Have you heard anything new about WWE NXT Europe?
I have not, but my thinking process is that if and when they are going to launch it, it would likely be after Raw moves to Netflix. Since a lot of the international TV rights fees will be going to Netflix as they expire, why launch it when there are TV rights in that region that will expire? They can just launch it on Netflix down the line. There's zero rush on their part.
Mick Foley recently said his planned final Death Match would have likely been vs. MJF. Does that mean it would have happened in AEW?
That's pretty much what he was implying during a recent Comic Convention discussion.
I saw the Vegas PC story was something made up out of nothing by others, but here's my question for you - SHOULD WWE have a PC in Vegas?
I don't know that putting a bunch of young talents in Vegas is the smartest idea, so I will open it up further. There should be multiple PCs scattered across the country so that you can cycle talents around to learn from different mentors and pick up, hopefully, different styles. Whether that ever happens, I don't know.
Whatever happened to Miro?
He went to Bulgaria for an extended period. We have been told he's back in the States. No word when he resumes wrestling.
Does TNA have to get WWE approval over how NXT talents are booked?
I am pretty sure there's a back and forth between the two sides. TNA isn't going to book NXT talents in a way that will upset WWE. They want the relationship to be beneficial for them.
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