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By Mike Johnson on 2024-08-06 14:57:00

Since I was in the middle of traveling over the last week, I hadn’t had the chance to write much about the AEW Britt Baker suspension, which we mentioned last week on the We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Name Show as a story that was making its way among AEW talents that we were working to confirm.  Since then, it has taken on a life of its own with different versions making the round.  Here is what can confirm:

*Yes, Baker was suspended following an incident where she got into an argument with MJF.

*The argument was sparked by comments Baker is said to have made that got back to MJF.  We are told the initial spark was likely an older issue that flared up again when Baker made the comments.  No one was willing to go into specifics on that and a number of people were dismayed the story even leaked, feeling it didn’t help anyone that it did.

*There are versions of the story that MJF rushed into the AEW Women’s locker room or that Will Ospreay entered the women’s locker room to speak with Baker.  We are told that is not accurate.

* is told Ospreay knocked on the women’s locker room and asked to speak to Baker.  She then entered a common area.  Ospreay was never in the women’s locker room, based on multiple sources.

*The MJF-Baker argument did not happen in the women’s locker room either.  We are told that it was also in a common area backstage.

*There is a version of the story that claims MJF threw a punch at a wall while arguing with Baker, which would insinuate he did so as a means of intimidating her.  We are told that MJF indeed struck a wall but did so out of frustration after the argument was over and he was not with Baker at the time.

*As far as why Baker was suspended over MJF, it appears to be that it was felt she precipitated the situation and since MJF was responding to that - and in some versions of the story, defending his girlfriend Alicia Atout - Baker was deemed the responsible party.  

*Baker seemingly responded to the stories regarding the suspension with the following Tweet:

*The suspension was mentioned on AEW Dynamite last week to put some additional heat on Mercedes Mone building to All In: London.

*Baker is expected back at TV tomorrow.

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