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By Mike Johnson on 2024-07-25 20:40:00

AEW President Tony Khan took part in a media conference call today to promote tomorrow's ROH Death Before Dishonor and when asked about online claims that they had locked in a deal with Warner Bros. Discovery, Khan responded:

"We're having great talks.  Still in conversation. So I think that would be premature to say that, we're all set and done because that's still what we're working having great talks, including today.  I've had some great meetings with the executive team, Mr. Zaslav, Kathleen Finch, Bruce Campbell, and the great people at Warner Brothers Discovery that put a lot of time in and had a lot of great meetings and conversations. It's still something we're all working on together.  Yeah, I think it would be premature to say that for sure, but also important to note that. It's a very good ongoing dialogue that we're having.  

I don't usually do this, but since Brandon [Thurston] brought it up and asked, I had a major member of the wrestling media mentioned to me yesterday [that] WWE Is telling people that...I don't know why WWE is Telling people about our media rights deal.  I don't really know what any to any of their business. I don't really understand why WWE PR calls people and talks about my business. WWE PR is telling people that the deal is done and that the deal is done at the same level. That it was going to be our previous deal. That's not the case. I don't know why WWE PR and why major wrestling media members who are very credible and have never lied to me are...I don't know why they're telling people that it's none of their business.  I think WWE PR really gets involved in a lot of things they shouldn't get involved in, and I can tell you that is very untrue because when we make a deal for AEW, it's going to be a great deal with a big increase.  Over what we've been doing, we're in a really good position. We've been doing great business here, despite what they're trying to do to us."

During the call, Khan also stated AEW was still in the exclusive stage of talks with WBD, correcting incorrect claims and beliefs that the company could negotiate on the open market with other potential media rights partners.

Khan also stated that ROH is part of the current conversations, as are PPV events and streaming rights.

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