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By Mike Johnson on 2024-09-04 12:21:00

Raw talent Odyssey Jones has been removed from the WWE's internal roster.  He is gone from the company. 

It should be noted that WWE has not responded to requests for a confirmation or denial on whether Odyssey Jones has been cut from the company, but it's pretty obvious he is gone. reported the following yesterday afternoon:

-The removal from was NOT a mistake. confirmed with sources in WWE creative circles that the team was conveyed a message that Jones is off the board for any future creative.  No reason was given.

-There was a rumor making the rounds that Jones had been arrested in Arkansas. chased down that rumor and while someone with Jones' real name, Omari Palmer, was arrested on 8/24, the age and the mugshot of that person does not line up with the Palmer who portrays Odyssey Jones.  So, the arrest in Arkansas story is 100% false.

-There are other rumors about behavioral issues but cannot confirm or deny those rumors at this time.

-Jones was not at Raw.

-The belief among talents in the company is he is done, but no one seems to know why.  


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