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By Mike Johnson on 2024-08-30 20:59:00

TNA Knockouts Tag Team Champion Alisha Edwards was knocked out legitimately in the first spot of the six woman tag tonight during TNA's Emergence PPV.

Jody Threat hit a flip dive to the outside on Edwards' team.  When Edwards bumped down, she appeared to hit her head on the floor and/or bottom of the entrance ramp.  Her arms went rigid, usually a sign of someone being knocked out.

Edwards' opponents attempted to raise her up for another spot, but realizing she was out, instead brawled to the other side of the ring.

Several TNA officials came out to check on Edwards.  She was then carried to the back and did not return to the match.

We are told the belief is Edwards likely suffered a concussion and is being treated backstage.  If we hear anything additional, we will update. sends her the best.

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