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By Mike Johnson on 2024-07-25 18:48:00

The latest art piece for Rob Schamberger is Adam Copeland.

Schamberger noted, "I couldn’t think of a better subject for my first AEW Wrestling Landscape painting than Adam Copeland’s dramatic debut. If you’re unfamiliar, the Wrestling Landscape series are paintings I’m making for the biggest moments in pro wrestling, where I pull back the perspective to show the grandeur of the crowds in the arenas and how they’re a part of all of this.  I used a mix of watercolor and acrylic paint for this piece, with watercolor for the crowd in the background as well as the pyro and the light shining through it. There was also a little bit for Adam’s jeans, as they’re partially obscured by the smoke. I then used acrylic paint for the crowd in the foreground and for the rest of Adam’s figure, to make it all pop and create a sense of depth through the composition."

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