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By Richard Trionfo on 2024-07-26 22:30:00

Your announcers are Blake Howard and Vic Joseph.

Match Number One:  Jaida Parker versus Layla Diggs

They lock up and Parker with a shoulder tackle and she slides into a side head lock.  Diggs with a head scissors and Jaida escapes.  Diggs gets a near fall.  Diggs with a reverse chin lock and Parker with a waist lock and she rag dolls Diggs.  Diggs with a split to escape and she applies a waist lock into an arm bar.   Diggs blocks a hip toss and does a split into a snap mare.  Diggs with a moonsault for a near fall.  Parker with an Irish whip and she pulls DIggs ot the mat by the hair.  Parker puts Diggs on the middle turnbuckle and she hits the springboard seated splash.  Diggs with a jackknife cover for a near fall.  Diggs counters a suplex into an inside cradle for a near fall.

Parker gets a near fall.  Parker works on the leg and applies a Calf Crusher and she almost puts Diggs' foot on top of her head.  Parker misses an elbow drop and Diggs with a punch and shoulder tackles.  Diggs with a butterfly suplex but she misses an axe kick.  Parker sends Diggs into the ropes and hits a running hip strike for the three count.

Winner:  Jaida Parker

We see Cutler James with Dante Chen in LOCKER ROOM.  Cutler says they were proud of Dante getting a title match.  He calls Dante the gate keeper.  He challenges Dante to a match.

Dante says no one has asked him for a match before and he accepts.  He says he is impressed with Cutler and he hopes he is up for the challenge.

Match Number Two:  Dion Lennox versus Uriah Connors

They lock up and Dion sends Connors to the mat.  Connors with a waist lock and he pushes Dion in the back of the head.  Connors with a kick and chop.  Dion sends Connors into the turnbuckles and he takes Connors to the mat with a side head lock.  Connors backs Dion to the ropes and Dion with a break.  Connors slaps Dion but Dion with a drop kick for a near fall.  Connors rolls to the apron through the ropes and sends Dion shoulder first into the ropes.  Connors with forearms and knees.  Connors gets a near fall.  Connors kicks Dion and punches him.  Connors with an elbow drop.  Connors chops Dio a few times and backs him into the corner.  Dion has had enough but Connors with a kick and forearm for a near fall.  Connors with elbows to the top of the head.

Connors with a chop to Dion and a knee to the back of the head.  Connors kicks Dion in the head a few times and shows him no respect.  Dion with a short arm clothesline.  Dion with punches and Connors misses a clothesline.  Dion with elbows and a spinebuster.  Dion goes for a suplex but Connors gets to the ropes.  Connors goes to the apron and Dion suplexes him back into the ring but Connors lands on his feet and he goes for a rollup and a hand on the ropes but the referee stops hiim.  Dion gets the three count.

Winner:  Dion Lennox

We go to Layla Diggs in the back and Sarah asks her how she feels about losing.

Layla says she hates losing and it affects her confidence.

Adriana Rizzo says she had the three 'Fs' and she even includes physical.  She tells Layla she needs confidence.  She says Layla needs to keep her head up and she has her eye on Layla.

Match Number Three: Cutler James versus Dante Chen

They lock up and Chen with a waist lock and James escapes and sends Chen to the mat.  They lock up and James with a front face lock.  Chen gets to the ropes to force a break.  Chen with a hammer lock.  James tries to escape but Dante holds on.  James with a snap mare and Chen with an arm bar and shoulder tackle.  Chen with an arm bar.  James catches Dante on a cross body and he slams Chen.  James with forearms to the lower back.  Chen avoids the third forearm and Chen with an elbow.  James with a belly-to-back suplex for a near fall.  James with a side slam for a near fall.   Chen with a punch and James with a kick.  James runs into a boot.

Chen sends James to the floor and he gets back on the apron and connects with a clothesline.  Chen kicks James and Chen with a rollup for a near fall.  James with a forearm and he gets a near fall.  James with a rear chin lock.  James with a slam and he returns to the rear chin lock.  Chen with a jaw breaker and he escapes.  Chen with punches and chops.  Chen with a flying forearm and a second one.  Chen with a reverse atomic drop but James with Shell Shock for a near fall.  James gets Chen up again but Chen counters into a crucifix but James rolls to the floor.  Chen with a running boot to the head.  Chen sets for the Dragon chop and he connects for the three count.

Winner:  Dante Chen

We go to credits.

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