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By James Kurokawa on 2024-07-25 16:26:00

7/25/24 Results from G1 Climax 34 From Kagawa, Japan:

The G1 Climax continues in Kagawa, Japan while WWE is performing 125 miles away in Osaka.

It is very dark in the arena, and hard to see if the building is full.

1 - Katsuya Murashima and Toru Yano vs. SANADA and TAKA Michinoku

TAKA forces Murashima to submit to Just Tap Out.

2 - Shoma Kato, Tomoaki Honma and Shota Umino vs. Francesco Akira, Callum Newman and Great-O-Khan

Akira pins Kato after a Fireball.

3 - Kosei Fujita and Zack Sabre Jr. vs. Gabe Kidd and Jake Lee

Kidd pins Fujita after a piledriver.

Jake Lee chokes out ZSJ with a sleeper after the match.   Their A Block match on July 27 should be fun.

4 - Tetsuya Naito and Shingo Takagi vs. Dick Togo and EVIL

Takagi pins Togo after a Sliding Pumping Bomber.

G1 Climax 34 Matches:

5 - Hirooki Goto vs. Boltin Oleg

Goto hits a GTR and gets the pin.

Hirooki Goto earns his first 2 points.

Boltin Oleg has 2 points. 

6 - Jeff Cobb vs. Ren Narita

Narita attacks Cobb before the bell and they brawl into the crowd.  Narita attacks Cobb's left knee and ankle.  Cobb threw Narita across the ring with a Super F5.  Narita goes for his push up bar.  Cobb takes the bar and flings Narita across the ring.   The referee takes the bar away from Cobb.  Narita hits a low blow and a Double Cross on Cobb.

Narita pins Cobb.

Ren Narita has 4 points.

Jeff Cobb has 2 points.

Big win for Narita who pins the New Japan Television Champion and earns his points in the B Block.

7 - El Phantasmo vs. Yota Tsuji

ELP went for Thunderkiss 86.  Tsuji gets the knees up and goes for a small package.  ELP reverses the small package.

ELP pins Tsuji.

El Phantasmo earns 2 points.

Yota Tsuji has 2 points.

8 - HENARE vs. David Finlay

Good competitive match.  They exchanged strikes and reversals.  HENARE hits a Rampage for a two count.  Finlay escapes Streets of Rage.  HENARE with a headbutt, but Finlay connects with Overkill.

Finlay pins HENARE.

David Finlay earns 2 points.

HENARE has 4 points. 

9 - Yuya Uemura vs. Konosuke Takeshita

Good match.   Uemura attached Takeshita's left arm.   Takeshita used his height and power to fight back.   Takeshita got a two count with a Blue Thunder Bomb.   Uemura with a German Suplex.  Two count.  Takeshita avoided a top rope splash and hit a big boot.  Uemura hit a Pele Kick.  Both men were down.  Takeshita was selling the elbow.   Uemura goes for the Deadbolt but Takeshita powers out and hits a stiff elbow smash.  Uemura takes Takeshita down with a cross arm breaker.  Rope break.  Uemura hits a top rope splash.  Two count.  Takeshita with a release German suplex.   Uemura traps the arms and runs him in the turnbuckle and hits the Deadbolt suplex.

Uemura pins Takeshita.

Yuya Uemura takes the lead of B Block with 6 points.

Konosuke Takeshita has 4 points.

A Block Standings: 



Shota Umino


Tetsuya Naito


Shingo Takagi




Great O-Khan


Callum Newman


Zack Sabre Jr.


Gabe Kidd


Jake Lee




  B Block Standings: 



Boltin Oleg


El Phantasmo


Hirooki Goto


Yota Tsuji


Yuya Uemura


Jeff Cobb




David Finlay


Ren Narita


Konosuke Takeshita


It is still early in the G1 Climax, but you can see the elevation of certain talent.   With the absence of veterans like Hiroshi Tanahashi and Tomohiro Ishii, several young talent has stepped up their game.  Shota Umino is being called the new Ace on commentary.   Gabe Kidd looks like a tough bad ass.  Boltin Oleg is a prodigy.  Yota Tsuji won the New Japan Cup in early 2024.  Yuya Uemura leads the B Block now.   HENARE is the NEVER Openweight Champion.  Ren Narita just defeated the Television Champion, without House of Torture assistance.  ]

The records will begin to balance out now and the drama will build in each Block as we get to mid August.

Thank you for reading.

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