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By Cory Strode on 2024-09-04 22:12:00

It is Wednesday and Dynamite is in the UW Panther Arena in Milwaukee. Our commentary team is Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and Taz.

Daniel Garcia storms to the ring and calls out MJF and he doesn't want to wait until All Out. We get MJF in the crowd with a bodyguard. He says he is in the crowd because he doesn’t want to give Garcia an excuse in their match. He says he doesn't attack people from behind like Garcia. Garcia says everything he says is a lie and everything about him is fake and a lie, like his tan and his hair transplant.

Garcia says that MJF’s fake love for AEW makes him sick. He loves this place and the fans. He can get fake tattoos all he wants but they will never believe him. Garcia says he will own his life, he wants him to suffer and the people he loves will suffer. He can get married and when they have a baby, MJF will feel a tingle from his head to his toes and think about him. He says MJF’s kid will ask if he was a wrestler and MJF will have to say he was until Garcia ended his career.

MJF says that Garcia has learned how to speak, but he has a lot more to learn. When he was dumping Garcia on his head, he was teaching him a lesson. MJF says the fans used to love him, but he got too big and they turned on him like rats. He says the more you rise up, the more the fans will want to watch you fall. He will make sure the fans can’t hurt him the way they hurt him, and he will do that by [putting him in a wheelchair.

He says the mother he talks about so much will take care of him and he won’t be the first person laying on their back in bed she was happy to attend to. Garcia leaps the rail and fights security guards to get his way to MJF. When Garcia gets to MJF, MJF takes him down with a glass bottle. Garcia is busted open and MJF sits by him and says every man has to go through hell to reach paradise. He thanks Garcia for waking something up in him, and in gratitude, he will send Garcia straight to paradise.

IN the back, Renee is with the Conglomeration. Renee says she will be interviewing Willow later. Will Ospreay is with them and thanks Mark for letting him join for a match later tonight. Mark Briscoe cuts a promo about the match with the Blackpool Combat Club coming up.

Kazuchika Okada (AEW Continental Champion)vs Kyle Fletcher

Don Callis joins commentary

This is the first time these two have met in the ring.

They lock up and move quickly to arm bars. Fletcher gets a snap mare and a rear chinlock. Okada works to his feet and they go to the ropes, where Okada does the “tapping the chest” bit. They run the ropes and Fletcher tries for a scoop slam, but Okada escapes out the back and tries to get a rainmaker, and Fletcher escapes that. Fletcher puts Okada onto the apron and knocks him to the floor before a dive onto Okada as we go to picture in picture. 

When we return to full screen, they are throwing hands in the middle of the ring. Fletcher gets a running lariat. Fletcher gets a few blows in the corner and then a swinging slam for two. Fletcher tries for a pile driver, but Okada is able to block it. Fletcher gets a neck breaker as Fletcher keeps trying. Okada gets a scoop slam and then goes to the top. Okada gets the flying elbow drop and flips off the crowd. As he does, Fletcher is starting to record. When he goes for the rainmaker, Fletcher gets a Michinoku driver for two. Okada rolls to the floor.

Fletcher follows him to the floor after he recovers, and Okada is able to hit him with a DDT. He rolls Fletcher into the ring and pulls him up on the apron. They fight on the apron and Fletcher gets a stalling brainbuster on the apron and both men land on the floor. And we go back to picture in picture.

When we returned to full screen, Okada had Fletcher in a modified wristlock. Fletcher is able to escape and gets a big thrust kick. He then gets a running kick in the corner. Fletcher takes Okada to the top and they fight there as we are told there is 5 minutes left. Okada escapes from the top and dropkicks Okada from the top to the floor. They fight on the floor and Fletcher gets a brainbuster on Okada on the barricade. Then leaps onto Okada over the barricade.

Okada is rolled into the ring and Okada gets a quick slam and goes to the top. Fletcher gets a flying elbow drop and calls for the Rainmaker with the pose Okada uses. Fletcher tries for a tombstone and Okada escapes and gets a lariat. Okada gets a short arm clothesline and tries for the rainmaker, but Fletcher dodges and gets a drop kick. Fletcher gets a half and half suplex and a jumping slam for two.

One minute remaining.

Okada knocks Fletcher into the ref, hits a low blow and follows with a rainmaker for the pin and the win.

Winner and still Continental Champion: Kazuchika Okada

We get a video from Swerve Strickland who talks about how his family was evicted as a child, but with his new contract, he has purchased his childhood home back.

Jamie Hayter vs the Already in the Ring Robyn Renegade

Saraya and Harley Cameron watch in the back as Hayter gets a quick win with three backbreakers and the Hayterade for the pin and the win.

Winner: Jamie Hayter

Roderick Strong is showing Christopher Daniels that his foot was under the ropes when he tapped out in the Redrum last week. Hook shows up and says he saw it as well, so they should have a match for the FTW title tonight. Roderick says he won’t fight in Milwaukee, and he will call his shot for the title later.

In the back, Marina Shafir and Jon Moxley have shown to attack anyone who comes across them. They walk up to The Elite. He says that Jack Perry is a sweet kid and keeps walking. 

Jon Moxley and Marina Shafir come to the ring to talk to the crowd. He asks if Darby is here. He says he beat Darby Allin four years ago and then thanked him. He says Darby knows that fighting in the ring is a privilege. Mox says the clock is ticking and he doesn't want to apply pressure, but he will. He says he just wants to talk to Darby.

He drops the mic and leaves through the crowd.

In the back, Renee is with Chris Jerico, Large William., and Bryan Keityh. Jericho is still mad about Orange Cassidy ruining his jacket 4 years ago in the Mimosa match. He says that Bryan Kieth will beat him down on Rampage. William Gives wisdom on debts, and Bryan says he has to pay his debts!

Cassidy shows and tells Keith to tell Jericho that if he beats him, he’ll give Jericho the $7,000 in cash. Such disrespect and you better respect Jericho!

Mariah May (AEW Women’s Champion) vs Nyla Rose

May slaps Rose and Rose grabs her by the throat and back her into the ropes. May dodges an attack in the corner. May keeps slapping Rose and escaping big moves from Rose. Rose gets a leaping cross body and hits a clubbing blow. She gets a pair of scoop slams and a leg drop for two. May is able to get a drop kick from the top turnbuckle for one as we go to picture in picture.

When we return to full screen, Rose runs May into the corner. May dodges a charge and then starts blasting Rose in the head with blows. She then hits a drop kick for one. May and Rose hit head butts, knocking them both to the mat. They throw hands as they work to their feet. Rose gets a big clothesline and May gets a running elbow strike. Rose gets a German suplex and the crowd is on Rose’s side. Rose whips her to the corner and then gets a clothesline for two. 

Rose tries for a Beast Bomb, but May grabs the ropes to block it. May goes for a cross body and Rose rolls through into a power slam. May rolls to the floor and the ref check on May. She keeps talking to the ref until Rose is on the steel steps.  May charges at her and sweeps Rose’s leg. May gets a running knee and gets in the ring and waits for the count out. Rose has trouble getting up but gets in at 9.

May gets a running knee and follows with Storm Zero for the pin and the win.

Winner and still AEW Women’s World Champion: Mariah May

We then get a promo video for Deonna Purrazzo.

Mercedes Mone comes to the ring with Kamille. Mone is wearing a Japanese style dress which she asks the crowd if they like it. She runs down Hikaru Shida and puts herself over.  

We get Hikaru Shida on the big screen who says we are one Katana away from a new TNT champion and Mone cannot beat the Ace, as she shows her new shirt. Christopher Daniels shows and bans Kamille from Ringside, which makes Mone lose it. 

Taz is unhappy about this as well.

We get a video from The Elite and Jack Perry says he was there when Bryan Danielson first showed up and he felt the ground shake. He heard when Bryan’s career was coming to an end, he changed who he was, and did everything he had to do to get back to AEW. He says Bryan could have helped him, but he didn’t, and this Saturday, Bryan’s career will not have a happy ending.

The Young Bucks say that they will do anything to make sure the World Title comes back to where it belongs.

It’s time for Bryan Danielson to come to commentary.

Claudio Castagnoli, Wheeler Yuta and Pac (AEW Trios champions) vs Will Ospreay, Kyle O’Reilly, and Orange Cassidy

Kyle and Yuta start the match and quickly move to grappling and mat work. Kyle goes quick;y to the jugi gitame and Yuta works out of it. Cassidy is tagged in, he and Kyle double team him u brio Kyle leaves the ring and Cassidy stops to go for pockets. They move quickly to throwing hands and Yuta gets an Olympic slam and Pac tags in. He whips Cassidy to the corner and calls for Ospreay.

Ospreay tags in. Pac knocks Ospreay down and they run the ropes. Pac gets a leg swept and Ospreay covers, Pac gets out before a one and they reset as we go to picture in picture.

When we return to full screen, Cassidy has been the babyface in peril through the break. Cassidy gets a German suplex, but Cluadio tags in to cut him off from the tag and tags in Pac, who goes to work on Cassidy. Cassidy is finally able to get an upkick on Pac and dives to tag in Ospreay, who charges at a retreating Pac. 

Pac bails and Ospreay runs wild on Yuta and Claduio. After he does, Pac faces off with him. The fight begins as we go to picture in picture.

When we return to full screen, Cassidy is the babyface in peril yet again. EVERYONE GETS A DIVE ONTO THE LAST PERSON ending with Ospreay. Ospreay and Pac fight up the ramp and to the stage. Yuta tries to break it up and Ospreay is able to block a Poisonrana from pac and then ryan wild on both Yuta and Pac.

In the ring, Cassidy gets a diving DSDT on Claudio. Cassdidy tries for the spinning DDT, but Calduio counters it. Kyle gets in a kick and an elbow strike and Claudio gets a beach break for two.  Pac and Ospreay keep fighting up by the stage. Kyle is tagged in and joins Cassidy for kicks on Claudio. 

Kyle gets a hanging guillotine on Claudio. Clauudio sinks to the mat and then powers up for a slam and Kyle keeps the hold on. Claudio then runs Kyle into the corner and Kyle keeps the hold on. Claudio sinks to the mat again and is able to power back up and turns it into a pop up uppercut. Claudio gets the giant swing on Kyle and Yuta gets a drop kick into him to stop it. Claudio covers Kyle for the pin and the win.

Winners and still AEW Trios Champions:  Claudio Castagnoli, Wheeler Yuta and Pac

Bryan Danielson joins them and they are attacked by the Young Bucks, Jack Perry and Okada. The Blackpool Coimbat Club turns the tide and Claudio grabs a mic. Claudio says “You kids made the biggest mistake of your life.”  Claudio says he is in the mood to collect gold and he and Yuta challenge the Bucks. 

Bryan has a mic and tells Perry that people are sick of him and his crap. He says that Sunday and all out, Perry will get his <censored> kicked in.  

In the back, Pac hits a brain buster on Ospreay on the travelling cases. 

And the show isn’t over even though it’s the top of the hour as we still have a contract signing between Swerve and Adam Page with Tony Schiavone in the ring. Swerve comes to the ring but Page doesn’t.

We then get a video of Page in the house that we heard about earlier in the show.  Page says the Swerve messed up by showing something important to him, his childhood home.  He then says that Swerve’s dad probably regrets him and wishes he had never been born. We hear liquid being poured out as Page cuts his promo.

Page says Swerve told him he needed to make a choice between hate and success. We see Page has a gas can and is pouring it around the house. He says there is nothing more in his life than to burn Swerve’s world down. He then sits in a chair outside the house and says Swerve will be on his knees begging for forgiveness and mercy. He says Saturday he’ll say goodbye to health, his happiness and his career.

He says he gets to say goodbye to Swerve’s house and the sewts the house on fire. Page sits in the chair as the house burns. 

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