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By Cory Strode on 2024-07-26 23:09:00

It is Friday and AEW Rampage was recorded after Dynamite on Wednesday at the Bridgestone Arena in Nashville, TN. Our commentary team is Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and Matt Menard. 

It’s the Royal Rampage, which they do after Blood and Guts every year. If there is an A after their name they are in the ring closer to the stage and a B the ring furthest from the stage. It’s an over the top battle royal, and when it’s down to one person in each ring, they then combine into one ring. Whoever wins gets a title shot at Grand Slam.

First group: Orange Cassidy - A, Claudio Castagnoli - B, Brody King - A, Komander - B

Cassidy and Komander walk the ropes, and their arm drags are blocked and the fights start in earnest. 

Next: Tomohiro Ishii - A

Komander and Claudio are fighting in the ropes and Cassidy and Ishii work on King. 

Next: Brian Cage - B

Cage is able to nail Claudio with a Tiger Feint Kick.

Next: Butcher - A

Butcher and King team up on Ishii. They then throw hands in the middle of the ring.

Next: Matt Menard - B

Menard leaves commentary and goes after Claudio in the corner. 

Next: Roderick Strong - A

Strong hits the ring attacking everyone. Butcher and Strong go after King. 

Next: Kip Sabian - B

Sabian has a new look and goes for a lot of leaping attacks. 

Next: Brandon Cutler - A

Cutler has a mic and puts over the Young Bucks and how he will bring the title home to them.  He is immediately eliminated by Ishii. 

Next: Nick Wayne - B

Wayne goes right after Sabian. Matt Menard is eliminated and returns to commentary.

Next: Kyle O’Reilly - A

Kyle goes right after Strong. 

Next: Jeff Jarrett - B

Jarrett gets a spotlight of taking everyone down as we go to picture in picture.

When we return to full screen, Butcher has been eliminated.

Next: Matt Taven - A

Taven goes after Cassidy and Kyle attacks him when he drops Cassidy.  Komander is eliminated by Nick Wayne.

Next: Jay Lethal - B

Lethal goes after Wayne. Sabian eliminates Wayne. 

Next: Mike Bennett - A

Bennett tries to trade chops with Ishii.  NOT a smart move.  

Next: The Beast Mortos - B

Sabian is eliminated by Lethal.

Next - Darby Allin - A

Remember kids, don’t do what Darby do.  From Blood and Guts to this in less than an hour?  Craziness.

Next and the final entrant: - Lio Rush - B

We see Darby and King fight up into the stands, and they have not been eliminated as we go to picture in picture.

When we come back, Mortos is eliminated. 

Ishii and Bennett are eliminated, followed by Cassidy.

Kyle is eliminated and Darby gets in the ring and goes after Strong. 

Claudio and Rush fight on the apron and Claudio tosses him.  Strong is eliminated at the same time. Claudio then eliminates Lethal. 

King and Darby fight on the apron and Darby is able to eliminate King so he is the last man in Ring A.

Adam Page gets in the ring and goes after Jarrett for freeing Swerved Strickland during Blood and Guts. Cage then tosses Jarrett and Page keeps attacking Jarrett. Claudio gets the big swing on Cage. We go to commercials and come back and they are still fighting, with Cage on the apron. Claudio hits a Neutralizer on Cage on the apron and Cage drops to the floor. 

It’s now Darby vs Claudio. Claudio tosses Darby from one ring to the other, and Darby rolls to the floor NOT over the top rope. Claudio then hits the floor and swings Darby into the ringside steel steps. Darby is rolled into the ring and Claudio stalks him. Claudio suplexes Darby, who lands on his feet and they fight on the apron. Calduio hits a massive series of boots. Darby rolls under the turnbuckle and then pulls Claudio into the buckle. Darby hits the coffin drop from the top onto  Claudio draped on the top rope and Claudio drops to the floor.

Winner: Darby Allin

This was a GREAT rumble style match.  Lots of stories going on, an exciting ending, and a few surprises, and tyook about 45 minutes of TV time.

We get a promo from Willow Nightingale where she says challenges Kris Statlander to a match for the CMLL championship.

Kris Statlander w/Stokely Hathaway vs The Already In the Ring Leila Grey

Grey gets in a few strikes before Statlander gets in a big kick and then a Staturday Night Fever pile driver for the pin and the win.

Winner: Kris Statlander

Lancer Archer vs Alejandro

Archer carries the prone Alejandro to the ring and then gives a series of slams and then the blackout for the pin and the win.

Winner: Lance Archer 

Saraya is with Rnee Paquette and Harley Cameron and she says next week she will show why she is needed at Wembley, and Harley Cameron is ranting behind Reee as they talk. 

Don Callis joins commentary

The Righteous (Vincent and Dutch) vs Private Party (Zay and Quen) vs The Outrunners (Turbo Floyd and Truth Magnum) vs Kyle Fletcher and Rush

Vincent and Turbo start off running the ropes and trading headlocks and they start the match in medias res. Turbo gets a hip toss and Truth tags in. Vincent gets an arm bar and Truth gets an eye poke and tags in Turbo. They hit a double elbow drop and post. Dutch tags in and shoulder tackles them both down. Dutch and Vincent double team the Outrunners. Dutch knocks Quen off the apron, and Zay tries for a cross body off the top, but Dutch catches him for a spinning side slam. 

Vincent and Dutch then work over Truth with quick tags as we go to picture in picture.

When we return to full screen, Truth has been the babyface in peril through the break.  Truth is able to tag in Zay, who runs wild. Rush is able to tag in and we get Private Party vs Kyle and Rush. Private Party gets high-flying moves on just about everyone. Rush is back on the apron as if he wasn’t tagged in, so I wonder if the ref says he didn’t tag in properly.

Kyle Fletcher chargers into the ring and he goes after both members of the Outrunners. Rush joins him and they take them out and attack them in the corners. Rush tags in Kyle, and Rush attacks Private Party on the floor. Kyle hits a belly to back tombstone on Tombstone for the pin and the win.

Winners: Kyle Fletcher and Rush

Rush attacks Turbo with a camera cable as Kyle lays in blows on him as well as Don directs traffic and we are desperately out of time!

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