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By Mike Johnson on 2024-08-17 09:37:00

We've heard from several AEW talents that were really impressed and blown away by the level of attention they received this week at the AEW All: In Texas press conference.  With the relationship the company has cultivated with the City of Arlington, we are told that there were a lot of press outlets at the show, including a number of local television networks for both English and Spanish speaking outlets.    One source stated they felt this was easily the best "press conference" the company had ever produced.

ABC affiliate WFAA covered the press conference, including an interview with Darby Allin, where he discussing training Sting's son as a pro wrestler.

NPR's local Texas affiliate featured coverage, including Athena, a Texas native, saying she was holding back tears during the announcement.

The Houston Chronicle also covered the conference.

Jim Ross announced he'll be traveling to All In: London and expects to call Swerve Strickland vs. Bryan Danielson.

AEW filed trademarks on 8/15 for the names AEW Grand Slam, AEW All In Texas and All in Texas.

Our friends at launched their All In sale on AEW action figures and more:

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