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By Anthony Pires on 2024-07-26 23:56:00

Welcome one and welcome all to Pwinsider’s ongoing coverage of Ring of Honor’s DEATH BEFORE DISHONOR coming to you LIVE from ESPORTS Stadium in Arlington, TX.  Ian Riccaboni (best in the business as far as I’m concerned) and Caprice Coleman have the call of all the action tonight.

WE are underway with Zero Hour. Bobby Cruise is your ring announcer.

Angelico & Serpentico vs. MXM Collection (Mansoor & Mason Madden)

The former Maximum Male Models look like they’re completely bought into and mastered the gimmick. Code of Honor adhered to Mansoor and Angelico kick us off. Quick action to kick us off. Crucifix by Serpentco for 2.  MXM pose as Mason tags in. Serpentico gets a “chop” chant going.  Hip toss by MAson. Angelico tags in. Mason misses a charge but nails a split legdrop. Open handed strike from Mason as Mansoor tags in.  You can absolutely tell these guys love working together. MXM dances and poses. Angelico with an enziguiri to Mansoor followed bu kicks to the midsection. Arm twist and a tag to Serpentico with a stomp on the arm of Mansoor. Angelico tags in and he comes down on the arm.  Good old-school tag wrestling here. Angelico hiptosses his partner onto Mansoor for 2.  Serpentico teases Mason. Dropkick by Mansoor. MAson tags in. Big back elbow by Sepentico, Serpentico tries a tope but MAson catches him and chops him hard. All 4 men battle it out. Nice leg sweep to Mansoor by Serpentico. This time, Serpentico connects with the tope. Frog splash for 2 by Serpentico. Upkick by Mansoor and he makes the tag. Mason come in and nails a double shoulderblock.  Spike DDT by MXM for the pin.


Solid opener, exactly what it should have been. Maria Kannellis Bennett comes out to applaud them. She has a very evil smile on her face. 

We see a video package hyping the World Tag Team Title Match between the Undisputed Kingdon vs. Kyle O’Riley & Tomohiro Ishii.  

We then see a video package on Wheeler Yuta’s Pure title defense vs. Lee Moriarty, followed by the Billie Starks vs. Red Velvet match for the ROH Women’s TV Title.

Marina Shafir vs. Angelica Risk

Physically, Risk (who I have never seen) reminds me of Tiffany Stratton. Code of honor adhered to. Shafir with a hard kick but Risk with hard chops that do not register. Back breaker and Mother’s Milk by Shafir and Risk passes out.


Shafir kisses a Roderick Strong sign on the way back. 

We see a video package regarding the Texas Death Match between Diamante’ and Leyla Hirsch. We then see a video of the upcoming Dark Order vs. Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erich’s six man title eliminator match. I’m told Kevin Von Erich will be in their corner.

Griff Garrison & Anthony Henry w/Maria Kannellis Bennett vs The Infantry Shawn Dean & Carly Bravo w/Trish Adora

Code of Honor adhered to.  Henry immediately goes after Bravo but Bravo with a huge right hand. Dean tags in and we have a double team dropkick. Garrison tags in and a big forearm to Bravo. Garrison sends Bravo’s mouth into the ropes. Henry tags in and toys with Bravo. Big uppercut by Henry. Toe hold by Henry, he rolls it into a nice STF. Transition into a surfboard by Henry by Bravo makes the ropes. Chop by Henry. Sunset flip for 2 by Bravo. DDT by Henry for 2. Garrison tags in and sends Bravo into the buckles. Suplex for 2 by Garrison. Rear chinlock by Garrison. Bravo fights out but eats a boot form Garrison. Henry tags in. Bravo with a desperation back stabber but can’t make the tag as Garrison tags in. Flapjack by Bravo. Dean tags in and backdrops Garrison. Dean cleaning house. Running elbow by Dean for 2 on Garrison.  Garrison gets thrown into Henry on the floor and Dean with a big tope con hillo. Back in the ring, Garrison with a superplex for 2. Maria argues with Green about something. Green gets thrown into Maria, who is caught by Garrison. The Infantry hits the Boot Camp on Henry for the pin.


Garrison and Maria storm off, blaming Henry for what happened.  Top Flight come out and confront the Infantry.  They hug as a show of respect.

Top Flight (Darius and Dante Martin) w/Action Andretti vs The Truth Magnum and Turbo Floyd (The Outrunners) w/Erica Lee

Haven’t see the Outrunners in a while. Magnum eats a right hand from Darius.  Dante tags in and nails a splash for 2. Total Elimination variation by Top Flight for 2.  Things slow down a bit and Darius nails a flying back elbow to Truth. Truth with a big shoulder block to Darius in the corner. Floyd tags in and the Outrunners with a double body slam for 2.  Funny thing is I was just thinking the Outrunners remind me of the old Rip Rogers presentation.  Ian then tells us that Rip was their trainer. Lee chokes Darius on the rope. High cross body to Truth for 2.  Darius fights out of the corner. Turbo is able to get a deep choke on Darius, who suplexes out of it. Dante and Magnum both tag in. Dante is a house of fire and nails a high cross body for 2. Double kick by Top Flight. Darius with a Death Valley Face Drop for thr pin.


We see a video package on the Athena vs. Queen Aminata ROH Women’s title match, followed by a video on Roderick Strong vs. Mark Briscoe for the ROH World Title later tonight.

Ian and Caprice run down the PPV Proper card.


The Beast Mortos vs Kommander w/Alex Abrahantes

Code of Honor kind of adhered to.  Head butt by Mortos.  Knee strike and a lariat by Mortos. Kicks by Kommander. Mortos catches a cross body and rolls to the floor. Mortos catches top rope senton and sends Kommander into Abtahantes. Big right hand by Mortos. Into the post goes Kommander. Back in the ring, Kommander with kicks, Kommander fires back with chops. One huge chop by Mortos and Kommander is down. Open handed slap puts Kommander on his butt. Rollup by Kommander for 2. Flying head scissors by Kommander. Mortos with a press slam into the post,  that had to hurt. Mortos tries it again but Kommander shoves him off. Mortos crotches Kommander on the top rope. Action spills out to the floor.  Diving DDT by Kommander. Back in the ring, it’s Mortos rolling out of the way of a Kommander dive. Pump kick by Kommander and he rana’s Mortos to the floor. This is all action. Kommander walks the ropes and hits a moonsault on Mortos on the floor. Springboard poison rana by Kommander for 2.  Mortos blocks a moonsault and hits a Samoan Drop for 2. Crucifix Driver by Kommander. Destroyer by Kommander followed by a spear, both men are down. 

Mortos to the top.  He nails a Michinoku Driver off the top for 2.  Kommander with another Destroyer. He misses a moonsault. Mortos with a backbreaker and a leaping piledriver for the pin.


We’re told MXM will meet FTR tomorrow on Collision as well as Mortos vs Hologram

ROH World Tag Team Title: Mike Bennett & Matt Taven vs. Kyle O’Reilly & Tomohiro Ishii

Bennett and Ishii kick us off with a hard lockup. Chop by Bennett, if you know anything about Ishii you know it didn’t register. They trade chops. Bennett goes down.  Shoulder block by Ishii.  Ishii’s chest is bleeding. O’Riley tags in, as does Taven. Mat wrestling ensues. They trade headlocks. Armbar by Kyle for 2. Kick to the thigh by Kyle. Double leg into full mount by O’Riley. Taven makes the ropes. Ishii tags in and kicks away at Taven, followed by chops. Taven begs for mercy. Hard chops by Ishii. Kyle tags in and twists the arm. Abdominal stretch into a cradle by O’Riley. Ishii tags in and they double chop Taven.

The challengers have amazing teamwork so far. Headbutt by Ishii. Bennett from the apron kicks Ishii and tags in. He stomps down on Ishii. Chops and kicks in the corner by Bennett. He slaps Ishii. Bad move!  We have a forearm exchange and an eye rake by Bennett. O’Riley tags in. Dragon screw by Kyle. Kyle wrenches the arm of Taven and the action spills to the floor. There is an all out brawl going so fast and furious I cannot keep up. Back in the ring it’s O’Riley with Yes kicks to Taven. Ankle lock by O’Riley.  Bennett pulls O’Riley to the floor and Taven nails a cross body.  Bennett with forearms and chops in the corner. Taven tags in and hits a missile dropkick for 2. Suplex by Taven. Bennett tags in and sets O’Riley up for an elbow by Taven for 2. 

Taven is the legal man and he gets backdropped to the floor. Ishii tags in and he is just throwing forearm after forearm. Saito suplex by Ishii for 2 on Taven. Enziguiri by Taven for 2 on Ishii.  Spike Piledriver and Ishii jumps right up! DVD by Bennett into a running kick by Taven for 2. Blind tag by O’Riley. Ishii with a brainbuster. All 4 men battle it out. After an enziguiri by Taven all 4 are down/ All 4 slug it out after getting to their feet. Total Elimination by O’Riley and Ishii. Superplex brainbuster by Ishii and  running knee for 2 by O’Riley, Taven made the save. O’Riley tries a suplex but here comes Kyle Fletcher and Don Callis. Low blow by Bennett into a small package for the pin.


Texas Death Match: Diamante’ vs. Leyla Hirsch

They don’t even bother getting into the ring.  Chair fight on the ramp. Diamante’ throws Hirsch off the ramp onto a table.  Referee makes the count. Hirsch gets to her feet. They fight in the aisle and into the ring. Diamante’ slams Hirsch into multiple corners.A very P.O.’d Diamante’ throws chairs into the ring. Dropkick onto an upside down Hirsch by Diamante’. Hirsch is busted open. Diamante with punches in the corner. Hirsch sends her head into the corner.  Diamante’ is now bloody as well. 

Hirsch introduces thumbtacks into the ring. Hirsch with a middle rope German to Diamante’ onto the tacks. Hirsch put more thumbtacks on Diamate and tries a moonsault.  Diamante rolls out and Hirsch goes stomach first into tacks. Diamate’ duct tapes hirsch to the middle rope. She nails Hirsch with a chair and a shoe, a thumbtack laden shoe.  Hirsch is bleeding even more. Diamante’ sets chairs up on the floor. She also introduces a barb wire board. They trade forearms on the apron. Hirsch with a Samoan drop to the floor through the board. This is nuts.

Now we have a ladder introduced. Hirsch throws chairs at Diamante’. LAdder and chair are set up in the ring.  Hirsch duct tapes Diamante’ to the table. Moonsault off the ladder through the table by Hirsch. Both women are down. Hirsch beats the 10 count bit Diamante’ cannot


ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta vs. Lee Moriarty

Jerry Lynn, Christopher Daniels and Paul Wight are your judges.  Code of Honor adhered to. Lockup.  Armbar by Lee, yuta flips out of it and nails an elbow. Surf board by Moriarty into a wrist lock.  Yuta with a takedown into a knee bar and Moriarty uses the rope for his 1st rope break.  Lockup, headlock by Moriarty into a takedown. Hammerlock by Yuta. Stretch by Moriarty and Yuta has to use his 1st rope break.

Test of strength, Moriarty puts him down but Yuta counters.  Octopus by Yuta. They trade rollups.  Closed fist by Yuta and he has been issued a warning. Moriarty connects as well but the ref was talking to the ring announcer. Chops ensue. Dropkick by Yuta for 2.  Armbar by Yuta, Moriarty uses his 2nd rope break.  Moriarty wresnches Yuta’s arm across the top rope. Shoulder block by Moriarty into a hammerlock. Moriarty maintains it.  2 count by Moriarty.  Kicks by Moriarty as we hit the 10 minute mark.

Running clothesline by Moriarty.  Running lariat by Yuta into a running forearm. Flying forearm by Yuta. Yuta to the top. Moriarty with a wristlock and a headbutt by Yuta. Superplex by Moriarty.  Armdrag by Yuta. Punch by Moriarty for a warning. Stretch by Moriarty, Yuta is in the middle and finally works his 2nd rope break.

Each man has 1 rope break left.  Yuta in the offense. Yuta sends Moriaty to the floor and hits a tope suicida.  Back in the ring, Yuta with a splash for 2. Hammer elbows by Yuta. Rollup for 2 by Moriarty. Crucifix submission by Moriarty. Yuta is now OUT of rope breaks.  German for 2 by Yuta.  Cattle Mutilation by Yuta and Moriarty uses his last rope break.

Moriarty drops Yuta on the apron. He facedrops him for a 2 count.  Armbar by Yuta, Moriarty uses the ropes to roll Yuta over for the pin.


Yuta presents Moriarty with the belt.

ROH Women’s TV Championship: Billie Starks vs Red Velvet

Code of Honor adhered to and they slug it out. Jumping lariat by Velvet. Spear by Velvet. Punches and stomps by Velvet.  Starks with an Electric Chair into the corner.  Kicks by Starks. Billie Starks is 19 years old, I just want to point that out.  Knees by Starks. Tree of Woe by Starks and she drives her boot into Velvet. Suplex for 2 by Starks. Chops by Starks. Into the buckle goes Velvet, another chop by Starks. Boot to the face by Starks. Hair throw by Starks, followed by another.  Starks steps on Velvet, this is all the champion thus far. Velvet fires back with chops, she misses a charge but hits a cross body for 2. Velvet with a waistlock suplex. Running knee by the challenger. Cutter by Velvet and chops. DDT by Velvet for 2. Kick by Velvet and a strike to the back.

Meteora by Velvet. Facedrop by Starks. Forearm by Velvet. Victory roll of the top for 2 by Velvet. Tazmission by Starks, snap mare by Velvet. Back breaker by Starks for 2. Starks blows snots on Velvet. Poison rana by Velvet into a knee for 2. Action spills to the apron. Sleeper by Starks. Cutter by Velvet.  The Doctor is checking Starks. It’s a ruse. She enziguiri’s Velvet. Velvet fakes being hurt. Press slam into a front DDT for the pin.


Starks is crying in the ring. 

Dustin Rhodes, Marshall & Ross Von Erich vs. Evil Uno, John Silver and Alex Reynolds

The winners here received an Undisputed Trios title match tomorrow at Battle of the Belts. 6 way brawl at the outset and it spills to the floor. Ross kicks Silver against the rail. Evil Uno and Ross appear to be the first legal men, Marshall tags in, big dropkick and Ross tags in again. Rhodes and Reynolds start fighting on the floor. Rhodes gets sent into the steps. Uno uses a cowbell to nail Ross. Reynold tags in and he nails an elbow for 2. 

Silver tags in and he nails Ross with a clothesline. Uno tags back in and chops away. Ross chops back but can’t get the tag off. Ross avoids a double suplex and gets the tag to Marshall, who is a house of fire. Running clothesline by Marshall followed by a cannonball. Rocker Plex by Dark Order for 2 on Marshall. Dark Order spits into the Von Erich cowboy hat. Marshall fores back but eats a brain buster for 2. Uno tries to attack Rhodes but gets sent into the steps. Rhodes tags in and he goes to work on Reynolds, backdrop. Uppercut by Rhodes into a snap powerslam. Rhodes completes the trifecta on Dark Order. Silver and Reynols collide. Cross Rhodes and Uno breaks up the pin. All six men fight it out. Silver and Reynolds double team Rhodes.  Reynolds sets up the curtain call but eats a Destroyer instead. Marshall with the claw on Silver, Ross with the claw on Uno. Spinning cross Rhodes by Dustin and he scores the pin.


They’ll meet the Patriarchy tomorrow on Battle of the Belts for the Trios Title tomorrow. I don’t even want to know what Christian Cage will say.

Katsayori Shibata comes out and pays respect to the winners.  

ROH TV Championship: Atlantis Jr vs Shane Taylor vs. Lee Johnson vs. Johnny TV vs. Brian Cage vs. Lio Rush

Code of Honor mostly adhered to. Rush atacks Atlantis and they fight on the floor

TV and Taylor jaw away. Cage sends TV into Taylor

A Taylor forearm sends TV to the floor

Cage and Taylor engage in what Cory Strode calls a good Hoss fight.

Cage slams Taylor and poses. Atlantis rolls up Cage for 2. 

Rana by Atlantis to Cage. Rush gets in and fights with Atlantis. 

Rush avoids the Gory special. Cutter by Rush for 2 on Atlantis

Johnson with a neckbreaker to Rush. Standing moonsault for 2 by Johnson

TV attacks Johnson. Eye rake by TV. Ground and pound by TV.

Taylor and TV square off. BTW Taya Valkarye is at ringside. 

Sky high by Taylor for 2 on TV

Taylor with a Saito suplex to Cage. Cage with a DDT.  Rush with a DDT on Cage

TV with a Samoan Drop and moonsault for 2 on Rush.

Johnson dropkicks TV from the ring.

Atlantis with a roundhouse kick to Johnson. 

Tope by Atlantis to Taylor

A series of topes puts 4 men down.  Cage with the last tope.

Taylor lariats Cage. All 6 men fight it out in the ring.

Taylor cleans house but misses a cannonball

Lio Rush pins Shane Taylor with a frog splash, eliminating him.

Rush sweeps and legdrops TV. Johnson with a stomp to TV. Rush with a tope to Johnson

Superkick by Johnson and he pins Rush with a spinning neckbreaker

TV and Cage form an alliance. They work over Atlantis and johnson. Rocker plex by TV for 2 on Johnson.

Atlantis fights them off.

Torture rack drop nby Cage for 2 on Atlantis.

They chop Johnson in the corner. Johnson fights back with elbows.

Johnson superkicks TV. Powerbomb and a kick by TV and Johnson is pinned, eliminating him.

TV turns on Cage with a rollup for 2

Neckbreaker by TV, Cage rolls out

Atlantis chops TV and nails a monkey flip.

Destroyer by Atlantis for 2 on TV. Cage kicks Atlantis and deadlift suplexes him

Taya gets in the ring. Low blow by TV

GTS by TV but a lariat by Cage into a driller for the pin

We’re down to Cage vs Atlantis Jr.

Rollup by Atlantis for the pin.


ROH Women’s Championship: Athena vs. Queen Aminata

Guest ring announce isn’t shy about her favoritism for the champion. Code of Honor adhered to. Headbutt by Aminata but a headlock takedown by the champion.  Aminata with a guillotine attempt. Go behind by Athena into a chinlock. High armbar by Athena for 1. Shoving match breaks out.  Aminata misses a knee and a cross body by Athena. Into the rail goes Aminata. Aminata sends Athena into the steps but she misses a hip attack. Gordbuster on the floor by Athena. Athena with a chop. Back in the ring, the champion with a cravat. Aminata fight back with a Roll of the Dice for 2. 

Rana by Athena and a leg sweep. Neck breaker and a shin to the skull by Athena for 2. Snap suplex by Aminata. Athena rolls out bit Aminata nails her. Back in the ring, a double stomp scores the challenger a 2 count. Upkicks by Athena. Athena with a side kick and a running strike for 2. Elbow strikes by Athena. Aminata with a Germaninto the buckles. Running knee by the challenger for 2. Aminata misses a stomp. T Bone into the buckles by Athena, They trade shots. Snap mare and kick by Athena. Knee strikes by Aminata. Single leg crab by Athena. They trade rollups. Double hammerlock stretch by Aminata. Athena rolls into a crossface, Aminata makes the ropes. 

Athena slams the challengers head into the mat, Aminata blocks the eclipse. Pump kick by Aminata. Athena with a piledriver onto the steps after a short brawl on the apron. Back in the ring, Athena scores a 2 count. Aminata fires up.  Headbutt by Aminata. Billie Starks tries to interfere but Red Velvet stopes her. Lexi Nair hands a weapon to Athena. Athena knocks her our and hits the Eclipse for the pin.


Fantastic match marred by a terrible ending.

ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe vs. Roderick Strong

Code of Honor adhered to. Lock up, clean break in the corner. Lockup, armtwist by Strong. Front facelock by Briscoe. Headlock by Strong, shoulder block by Mark into a headlock. Action spills to the floor, big chops by the champion. Briscoe with a dive onto Strong in the crowd. Back in the ring, Mark with a DVD. Mark tries the froggy bow but Strong gets the knees up.

Chops by Strong. Into the buckle goes Briscoe. Big chops by Strong. Briscoe fires back. Redneck kung fu by Briscoe.  Boot to the face by the champion. Cactus Jack elbow on the floor by Briscoe. Shotgun dropkick by Briscoe. Fisherman Buster for 2 by Briscoe. They slug it out on the apron. More redneck kung fu. Strong with a backbreaker on the apron. Strong sends Briscoe into the post and they trade chops. Another post shot by Strong and Briscoe is bloody as heck.

Strong gets aggressive on the floor. Back in the ring, Strong chokes him on the middle rope. Backbreaker by Strong for 2. Rear chinlock by Strong. Chops by Strong but another back breaker by Strong into a Brazos Valley Backbreaker (Boston Crab). Briscoe makes the ropes.  Jay driller by Strong for 1. A strong kickout by Briscoe! Forearms by Strong. Big neckbreaker by Briscoe.  Kick by Strong. Gutbuster by Strong into an Angle Slam off the top for 2. Double clothesline puts both men down

They rise and trade shots. Uranage by Briscoe. Matt Taven distraxts the ref and Mike Bennett nails Mark with the title belt. 2 count by Strong. Powerbomb and a running kick for 2 by Strong. Ishii and O’Riley come out an fight off the ROH tag team champions. Lariat by Briscoe. Froggy Bow and Briscoe scores the pin.


Kyle and Ishii come out to celebrate with the champion. That’s all from Texas. Thanks for reading!

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