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By Dave Scherer on 2024-07-14 09:52:00

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In your opinion, what was the worst/most stressful job in WWE when Vince was in charge?  Creative team?  Announcer?  Female talent?

I would have to go with creative because they had to deal with Vince more than anyone.  Think about how stressful it is to be in the first hour of Raw and he is having you rewrite the second hour.  Plus, the way he changed his mind all the time, causing late nights and rewrites?  No way I could have done that job.

Are there any serious plans to redesign the WWE title belt in the style of the winged-eagle belt, like Cody himself suggested shortly after winning the title?

If there are I haven’t heard about them.  I would I don’t see why TKO would care about an old belt design.  The past is the past in my view.  I don’t see the need to go retro.

What are your thoughts on Stephanie Vaquer signing with WWE? Should she have done right by CMLL and NJPW and finished her dates (at least the advertised ones) and dropped her titles?

I can see why people feel that way, for sure.  In a perfect world that would happen but the world isn’t perfect.  At the end of the day, she’s 31 years old and just got signed to the big time, which is what she has been working for.  If I were her or WWE, I would think about what would happen if she got hurt working for one of those two promotions before she arrived at her new home.  I would take the approach of looking out for myself and doing what was best for me, especially given the style that she works.  Plus, WWE was in Mexico, where she is very popular, so it’s understandable that they would want her to work there, and also understandable how she would want to be there rather than in a high school gym wrestling for New Japan.  Plus, those promotions could have had her signed to an exclusive deal and then it wouldn’t have been an issue.  Tony Khan could have signed her and then let her work for promotions that he is affiliated with.  None of that happened, obviously.  I know there are certain people that are aligned with AEW trying to paint her in a bad light since she signed with “the enemy” but I don’t see it that way at all. Vaquer just got a deal with the big time.  If I were her, I would have done the same thing.  The AEW shills should actually take Tony Khan to task for giving Vaquer huge exposure without having her signed to a deal.

In your opinion, who is doing a worse job as booker/promoter: Tony Khan with ROH or Billy Corgan with NWA?

Neither really.  I think they are both doing about as well as expected given what they have to work with.

Why are we getting MJF vs. Will Ospreay in free tv with 1 week notice? This should be a Wembley match or if you really want to pop a rating have a big build to it? 

Sadly, the answer is simple, that’s how Tony Khan books.  You make a great point, if you are going to give that match away on TV, build to it for at least a few weeks to try and get the biggest audience possible.  If not, put it on the Wembley show so that you can generate more money in buys.  Instead, he does neither.  He is most probably trying to pop a rating artificially since his numbers are down and he still hasn’t locked up a new TV deal with WBD yet (at least he hasn’t that we know of).

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