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By Anthony Pires on 2024-07-24 22:10:00

It’s Wednesday! That means Blood and Guts is on the way LIVE from AEW Dynamite.  Taz, Excalibur and Tony Schiavone have the call of all the action from Nashville, TN.

Alex Marvez is at the hotel parking lot where we see Will Ospreay’s car has had its tires slashed.  Ospreay takes Marvez’ keys and they drive to the arena together.

AEW International Champion MJF comes out.  He calls Ospreay a gutless coward.  He calls his win last week easy and quick. He brings up Ospreay’s recently deceased grandmother. He challenges Ospreay to come out but, as we know, Ospreay’s tires were slashed. He insults Daniel Garcia and throws the International belt into the trash. He says he deserves a title worthy of him. Apparently, the International title is now known as the AEW American Championship. MJF declares himself an American Hero! Will Ospreay shows up and chases MJF away.  Ospreay has invoked his rematch clause for Wembley Stadium. Ospreay pulls the International belt out of the trash can. 

Christopher Daniels has been laid out in the back as the Elite win the main advantage coin toss.

FTW Championship: Chris Jericho vs Minoru Suzuki

Chop exchange right off the bat. When I say “off the bat” I mean about 100 chops have been thrown thus far. We go to commercial.

We are back and they are still chopping. We’re about 7-8 minutes in BTW. Elbow and a clothesline by Jericho. Armbar by Suzuki. Action spills to the floor. Into the announce table goes Jericho. Suzuki nails him with a chair twice. Digit manipulation by Suzuki. Back in the ring, Suzuki with joint manipulation. Jericho’s chest is bleeding and looks like raw hamburger. Codebreaker for 1 by Jericho. Forearm exchange. Choke by Suzuki. Jericho turns it around into the Walls. Suzuki kicks out and goes for a sleeper. Low blow by Jericho. Judas Effect and Jericho scores the pin.


Suzuki with a choke and Gotch Piledriver. Brian Keith and Large William attack. Shibata comes out to make the save.

Rene Paquette is with new CMLL Women’s champion Willow Nightingale, who is immediately attacked by Kris Statlander. Statlander wants the CMLL Title.

Jeff Jarrett confronts Bryan Danielson, pumping him up for winning the Owen Hart Cup. Jarrett wants Danieslon to go All In with this and not treat it like a farewell match. 

Dr. Britt Baker DMD vs. Hikaru Shida

Lockup, Shida avoids a punch. Snap mare by Baker and a rollup for 2. Headlock by Baker, kick by Shida. Rollup for 2 by Baker. Shida avoids the lockjaw. They trade rollups.  Action spills to the floor. Shida rains right hands down near the railing. Kneelift by Shida as we go to commercial.

We are back and it’s Shida firing up the crowd. Baker attacks and nails a neckbreaker. Sling Blade by Baker. Baker takes the glove out. Kneelify by Shida into a German. Armbar by Shida into a guillotine. Knee strike by Shida. Shida misses a dive but connects with a forearm. Thrust kick by Baker. They reverse rollups. Fujiwara armbar by Baker, Shida makes the rope. Shida teases using the kendo stick. Neckbreaker by Baker for 2.  Kick by Shida into a falcon arrow. Baker rolls through a kick and slaps on the lockjaw for the tapout.


Mercedes Mone’ comes out to “congratulate” Dr. Baker.  She says no to a match at All In.  The Brickhouse Kamille arrives and attacks Baker. Torture Rack Bomb by Kamille. Kamille appears to be the insurance policy for Mercedes.

The Patriarchy (with Nick Wayne’s mom) is backstage as the new Trios Champions. Nick Wayne speaks and confronts Kip Sabian.

Pac vs. Already in the Ring Boulder

Boulder poses and eats a kick. Pump kick by Pac. Shoulder tackle by Boulder. Boulder misses a moonsault and eats an uppercut and a dropkick. Pac kicks him in the corner. Shotgun dropkick by Pac. Brainbuster for the pin by Pac.


We catch up with Team AEW backstage. They’re ready to defend the spirit of AEW. Swerve appears to not be getting along with his teammates. Mark Briscoe takes control of the situation. 

Mariah May vs. Already in the ring Kaitlyn Alexis

Running dropkick and punches by May. Shotgun dropkick by May. Crossface blows by May. Knee strike by May. May Day followed by a hip attack.  May with a Storm Zero for the pin.


Toni Storm attacks May.

The double cage is lowered.

Blood and Guts: Swerve Strickland, Darby Allin, The Acclaimed & Mark Briscoe vs. Adam Page, Jack Perry, Kazuchika Okada & The Young Bucks

We will start with 1 on 1. Every couple of minutes, the teams will alternate sending members into the match until all 10 men are in. At which point, we are 1 fall to a finish, submission or surrender.

Jack Perry will start off for his team.  Darby Allin, not surprisingly, kicks things off for team AEW. Perry throws a chair at Allin and powerbombs him into the cage.  As the action is on the floor, we are told the match is officially underway. Perry sends Allin into the crowd. They are far from the ring. Allin fires back, dragging Perry back to the ring area with a clothesline over the barricade. They enter the cage. Trash can to the head by Perry and then Perry with a bungee cord choke. Lawn Dart into a trash can by Perry. Into the can again goes Allin. Allin spits on Perry.  Allin with a cord choke as the clock runs out.

Nicholas Jackson joins the match. He’s got what appears to be a tool box with him. Guillotine legdrop to Allin. Allin avoids a double DDT but gets sent into the cage as we go to commercial.

We are back and it’s Mark Briscoe entering the match. This, to me, is the wildcard. Briscoe fires away at Jackson and launches himself into Perry. T Bone by Briscoe. Allin and Jackson are brawling. Briscoe chops Perry.  Briscoe out of nowhere sentons JAckson on a ladder and then launches himself into Nicholas

Matthew Jackson entered the match. He also has what appears to be a toolbox. Allin gets DDT’d on the case.  Matthew scrapes Briscoe’s head into the cage and we’ve got blood. Buckle bomb on Allin.  Perry with a case (toolbox) to Allin’s head. There’s a crutch in the ring.

Anthony Bowens has joined the match. He goes right after Nicholas Jackson.  Bowens with a famouser to PErry. Bowens eats the case to the head. Matthew with a lariat to Allin. Briscoe with a cutter to Nicholas. Darby with the thumbtack skateboard to Matthew Jackson. Bowens is stabbing Perry with something.

Kazuchika Okada joins the match and he has a street sign with him. Okada nails Team AEW with the street sign. Tombstone piledriver to Briscoe by Okada, followed by a dropkick. Nicholas Jackson is bleeding as we go to commercial.

Back to live action, Max Caster joins the match, no rap but he does have a mic in hand.  He uses it as a weapon and nails Perry with a chair. Caster nails Okada with a chair. Caster introduces a barb wire board. Perry, now bleeding, saves Okada from a suplex on the board. It’s Bowens who gets hip tossed and bodyslammed on it. Senton by Nicholas Jackson onto the barb wire.

The Elite force thumbtacks into Casters mouth and the Bucks with a double superkick to him. That couldn’t have been pleasant.

Adam Page gets introduced but does not come out right away. Allin with running coffin drops to the Bucks in the corner. Bowens wraps the barb wire around his leg and nails scissor me timbers to Nicholas.

Swerve Strickland is the last man introduced. Adam Page runs up from behind with a chair. Page handcuffs Swerve to the cage. Okada dropkicks Briscoe into the barb wire. Page wails away on a defenseless Swerve. 

Matthew Jackson yells at Page to get in the ring, threatening him with being fired. The match “officially” begins. Okada and PAge shove each other and Team AEW goes to work as we go to commercial,

Jeff Jarrett tries to come to the ring but Brandon Cutler trues to stop him. He eats a guitar shot and Jarrett unlocks Swerve. Swerve uses wire cutters to enter the cage, Swerve cleans house (way too much going on to describe). Swerve and PAge lock eyes. They meet between rings and slug it out. Lariat by Page. Upkick by Page. Allin with a Code Red to Page. Briscoe eats a double superkick but then hits a double clothesline on the Bucks. Swerve has a staple gun. Matthew Jackson with a low blow to Swerve. The case gets open and the Elite all have staple guns. Swerve is getting punctured to all hell. Swerve is laughing it off. Swerve staples the Elite, including Okada and PAge as we go back to commercial.

During the break, some of our participants have left the cage. The Bucks have stacked tables on the floor.  Nicholas and Bowens are climbing the cage. Bowens gets rammed into the cage and falls through the 4 tables. In the ring it’s a Jay Driller to Perry, Okada and MAtthew Jackson.  There’s one for Nicholas. Froggy Bow through a table.  Darby to the top nails a collfin drop on Perry through a table.  The other case had handcuffs. JAck Perry gets handcuffed to the cage. Briscoe nails him repeatedly with a kendo stick.

Darby says it’s time to get this party started, Unprotected chair shot to Perry’s head, could habe done without that. Darby has a gas can and pours gas on Perry. Darby threatens to light him on fire if he doesn’t quit. Perry spits on Allin.  Matthew orders a TNT Title Match for All In between Allin and Perry. Jackson is forced to quit on behalf of Perry.


We go to credits.

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