and they force Yuta to the Elite’s corner where Nick is tagged in. The Bucks double team Yuta before Matt leaves the ring. Yuta gets a scoop slam and a senton for two. 

One part of the story of the match is that Perry isn’t even on the apron for most of the match. 

Pac is tagged in and He gets a drop-kick and a snap mare for two. Nick escapes and tags in Matt. Matt gets a kick in the corner, but Pac reverses it and works over Matt in the corner. Claudio is tagged in and he hits a scoop slam as well. Claudio gets a double stomp and loses his balance but does not fall. He puts Matt on the top rope and Bryan is tagged in for a leaping knee in the back of Matt. Yuta is tagged in for a shoulder tackle, Pac is tagged in for a standing moonsault for two. 

This causes the tag team siren to go off and everyone is in the ring. The Elite get beat down in separate corners and we go to picture in picture.  

When we return to full screen, Bryan has been the babyface in peril through the break. The Tag team siren goes off again and after a bit of a brawl, Bryan is knocked to the floor. The Elite set to other members of his team in position on the ropes and Nick leaps onto all of them. Pac is covered by Matt for two, as Pac grabs the rope for the break. 

Pac is now trapped in the wrong corner, but Matt starts mocking him and beating him down. They keep up the pressure on Pac with quick tags. Pac is able to run the Bucks into each other and gets a backbreaker on Nick to be able to get the hot tag to Claudio.

Claudio runs wild, Yuta joins him and the Bucks pre-empt the Big Swing. The Bucks get an assisted sliced bread on Claudio for two. Okada is tagged in and he lays in kicks. This wakes Claudio up and they throw hands. Okada gets a scoop slam and goes to the top. Claudio dodges Okada’s leap and they struggle to suplex each other. Claudio finally gets a stalling vertical suplex on Okada.

Bryan has finally recovered and he is tagged in as Perry is tagged in. Perry reluctantly gets in the ring and Bryan beats him down. Perry forces Bryan in the corner and beats him down. They run the ropes and it’s time for everyone to get a big move on the last person in the ring. It ends with Bryan getting a shotgun drop-kick from the top on Perry. 

Bryan lays in the Yes kicks on Perry. Perry gets a quick rollup for the two and Bryan goes for the Yes lock and the Bucks break it up. Everyone is brawling in the middle of the ring. We end up with Yuta and Perry. They throw hands and Perry tags in Okada. They throw hands as well and Okada hits a drop-kick. Okada misses a rainmaker, but the Bucks hit superkicks and Okada gets a tombstone for two, broken up by Claudio.

And now, it’s dive time. Well, Okada stops short and gives everyone the finger. Pac kicks Okada out of the ring and dives onto the pile. Okada is rolled into the ring and he hits a 450 springboard from the apron for two. Pac lays in big kicks on Okada in the corner. Bryan tags in and they trade uppercuts in the middle of the ring. 

Pac tags in when Bryan gets the upper hand. Their team works over Okada with quick tags. Bryan gets a shotgun drop-kick from the top and then starts for the surfboard, but Okada gets to the ropes to break it. Pac tags in and charges into Okada for two and we go to picture in picture.

When we return to full screen, Pac was kicked in the back of the head to break the brutalizer on Okada. Claudio tags in and reverses Okada trying for a tombstone. The Bucks try to break it up and get put in tombstones by Yuta and Pac, and Bryan guards the ring and Perry stays on the outside. 

Claudio goes for the Ricola bomb, but Okada reverses it to a back body drop. Nick is tagged in and leaps into Claudio’s arms. Yuta is tagged in and hits a double team slam for two. Yuta and Claudio go to the corner for their next move and Perry gets in the ring and spears Claudio.  Bryan goes after him, and Perry takes off through the crowd with Bryan chasing him. 

Nick suplexes Yuta from the top and both Bucks hit the EVP tripper on Yuta for two with Pac breaking it up. Okada gets a DDT on Pac on the floor. Claudio stops the Khan Driver and Nick takes the Giant Swing before Yuta stops it with the drop-kick for the pin and the win.

Winners: Claudio Castagnoli, Wheeler Yuta, Pac, and Bryan Danielson

And the show has bled into Rampage!

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