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By Mike Johnson on 2024-07-18 20:01:00

A GoFundMe Campaign has been launched to assist former WWE, WCW and ECW star 2 Cold Scorpio, Charles Skaggs:

My name is Shirley Black, I am better known as Too Cold Scorpio’s sufficient other.

While wrestling fans worldwide know him for all the joy and entertainment, he has provided for them over the years, now we come to you for your help and your kindness.

If you’ve ever gotten the chance to meet Charles Scaggs (Scorpio) outside of the ring, then you know he is the ultimate gentleman, kind, selfless, loyal to a fault, and a man of great integrity.

As pro wrestlers age, the bookings slowly dry up and become few and far between. Which is why he pursued a second career in the security field. He trained hard to obtain his security license.

Recently, when working as an armed security officer for a licensed security company (Kansas City Ultimate Security Inc), he was placed in a very unfavorable position. An individual who appeared to be under the influence was asked to put out a cigarette in the indoor facility where it was illegal.

Scorpio explained that, and had the man listened, it would’ve been over. Instead, he got very aggressive and combative. By the time they hit outside the man attacked Scorpio, screaming that he was an MMA fighter. Mind you, Scorpio is an armed security officer. While resisting to use his firearm, even though he was licensed to do so, a knife came into play, and they both received cuts with the assailant, taking the brunt.

When police showed up instead of allowing Scorpio the opportunity to press charges for being assaulted, he was the one arrested and charged with a felony offense.

So now we sit here depressed and desperate; desperate enough to have to reach out to all our family and friends, his friends and fans. He’s a proud man and this is very hard for him.

Since this incident Scorpio hasn't been able to work his full-time job as a security officer, this job was his main source of income and he won't be able to work in security again until he is cleared of the charges.

We just found out that Kansas City Ultimate Security Inc, didn't have any Worker's Compensation Insurance nor did they offer him Health Care Insurance.

It's been a month, and the medical bills are rolling in. Scorpio had a severe concussion and had several stitches on his left thumb. Now he is having issues with his eyesight but without Worker's Compensation Insurance and no Health Care Insurance, it just seems like there isn’t any way out.

We are seeking contributions big or small, at this point anything will make a significant difference in proving Too Cold Scorpio’s innocence and getting him the medical care he truly needs.


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