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By Mike Johnson on 2024-08-19 19:37:00 was sent word that longtime referee David Lowe, who was nicknamed The Family Man in California's UPW promotion has been diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer.  A Go Fund Me Campaign has been launched to assist Lowe and his family at this link.

The Campaign notes:

Hello Friends and Family of David Lowe!

David needs our help. After battling some health issues for the last several years, David entered the hospital a little over two weeks ago with severe pneumonia. While in the hospital he developed a heart condition called tachycardia, a rapid and irregular heartbeat, that prevented necessary treatment for the pneumonia. Eventually getting the tachycardia under control, doctors were able to drain the fluid from David's lung and stomach, but discovered that David has Stage IV lung cancer.

This comes after David suddenly and unexpectedly lost his job of over 20 years just a few months back.

I've personally known and been fortunate enough to call David a friend from back in his pro wrestling referee days at UPW where he trained and worked alongside future industry legends like John Cena and The Miz. Back then, those of us who got to know him dubbed him "The Family Man," a moniker he took to the ring with him, as his love and dedication to his wife and kids...and now, his grandkids...was always at the very forefront. As you all well know, there isn't a harder working, more dedicated husband, father, and friend than David.

And he's fighter! Despite his unassuming nature, David, once a martial arts practitioner in his younger days, possesses one of the strongest, most determined wills one could have, and will never back down from a fight. He's ready to take this challenge head on. But, him and Leona need our help.

Please donate whatever you can comfortably afford, and even if you can't, please help us share David's story as widely as possible. With your help, and David's toughness and commitment to beating this challenge, we can help him get through this so he can continue being "The Family Man" for a long time to come. sends our best to David and his entire family.

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