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By Richard Trionfo on 2024-09-06 22:30:00

Your announcers are Byron Saxton and Blake Howard.

Match Number One:  Izzi Dame versus Layla Diggs

They lock up and Dame with a clean break.  Izzi with a waist lock take down.  Diggs with a head scissors take down and an arm bar.  Izzi with a forearm and she sends Diggs into the turnbuckles.  Layla flips over Izzi and connects with a forearm but she slips in the ropes and Izzi takes care of her and she connects with a forearm tot he back.  Izzi with a back breaker over the shoulder and Layla gets to her feet.  Izzi with a forearm into the corner.  Izzi sends Layla to the apron and Layla with a shoulder to the midsection and she flips into the ring.  Izzi blocks a head scissors take down and she hits a back breaker.  Izzi with a forearm to the back.  Izzi with a hard Irish whip.  Izzi with a back breaker for a near fall.  Izzi with an Irish whip and a back breaker and she stretches Layla over her knee.  Layla with knees to get away from Izzi.

Layla with an inside cradle for a near fall.  Layla with a jaw breaker Layla goes for a spinning back heel kick but Izzi blocks it and hits Sky High for a near fall.  Izzi with a back breaker over the shoulder.  Layla gets to her feet and she connects with an elbow and a kick.  Layla goes to the turnbuckles and she goes for a cross body but Izzi catches Layla.  Layla counters a side slam with a crucifix for a near fall.  Layla with a slam for a near fall.  Layla goes to the turnbuckles for a moonsault and she lands on her feet but falls to the mat when Izzi moves.  Izzi with a boot to the head and a uranage side slam for the three count.

Winner:  Izzi Dame

Lainey Reid and Dani Palmer are in LOCKER ROOM and Dani says she is impressed with Reid's work.  She challenges her to a match.  Reid says she would be honored.  

Match Number Two:  Lainey Reid versus Dani Palmer

They lock up and Reid with a knee to the midsection.  Dani with a side head lock and a side head lock take down.  Reid with a head scissors and Dani with a rollup.  Dani with a seated splash and a side head lock.  Reid with a shoulder tackle.  Dani with a head scissors that sends Reid to the floor.  Reid with a dragon screw on the apron and she slams the leg into the apron.  Reid wraps the leg in the rope and she connects with a forearm in the corner.  Reid kicks the back of the leg and she gets a near fall.  Reid runs into a back elbow.  Reid with a knee breaker and a belly-to-back face plant for a near fall.  Reid with a Boston Crab and Dani tries to get to the ropes but Reid pulls Palmer into the center of the ring and she goes for the ankle.  Dani with a rollup for a near fall.

Dani with a back slide for a near fall.  Reid misses a boot in the ropes and Dani with a punch and knee lift.  Dani with a drop kick and an enzuigiri.  Dani with a splash to the back and she goes to the turnbuckles.  Dani with a frog splash for a near fall.  Reid with a thrust kick and a twisting cross body for a near fall.  Reid with a dragon sleeper but Dani escapes and connects with a kick.  Dani goes up top and hits a twisting moonsault for the three count.

Winner:  Dani Palmer

Sarah Schreiber is with Drake Morreaux and she asks about his match with Dante Chen.  He says he knows why Dante is called the Gatekeeper.  He fells short the last time they met.  He says he has studied the tape and he has watched Dante because he knew he would face him again.

Match Number Three:  Dante Chen versus Drake Morreaux

They lock p and Chen with a hammer lock.  Drake with a front face lock.  Chen with a wrist lock into an arm bar.  Chen holds on to the arm bar.  Chen turns it into a top wrist lock.  Drake overpowers Dante and connects with a shoulder tackle.  Drake with a front face lock.  Drake with a take down for a near fall.  They go to a Greco Roman knuckle lock and Chen goes to the turnbuckles and he gives Drake a wrist lock take down followed by a drop kick.  Drake blocks an arm drag.  Chen with an elbow and Drake with a drop kick.  Drake with a splash into the corner and an Irish whip followed by a splash.  Drake with an Irish whip and Chen with a boot but Drake blocks it.  Drake with a punch and shoulder in the corner.  Drake with a short arm clothesline and a springboard splash for a near fall.

Drake with a full nelson and Chen escapes but Drake locks it back in.  Chen escapes and kicks Drake away.  Chen with chops but Drake tries for another full nelson.  Chen with an elbow but Drake with a running boot for a near fall.  Drake returns to a full nelson.  Chen gets to his feet and he backs Drake into the corner but Drake holds on.  Chen tries again and has the same result.  Chen uses the turnbuckles to float over and he gets a near fall.  Chen lands on his feet on a suplex attempt and Chen with a kick.  Chen runs Drake into the turnbuckles and he chops and punches Drake.  Chen with a forearm and a clothesline.

Chen with a running forearm and an elbow.  Drake blocks a thrust kick but Chen with an enzugiiri.  Chen sends Drake to the floor and Chen with a suicide dive.  Chen sends Drake back into the ring and he goes for a springboard move but Drake catches him and hits a choke slam for a near fall.  Drake misses a springboard splash.  Chen with a kick to the head and he sets for the Dragon chop and connects for the three count.

Winner:  Dante Chen

We go to credits

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