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By Dave Scherer on 2024-07-23 10:00:00

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Am I the only one confused by the fact that a company that is working with the Owen Hart Foundation is continuing to use rafter drop entrance?  I can actually understand wanting to do it one last time with Sting, getting Martha’s permission and that being that. But why is Darby doing it? Why do it again? Am I the only person that thinks this is pointless and tacky? 

If Martha Hart is OK with it that’s OK with me.  Darby likes doing dangerous stuff and given his association with Sting, I guess a case could be made for it.  Of all of the stupid and dangerous things that Darby does, repelling from the ceiling isn’t that high on the list to me.

One thing I've noticed over the last year or so is more wrestlers in WWE wearing clothes that suit their personality when not in the ring rather than just wearing trunks and their latest t-shirt. It feels a bit of a throwback to the Attitude Era. Are you appreciating this as much as I am and is this a Triple H initiative?

It’s pretty clear that a lot of things have changed or been eased since Vince McMahon has left the building.  People are allowed to be realer human beings.  Announcers are allow to speak to truths in a language that normal people speak.  I do see that people are being allowed to show more of who they are in real life and I like it.

I'm looking at the current card for Summerslam which is four singles matches as the time of asking. Do you enjoy cards which are predominately singles matches or like when there is more variety? I worry without the odd tag or gimmick match it can lead to a bit of burnout when watching a long show  

Honestly, no that doesn’t bother me at all.  I want a show where I am invested in why the people are fighting.  I don’t care how the types of matches break down.  I want to see people wrestling each other for a reason that I care about.

According to WrestleTix, AEW's stacked show tonight (last Wednesday’s Dynamite) featuring several PPV-quality matches has drawn 2,600 fans, which equates to 16% of the building being full - meaning 84% is empty. While the rating isn't out yet of course, this has to be seen as a huge failure right?

They ended up at over 3,000 but I agree with you 100 percent.  They have away the best match that they have to give and it couldn’t bump the house.  That’s very telling of where the brand is right now.  I don’t think there are as many “sickos” as Tony Khan thinks that there are.

One of the most despicable acts a promoter has done to a talent has to be when Vince McMahon held Zelina Vega off of the 9/11 tribute show several years back.  Now that HHH is in charge, is there any way of making up for this decision to rob her of a moment in time that would have meant so much to her and will never get back?  Or, would you argue that giving her that moment and match at Backlash in Puerto Rico was enough?

While I don’t think that HHH and his team are getting as much out of Vega as I think she has to offer, I don’t see any way that they make up for a show that Vince kept her off unless they do another tribute show in the future.  Vince did a lot of unsavory things, like having people lose in their hometowns or embarrass them on special days.  He was definitely wired differently.  I am glad he has been put out to pasture.

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