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By Dave Scherer on 2024-07-24 10:00:00

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I usually appreciate your Q&A replies for their well developed reasonableness, but not so with this one. Your analogy of playing for the NY Yankees falls flat. Better to say you always wanted to write for The NY Times (sorry that was harsh). You’re thinking also fails to account for the short history of mixed sex tag matches, and anytime Dylan Post or Andre were paired against anyone of 6 foot height - a long long history of physical mis-matches. My point is “it’s always ALWAYS about the story” and you should give more than halting credit to AEW for this story. Unfortunately, they left this one on the table because it could have led to a 2-3 match tag series with someone saving Marko (Luchasaurus return and then just as Marko is about to win in the tag battle Luchasaurus turns on Marko revealing an alliance between the Patriarchy and the EVPs) Anyway. I thoroughly enjoyed the brief return of Marko Stunt.

Well, some people enjoy bondage and eating liver too.  To each their own.  What you are really saying about “my thinking” is that if doesn’t align with yours and that makes you upset.  Nothing you said remotely changed my mind, or even made me reconsider my stance, but if you can believe in a tiny fella having a shot at beating a normal sized man then Tony Khan definitely appreciates you.  You apparently don’t care about believability at all in wrestling while I do, so citing other ridiculous things as a way to say, “see, this ridiculous thing makes sense because others did” does nothing to sway me.  You watch wrestling for unrealistic spots, often with unrealistic looking people doing them.  That isn’t why I watch.  I don’t need to have the fact that I am watching a work shoved down my throat, which happens every time I see Marko against a normal sized person, but if you like it more power to you.  Oh and by the way, I never wanted to write for the New York Times.  As a kid, I wanted to write for The New York Daily News.  Since I was a columnist there for years so I actually got tp achieve that goal.

I have two questions regarding the July 16th question and answer column you wrote.The first was your follow-up about Marco stunt. You are asked about suspension of disbelief and you said you can't take him seriously only because he's 5 ft according to you but yet Rey Mysterio is short and wrestles guys much taller and bigger than him. Great Khali was jacked and 7 ft tall Plus and wrestled smaller guys yet both instances were looked upon as"believable" or at least in the realm of suspension of disbelief how is that any different than Marco stunt against Jack Perry who is not 6 ft 5 327 lb? 

To even mention Stunt in the same sentence as Rey is sacrilege to me.  Though short, Rey is about a half taller than Stunt.  But more importantly, Rey was believable because of the way he used his speed and also how he used his legs as a weapon when he was younger, and also because of how he bulked up as he aged.  He molded his style and offense off of the fact that he knew he couldn’t overpower people so he compensated with those two assets.  Cherrypicking Great Khali, who was slow and plodding, isn’t a good example to me.  He wasn’t seen as serious, despite his size.  Let’s use Braun Strowman instead.  It would look stupid for Marko to do anything but get decimated by him.  And yes, Perry isn’t huge but he is still much bigger than Stunt.  I get that some people like the freak show aspect of wrestling and that’s fine.  I don’t.

The second was about the TNA and WWE working relationship. You said that TNA is mostly being used for NXT as a way of them looking at talents they may want to sign in the future. If that's the case why would TNA want to work with them? If you were a promoter or Booker or TNA would you want to hold on to all your talents for as long as possible even if they may have one every title they have or main event it every show to make the most money you can using them with all your other talents?I'm no Booker or promoter but I know I would want to hold on to someone like Jordynne Grace or Joe Hendry to help my company and not somebody else's and isn't that what wrestling is about making money or say making the most money you can?

Here’s the thing, it’s not like those talents weren’t already on WWE’s radar.  If WWE wants them, they will get them when they are free.  TNA is doing it, most probably, to get buzz for the product.  They are way beneath WWE in the food chain so it’s understandable to me that they would take the chance and get out of it what they can.

During CM Punk’s first year in AEW, Tony Khan would bring up how much Punk had moved the needle.  I remember him enthusiastically bringing up every metric where Punk increased business during the Double or Nothing Press Scrum (night and day compared to the All Out press scrum).  With all of Tony Khan’s delusional hyperbole and cope for AEW’s business decline (everything is doing great, Adam Copeland has had the best run of his career here), what does that say about all of Khan’s praise for Punk as a draw back in 2021?

It says what we already knew, Tony makes a lot of GREAT statements.  Everything is GREAT in his world.  That’s just the way he is.  I rarely take the superlatives that he dishes out seriously.  When someone says everything is great, that tells me I can’t take them seriously.

What does "yeet" mean?

Part of what I like to do here is expand people's horizon's.  A question like this, and many like them that I get and usually ignore?  You can find the answer yourself through Google.  This one last time, I will do it for you:,yeet,for%20the%20thing%20being%20thrown

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