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By Kendall Jenkins on 2024-08-19 07:29:00

What to Eat Before a Fight?


Training is obviously not the only thing that we need to worry about, as the proper diet is also key to success here. It’s better to find out what to eat before a fight. If we fill our bodies with all the necessary macronutrients and vitamins, we will be able to reach the peak of our physicality more easily. For that reason, it’s critical to take dieting seriously, as it’s surprisingly often omitted. It’s also useful to learn what do UFC fighters eat before a fight, as they are the best athletes in MMA. Here we present our combined knowledge about what to eat before a bout. We delve into such topics as nutritional needs, ideal foods, timing and proportions, as well as hydration.

Nutritional Needs

Nutrition is key for many things. It can be useful not only for combat, which is an extreme example, but also for working, jogging, or even playing online games, like those at, for free or for money. The thing is that proper nutrition is good for us, no matter how we look at it. That’s why we also recommend eating food that is actually nutritious and provides all the ingredients for not only a healthy diet but also a healthy lifestyle.

What to eat before a boxing fight? In terms of nutritional needs, it’s necessary to take a look at three different macronutrients. We’re talking about carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Carbohydrates are arguably the most significant because they give us energy. They are the source of glycogen, which is basically our fuel. We need to consume 3-5 grams of carbohydrates per our body’s kilogram.

What do fighters eat before a fight? When it comes to proteins, they are critical to providing muscles with the necessary energy to repair and recover. Even though they are not primarily responsible for the level of energy during combat, they may help protect muscles. As a result, it is recommended to consume around 0.2-0.3 grams of protein per kilogram of human body before a fight.

At last, we need to mention fats. They are also considered fuel; however, they burn more slowly, and make it easier to abide by the rule of “eat, sleep, fight”. It’s key to include healthy fats like nuts, avocados or olive oil pre-fight, especially when we are trying to learn what to eat while cutting weight for a fight. Overall, just as it’s indispensable to have access to the best options in various parts of life, like online casinos in Poland, it’s also necessary to take care of proper dieting before a bout to be 100% ready for what’s coming.

Ideal Food

Let’s find out what to eat on fight day. To create the proper mixture of foods that will allow us to be 100% ready for a bout, it’s possible to discern numerous meals. To prepare the body for physical exertion on a high level, it’s especially recommended to eat such meals as oatmeal with fruit, grilled chicken with sweet potatoes, whole grain pasta with marinara sauce, Greek yogurt with honey and nuts. What do boxers eat before a fight? They sometimes prefer a smoothie with spinach, banana, and protein powder can also be useful to supplement the diet, if necessary. Such proposals will provide us with the best mixture of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and vitamins. That’s what do boxers eat before a fight.

Timing and Portions

Do boxers eat before a fight? Experts recommend eating 3-4 hours pre-fight, maximum. By doing that, the body has enough time to digest the foods and prepare itself for a bout properly. This way, we ensure that we receive the right amount of energy from the consumed food and that we won’t feel full during the fight, which could cause other issues. Especially, feeling sluggish or having digestive issues are things that we do not want to experience. Now we know the answer to the question: “do fighters eat before a fight”.

It is also crucial to prepare the correct portion sizes. What do MMA fighters eat before a fight? The main meal should consist of a significant number of carbohydrates, as they will be our main source of energy for the upcoming fight. We should also include a moderate number of proteins and a small amount of healthy fats. The closer we are to the fight, the lesser should be our portions, and if we absolutely have to, we can eat a small snack, like fruit, 1-2 hours before the fight. It’s not necessary to know what did Mike Tyson eat before a fight, as we only need to focus on being smart with our choices.


Overall, it’s difficult to experience problems due to hydration, as we consume the right amounts of water through not only drinking by also by eating, which is sometimes forgotten. However, it’s still necessary to take care of the hydration properly. It’s also useful to learn how to fight the urge to eat. Overall, before a bout, we recommend sipping water regularly. Still, do not drink too much water as it may lead to discomfort before a bout, and we will have enough of mental discomfort already. It’s also smart to incorporate drinks that are rich in electrolytes, like sports drinks or coconut water.


The right mindset and training are key in achieving the appropriate form for an upcoming fight. However, knowing what to eat before a Muay Thai fight, not only during the months of preparation, but also on the day of the fight itself, is crucial. Thanks to that, we will be sure that we are 100% ready for the upcoming battle and that we can bravely take up the challenge.

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