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By Cory Strode on 2024-07-24 22:08:00

It is Wednesday and AEW Dynamite’s 250th episode is coming to us from the Bridgestone Arena in Nashville, TN. Our commentary team is Excalibur, Taz, and Tony Schiavone. 

We start by seeing that someone has shoved a knife into Will Ospreay’s tire at the hotel. Will and Alex Marvez jump in Alex’s car and head to the arena.

We then get a recap of MJF winning the International Championship last week, and he then comes to the ring being introduced by a bunch of cheerleaders. He says Will didn’t hit the Tiger Driver 91 because he’s a gutless coward. He then tells Swerve Strickland he hasn’t forgotten about the world title and he could pounce at any time. 

He then says Will’s grandmother passed and he should bury himself as well. He then tells Will to come out and face him, but he won’t because he’s scared (and Will is still rushing to the arena). MJF then heels the crowd and talks about how the International title is garbage because it was on people who weren't from the USA. He then unveils a new title, the American Championship with a new belt. While the crowd chants USA, He shuts them down by saying the belt is for REAL America, Plainview Long Island New York.

MJF then has red, white, and blue streamers fly and a US flag drops with MJF’s face as the stars.  MJF also drops and Will Ospreay hits the ring and beats him down. MJF bails and Will tells the crowd that MJF used the Dynamite Diamond ring to beat him.  He also says that the other thing in MJF’s trunks isn’t that big.

Will then says he met with Tony Khan and Christopher Daniels and got a rematch at All In.  

In the back, we are told they will see who gets the advantage at Blood and Guts, The Elite team, without Adam Page, and Christopher Daniels is on the ground. Nick says they brought their own coin, and they win the coin flip, and we are then shown it was a two headed coin.

Chris Jericho (FTW Champion) vs Minoru Suzuki

Large William and Bryan Keith are banned from ringside.

Suzuki starts by calling for Jericho to attack him and we’re off for a hoss fight. Suzuki laughs every time Jericho chops him and Jericho just keeps getting more furious as he does so. It’s just nothing but a chop fest, with Jericho’s chest starting to show blood from the chops. Jericho finally drops to the mat as we go to picture in picture.

When we come back to full screen, Suzuki is still in charge, and starts using chairs on Jericho on the floor. They return to the ring and now we start getting holds, albeit violent ones. Jericho gets the walls and Suzuki escapes. Jericho wins with a low blow and follows with the Judas Effect for the pin and the win.

Winner and still FTW Champion: Chris Jericho

After the match, Suzuki hits a Gotch Style piledriver on Jericho. Bill and Keith show up to attack Suzuki after that, but Shibata’s music hits and he attacks them, clearing the ring. 

In the back, Renee Paquette is with the NEW CMLL Women’s World Champion: Willow Nightingale, but before she can speak, she’s attacked by Kris Statlander. Willow is suplexed into the equipment suitcases and Stokely Hathway says they want an eliminator match for the title next week.

We then get video of an interview Rnee had with Bryan Danielson from earlier today. He says his neck is hurt, but it is fixable. Jeff Jarrett says he was listening and he says Bryan is the perfect guy to win the Owen Hart tournament. He says that Bryan has physical healing, but he also needs to heal mentally, and go all in. Jeff says he is behind Bryan 100%. They seem to have also gone all in on having Jarrett go babyface.

Britt Baker vs Hikaru Shida

Baker’s first match back from injury, and it’s with an opponent she’s worked with a lot in the past. 

They start with mat work, doing some hold/counter hold, moving to brawling outside the ring. After a commercial break, Baker starts getting in her big moves like the sling blade. Baker puts on the dental glove and the announcers talk about her big submission move. Shida and Baker have a solid match, go through the paces and Baker wins with the Lockjaw.  Good way to let Baker get a workout in and show her style to the audience.

Winner: Britt Baker

Mercedes Mone shows as soon as bakker wins and talks to Baker from the stage. She says the crowd wants to see them fight, but she will not face Baker for the title. As Mone finishes up Kamille attacks Baker from behind. Kamille hits a torture rack bomb on Baker and Mone joins her in the ring to stand over Baker’s fallen body.

We then get Christian Cage and the rest of the Patriarchy, and he says the people of Nashville don’t deserve to see him in person. We are told Nick Wayne is in the Royal Rampage Friday. Nick sees Kip Sabian and tells him he will be tossing him from the ring first, and no one cares that his dad is DEAD. 

Pac vs The Already In The Ring Boulder 

Looks like the Iron Savages need to change the formula of their Savage Sauce, since Pac just dominates Bounder and wins with a brain buster. 

Winner:  Pac

We then get Team AEW backstage and Swerve starts a promo, and Darby Allin says this isn’t about him, it’s about getting even with The Elite. They show the team has issues with each other until Mark Briscoe explains why they need to put it all aside and get violent together.

Mariah May comes to the ring and is now The Glamour Mariah May. 

Mariah May vs the Already in the Ring Kaitlyn Alexis

Kaitlyn doesn’t even get an on screen graphic with her name, so if I spelled her name wrong, I apologize. 

And the match doesn’t last long enough for me to look her up and find the correct spelling as May wins with a hip attack and a Storm Zero.

Winner: Mariah May

Toni Storm’s music plays and then it stops and May starts to laugh. Storm sneaks into the ring behind her and they throw hands in the middle of the ring and they are pulled apart by referees. 

And now it’s time for Blood and Guts.

First out are Jack Perry and Darby Allin

Perry has a chair and Darby has a skateboard, and Perry nails Darby with the chair before he gets into the ring. They brawl outside the cage and Darby is already taking big spots. They fight into the crowd, The fight back to th ering and Darby tosses Perry into the ring. Perry has a garbage can and it’s time for plunder. Darby is lawn darted into the trash can set up in the corner. Perry then slams it into the can over and over again. 

Darby fires up as NIck Jackson is next in the match with a chair and a suitcase.

We then get five minutes of Darby getting the crap beat out of him, mostly durignpicture in picture.

Next out is Mark Briscoe.

Briscoe runs wild and Darby is re-energized and they dominate for the next five minutes.

Next is Matt Jackson, with his own suitcase.

Matt slams Briscoe’s head into the cage over and over and he’s busted open. Matt hits the locomotive Northern Lights on Darby. The Elite dominate during this segment. 

Anthony Bowens is next out

We then get thumbtacks on a skateboard used on The Elite, as well as scissors, and other weapons.

Kazuchika Okada is next with a street sign.

The Elite take over and we go to picture in picture. 

We come back from commercial for Max Caster to join in.

Caster gets to run wild and then bring in the barbed wire board. Sadly, Bowens gets hip tossed into the barbed wire. A second board is put on top of Bowens and Nick gets a senton from the top onto it. This brings out the black bag of thumbtacks. We then get the stupid and gross Thumbtacks in the mouth bit.

Adam Page has his music played but he doesn’t show. 

Bowens wraps barbed wire around his leg before hitting a scissor me timbers.

Finally, Swerve Strickland comes out.

Page charges behind him and nails Swerve with a chair. Page handcuffs Swerve to the outside of the cage. He savagely beats Swerve as Swerve is handcuffed to the cage. The Bucks grab a mic and tell him they had a deal. They say if he doesn’t get in the ring, he’s fired. Page gets in the ring and the cage is locked with Swerve still handcuffed to the outside of the cage and the match has begun.

After the commercial break, Jeff Jarrett and Bill Gunn come to the ring to release Swerve, and when Brandon Cutlet tries to stop them, he gets the guitar shot. Swerve then uses wire cutters to cut into the cage and he runs wild inside. 

After he’s done, he’s on one side of one ring, and Page is on the other. They slowly go to the space between the ring and then throw hands. It’s then time for everyone to hit a big move on the last person and the bralwing starts up again. The Elite suitcase is opened and it’s staple gun for everyone. They all go after Swerve, who starts laughing and starts fighting them all off.

Swerve gets a big move on each one, ending with a big kick on Page as they go to picture in picture again. 

We see a tabel tower costructed during commercials. Bowens and Nick climb the cage next to them, and Bowens is dropped throught he tables. We’ve also got tables set up in the ring and Briscoe hits J Drillers on every other member of The Elite. Darby climbbs the underside fo the roof of the cage to drop onto Parry through a table. Briscoe grabs handcuffs from The Elite’s suitcases, and Perry is handcuffed to the cage on the inside. He uses a Kendo stick on Perry, asking if he quits. When he says no, Darby crawls under the cage and Briscoe gives an unprotected chair shot to the head.

We don’t need that.  

Darby comes out with a gas can and a lighter. He pours it on Perry and says he will light him on fire if he doesn’t quit. Matt grabs the mic and says if he wants a title match with Perry, he’s got it. Darby says he has to say he quits, and Matt yells he quits.

Winners: Team AEW

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