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By Mike Johnson on 2024-08-22 18:40:00

There was a hearing yesterday afternoon regarding former TNA Champion Rich Swann's arrest this past June for disorderly public intoxication and causing a disturbance, a misdemeanor offense.   Swann was not present but was represented by his attorney.

Court records indicate that a hearing regarding the status of the case and Swann's plea will be held on 9/4.

TNA issued the following statement after word of Swann's arrest was brought to their attention by

“TNA Wrestling takes any and all charges against its performers seriously.  Rich Swann is responsible for his own personal actions.  He has informed TNA Wrestling that he is voluntarily entering into a substance abuse rehabilitation program. TNA Wrestling has suspended Rich pending the completion of its investigation into the incidents.”

TNA later issued the same statement to

On his social media today, Swann posted a photo of himself holding a two month sobriety coin.

Swann had been paired with AJ Francis as First Class in recent months.

Note: has acquired the legal documents related to the case and will update with additional details as necessary.

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