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By Dave Scherer on 2024-07-16 09:46:00

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And for my follow up on your Marko Stunt comments, I totally get your point.  I'll counter by saying that wrestling naturally requires some suspension of disbelief.  I've seen Marko on the indie scene and he's a good wrestler and seems like a good guy.  So I tuned in to see him.  I thought having him show up to challenge his former friend made sense.  He showed heart and portrayed the underdog well.  Now, had he won the title, or even came close, that would have been too unrealistic.  

The dude is maybe 5 feet tall.  I can suspend disbelief when someone throws an opponent into the ropes and they bounce back.  It’s something that is done consistently. I can’t accept a skinny 5 foot tall guy fighting a normal sized adult and doing anything other than taking a big time ass beating. I don’t care what kind of moves the little fella can do.  My eyes tell me there’s no way he wouldn’t destroyed against a normal sized, fit opponent.  I am glad you like him.  I sure don’t, well unless he is wrestling Bron Breakker or Jacob Fatu.  Now that, oh yeah, that I could enjoy.  It’s nothing against the guy either.  I am sorry he was blessed with bad genes.  Hell, I wanted to play center field for The New York Yankees.  I got bad genes too.

Can you compare and contrast WWE working with TNA and WWF working with ECW in the 90's please?  

The WWF sent talents down to ECW so that Paul Heyman could work with them and see if he could give them a fresh coat of paint, like he did with Al Snow.  They also lent Heyman money, which is why they got the assets of the company in the end. Right now, WWE isn’t doing anything like that with TNA.  TNA is getting them some exposure while WWE is getting a bit of buzz for NXT and quite possibly up close looks at talent they may want to sign down the road.

I’ve always wondered why a company with multiple shows per week on TV doesn’t provide very different shows. For instance coming up WWE could do the following. RAW on Netflix could be the much more adult driven show. Smackdown could be the family show and NXT could be for the hardcore wrestling folks. Is there a reason companies don’t lean into that type of idea more? Do you think WWE is heading in that direction? It seems like they might be. 

I don’t think WWE wants to do two distinct products.  Why fracture the audience?  For instance, kids are at both shows now.  Why mess that up?  I expect them to be a bit edgier on Netflix but I don’t see any reason to reinvent the wheel here.  Things are working well now as is. 

What is the official date that the AEW TV contract is over?

I have been told it expires at the end of 2024.  Don’t hold me to that, but it’s what I have been told.

Are the press conferences for both WWE and AEW 100% filled with legitimate journalists?

I can’t speak to every presser so I can’t say if it’s 100%.  Both companies invite members of the wrestling media to the events.  How many of them are actually journalists?  Well, that depends on whether you use the proper definition of the term or not.

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