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By Mike Johnson on 2024-09-05 10:09:00

Former TNA Champion Rich Swann appeared yesterday in court, pleading no content to charges of disorderly public intoxication and causing a disturbance, a misdemeanor offense stemming from an incident last June.  In a "nolo contendere plea", as it is termed in Florida, a defendant neither admits nor denies a charge. It is an alternative to pleading guilty or not guilty.

After Swann entered the plea, the Court found him guilty, fined him $203 and ordered him serve six months probation.  Swann was also fined an additional $285.38 in related fees.  Once he pays those fees and completes the probation, the case is closed.

Swann was arrested on 6/9 after he allegedly attempted to enter an apartment that was a short walk from his own at 9:50 PM on the evening in question.  Swann allegedly told the home owner at it was actually Swann's home.  The home owner brandished a firearm and Swann left the premises.  The Police were called but the home owner did not wish to press charges, even though there was damage to his front door.

Authorities received another call from a woman who claimed that Swann had approached her and tried to speak to her, but she asked him not to follow her and ran into her home.  She alleged Swann had followed her to her door. 

It should be noted that on his Facebook page, Swann has posted numerous times in recent months that he has been alcohol free, which would line up with right after the arrest.  He recently showcased his 60 day sobriety coin on his social media.

TNA had announced Swann was suspended when they learned of his arrest.  

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