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By Richard Trionfo on 2024-09-06 12:37:00

Your announcers are Wade Barrett and Blake Howard.

Match Number One: Dante Chen versus Skylor Clinton

They lock up and Clinton sends Chen to the mat on a break. Chen with a wrist lock and Clinton goes for a slam but Chen escapes. Chen with an arm drag and a second one into an arm bar. Clinton with a knee to the midsection followed by a shoulder tackle. Chen with a flying shoulder tackle. Clinton with an Irish whip but Chen goes to the turnbuckles and Clinton catches Chen and hits Snake Eyes. Clinton with a clothesline for a near fall.

Clinton runs Chen’s eyes across the top rope. Chen with a back elbow but Clinton with a knee and European uppercut. Clinton with a slam and he hits a diving head butt to the ribs for a near fall. Clinton with a waist lock. Clinton with a Northern Lariat. Clinton with a power slam for a near fall. Clinton with a waist lock and Chen with back elbows to escape. Chen goes for an O’Connor Roll but Clinton holds on to the ropes. Clinton with a head butt.

Clinton with a uranage for a near fall. Clinton works on the neck. Chen gets back to his feet but Clinton sends Chen back to the mat. Clinton misses a diving head butt. Clinton with a waist lock and Chen with a take down. Chen with punches and a chop. Chen with a clothesline. Chen with a reverse atomic drop and thrust kick. Chen winds up for the Dragon Chop and he connects for the three count.

Winner: Dante Chen

We take a look at highlights from Bash in Berlin.

We go to commercial.

We are back with Rhea Ripley from Raw.

We go to commercial.

We are back with CM Punk and Drew McIntyre from Raw.

We take a look at Gunther and Sami Zayn from Raw.

We take a look at what happened later in the night to CM Punk.

Match Number Two: Riley Osborne versus Malik Blade

They lock up and Riley with a handspring when Blade pushes him away. Riley with a single leg take down and Blade kicks Riley away and Riley with another handspring. Blade with a side head lock. Blade with a cartwheel and arm drag followed by a drop kick. Blade with an Irish whip and Riley flips out of the corner. Riley with an arm drag and drop kick. Blade sends Riley to the apron and Riley with a shoulder from the apron. Riley goes up top and Blade with a punch.

Blade with a press slam.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Blade with knees to the back. Blade with a suplex and he gets a near fall. Riley with punches and Blade punches back. Blade with a back breaker and he gets a near fall. Blade with a knee to the back and he stretches Riley. Blade with kicks to the back and a forearm to the back for a near fall. Riley clasps his hands to keep Blade from stretching him but it does not last long. Riley tries to escape many times and Blade holds on. Riley escapes a slam and he connects with a punch and flying clothesline and back elbow.

Riley’s back gives out and Blade with a Michinoku Driver for a near fall. Blade goes up top and he misses a frog splash. Riley with a running knee to the head and then he goes up top for a shooting star press and the three count.

Winner: Riley Osborne

We go to commercial.

We take a look at the main event from Raw.

We go to credits.


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