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By Richard Trionfo on 2024-07-12 20:43:00

Welcome to's coverage of MLW Never Say Never, scheduled to air on Youtube and beIN Sports at a later date.

Match Number One:  Gianna Gage versus Gigi Rey

They lock up and Rey with a side head lock and Gage with a hip toss.  Rey with a kick and Gage with an Irish whip and a running spin kick into the corner.  Rey sends Gage over the top rope to the apron and Rey with a springboard drop kick.  Rey goes up top and hits a twisting Phoenix Splash for the three count.

Winner:  Gigi Rey

(This match was likely a dark match)

Match Number Two:  Opera Cup First Round Match: Bad Dude Tito versus Danny Jones

They lock up and Tito with a kick and Danny tries for a shoulder tackle but Tito does not move.  Tito does the same with the same result.  They exchange forearms and Danny with a shoulder tackle.  Tito with a shoulder tackle.  They exchange forearms and they they exchange chops.  Danny hangs Tito over the apron and connects with forearms.  Danny with a boot from the apron and a knee to the midsection.  Danny with a European uppercut and Tito sends Danny to the apron and punches him to the floor.  Danny with a forearm to stop a suicide dive attempt.  Tito kicks the ropes when Danny returns to the ring and then he kicks Danny in the head.  Tito with a suplex for a near fall.  

Tito with chops but Danny with European uppercuts.  Danny with a jumping knee ad a rolling elbow followed by a splash into the corner.  Danny with a running knee into the corner followed by a suplex for a near fall.  Danny with a waist lock and then a series fo standing switches.  Danny with a German suplex for a near fall and a dragon suplex for a near fall.  Danny gets another near fall.  Tito blocks a pile driver and then hits a drop kick to the knee.  Tito with a sit out power bomb for a near fall.  Tito with a back fist and he gets Dany on his shoulders but Danny gets to his feet.  Tito with a clothesline that sends Danny over the top rope and Tito follows with a suicide dive.

Danny with a super kick and Tito with a running boot.  Danny with a clothesline and Tito stays on his feet.  Tito with a clothesline with the same result.  They go for clotheslines at the same time to a stalemate.  Danny with a clothesline for a near fall.  Tito with a Tequila Screwdriver for the three count.

Winner:  Bad Dude Tito (advances to face winner of Kane versus Thomas)

Before the next match, Bobby Fish makes his way to the ring to join commentary.

Brett takes the mic and he says by popular demand, the victorious BRG is here.  He wants the people to show him respect because he is the personification of perfection.  He says he will get his revenge on Jake Crist because he is like all of you.

Match Number Three:  Brett Ryan Gosselin versus Jake Crist

Crist attacks Brett as soon as he gets to the ring.  Jake with forearms and a suplex.  Jake with a drop kick through the ropes and he goes for an Asai Moonsault but Brett pulls Jake to the apron.  Brett teases a dive but he throws up a double bird instead.  Jake with a clothesline .  Brett with a back body drop.  Brett with a running forearm in the corner followed by a running back elbow and a short arm clothesline for a near fall.  Brett wtih a punch and he goes for a leap frog but Jake catches him and hits a Death Valley Driver for a near fall.  Brett with a thumb to the eye and a swinging neck breaker for the three count.

Winner:  Brett Ryan Gosselin

After the match, Fish that is quite a smile on your face.  Fish introduces him and he says he has the most educated feet in wrestling.  He says he is out to analyze the fight and it appears that Brett won.

Brett says he showed why he shouldn't be an alternate in the Opera Cup.  Brett says after a victory like that, put him into championship contention.  Brett says he said it before and will say it again.  He says Jake is like all of the white trash hillbillies.

Jake attacks Brett and Fish tells Jake that this is his interview.  Brett hits Jake from behind and kicks him.

Bobby holds Brett back and he helps Jake up but sends him back to the floor with a knee to the midsection. Brett pulls up the mats to expose the floor and Fish with a forearm and BRett gets him up for a spike pile driver onto the floor.

Brett is told to go to the back while Crist is helped to the back.

Match Number Four:  Davey Boy Smith Jr. versus AJ Francis

Before the match starts, Francis takes the mic and he introduces himself.  He says he used to play for the Bucs so he speaks for everyone when he says F*** you.

They lock up and AJ backs Smith into the corner and AJ with a clean break.  Smith with a waist lock and AJ powers out of it so Smith with a side head lock.  AJ tries to lift Smith to the hold but Smith holds on.  Smith goes for a shoulder tackle but he bounces off AJ.  AJ runs through a clothesline and hits a shoulder tackle on Smith.  Smith goes to the floor and MSL has to calm him down.  Smith drops AJ on the top rope and then connects with a boot.  Smith misses a boot in the corner and AJ misses a kick.  Smith with a belly-to-back suplex for a near fall.  Smith with a leg drop for a near fall.  Smith with slams and he gets a near fall.  

Smith with a reverse chin lock into a side head lock.  AJ with a belly-to-back suplex and both men are down.  AJ with forearms and a boot tot he head followed by a splash in the corner.  AJ with a side slam.  AJ with an elbow drop for a near fall.  AJ sets for a choke slam but MSL grabs AJ's leg.  Smith with a sleeper and AJ gets to the ropes.  Smith releases almost at five and then he reapplies the sleeper and he gets on AJ's back.  AJ gets to the ropes again and he does not release the hold so the referee calls for the bell.

Winner:  AJ Francis (by disqualification)

Match Number Five:  Delmi Exo versus Renee Michelle

They lock up and Exo with a wrist lock and Renee with a reversal into an arm bar.  Exo with a reversal ad a hammer lock.  Renee with a take down and a top wrist lock.  Exo with a waist lock and Renee with a back elbow and a standing switch.  Renee with a sunset flip for a near fall.  Renee holds on when Exo tries to send her off the ropes.  Renee floats over in the corner and Exo with a knee and side Russian leg sweep.  Exo gets a near fall.  Exo with a fisherman's suplex for a near fall.  Exo misses a clothesline but Renee does not.  Renee goes to the apron on an Irish whip and kicks Exo.  Renee goes up top and she hits a missile drop kick.  Renee with a spinning spinning back heel kick and a kick to the midsection.  Renee with a spinning back heel kick.  Renee goes to the turnbuckles and misses a moonsault.  Exo with a Delmi Driver for the three count.

Winner:  Delmi Exo

Joe Dombrowski brings out Gigi Rey.

Joe says that she made an impact and she asks about the division.  

Gigi says she loves what she is seeing.  She says she is one of the best wrestlers in the game right now.  

Delmi Exo interrupts and says that Gigi has the nerve to disrespect her.  

Gigi says she is sorry that Delmi is a former champion.  She tells Delmi to go to the back and cool off because it is her time.

Exo says she has no problem beating any of the women any time and any place.

Match Number Six:  Opera Cup First Round Match: Alex Kane versus Mr. Thomas

They shake hands when the bell rings and they lock up.  Kane with a waist lock and Thomas with a reversal and hammer lock.  Kane with an ankle lock but Thomas gets to the ropes.  They lock up and try to jockey for position.  Thomas with a chop.  Thomas with a waist lock take down and a front face lock.  Thomas with a dead lift gutwrench suplex and an elbow drop off the turnbuckles for a near fall.  Thomas with an Irish whip and Kane goes to the apron and connects with a forearm.  Thomas misses a shoulder and Kane with a few kicks.  They go to the apron and they exchange forearms but Kane with a spear off the apron and then he hits a splash on the apron.

Kane with a power bomb for a near fall.  Kane with a chop and Thomas chops back.  They go to forearms and European uppercuts.  Thomas with a sleeper.  Thomas with a forearm to the back of the head.  Kane with a German suplex and forearm to Thomas.  Thomas with a sit out power bomb for a near fall.  Kane with an Olympic Slam for a near fall.  Thomas with a choke slam.  Thomas with forearms  and Kane with a German suplex and he holds on.  Thomas with back elbows but Kane holds on and Kane with an exploder and a release suplex.  Kane with a spear for the three count.

Winner:  Alex Kane (advances to face Bad Dude Tito)

After the match, Kane and Thomas hug and Kane takes the mic.

Kane says they do this all the time.  This is the first time they have done it in front of THE PEOPLE.  He tells Thomas he is a hell of a wrestler.

Match Number Seven:  Opera Cup First Round Match: Mistico versus Magnus

Magnus shows Mistico no respect and the crowd gets on Magnus.  They lock up and Mistico with a waist lock and magnus with a reversal and a take down.  MIstico with a wrist lock take down.  Magnus with a leg  sweep and Mistico with a satellite head scissors.  Mistico with arm drags and Magnus goes to the ropes to stop Mistico.  Magnus goes to the floor and then returns to the ring.  Mistico with an ar drag that sends Magnus to the floor.  Mistico with a baseball slide but Magnus sucks him.  Mistico with a back heel kick.  Magnus with an Irish whip into the guardrails.  Magnus drops Mistico on the announce table.  Magnus chokes Mistico when they return to the ring.  Magnus puts Mistico on the turnbuckles and he rips at the mask.

Magnus pulls off the mask and bites Mistico.  MIstico puts the mask back on and Magnus puts Mistico in the tree of woe and kicks him.  Magnus with a punch in the corner and a jaw breaker.  Mistico with a head scissors but Magnus with a clothesline.  Magnus poses on the turnbuckles.  Magnus punches Mistico and Mistico with a head scissors that sends Magnus into the ropes.  Mistico with a Tiger Feint Kick and then he sends Magnus to the floor with a head scissors.  Mistico with a twisting plancha onto Magnus.

Magnus uses the referee as subterfuge and it gets Mistico to lose focus and Magnus with a double leg take down.  Magnus stretches Mistico in the ropes.  Mistico with a handspring back elbow and Magnus sends Mistico to the apron.  MIstico with a kick and then he goes up top and hits a cross body for a near fall.  Mistico with a wrist lock and he hits a springboard arm drag that sends Magnus to the floor.  Mistico with a suicide dive onto Magnus. They return to the ring and Magnus misses a kick and Mistico with a kick from the apron.  Magnus knocks Mistico off the turnbuckles but he gets him back up for a superplex.

Magnus gets a near fall.  Magnus with a delayed butterfly back breaker for a near fall.  Magnus with a cutter for a near fall.   Magnus goes to the turnbuckles and Mistico kicks him and then he goes up top.  Mistico with a Hurricanrana off the turnbuckles for a near fall.  Mangus goes up top and Mistico kicks him.  Mistico with a Spanish Fly arm drag for a near fall.  Mistico with forearms and an Irisih whip.  Mistico with a clothesline.  Magnus with a clothesline and then Mistico with a clothesline.  Both with kicks and both go down.  They get back to their feet and Mistico with a thrust kick and he avoids a tilt-a-whirl move.  Mistico with La Mistica and Magnus taps out.

Winner:  Mistico (advances to face winner of Okumura versus Atlantis Jr)

Match Number Eight:  Ikuro Kwon, Minoru Suzuki, and Mads Krugger versus Akira, Matt Riddle, and Satoshi Kojima

All six men brawl when Riddle, Akira, and Kojima get to the ring.  They go to the floor.  Akira sends Kwon into the ring post and kicks him.  Suzuki works ove Riddle but Riddle kicks and punches Suzuki.  Mads goes after Kojima and then he sends Riddle into the ring post.  Akira with chops to Suzuki but Kwon stops him.  Mads punches Riddle and Kwon punches Akira and then hits a thrust kick when Mads holds him.  Riddle kicks Kwon and then he puts Suzuki int a sleeper to save Kojima.  Akira Sends Kwon to Mads and Mads accidentally punches him.  Mad with a knee to Akira.  Kwon punches Akiar.  Suzuki goes under the ring for something but cannot find it.  Riddle with a forearm and Suzuki is sent into the ring.

Riddle with forearms and then he hits a running forearm and Akira with a clothesline.  Kojima with a back elbow.  Akira with a drop kick to Suzuki and a snap mare.  Riddle with a back senton and he gets a near fall.  Kwon distracts Riddle and Suzuki knocks Kojima and Akira off the apron.  Mads punches Riddle and sends him into the turnbuckles.  Riddle with forearms but Mads with a boot to Riddle and the referee checks on Riddle.  Mads gets a near fall.  Kwon tags in and he chops and kicks Riddle in the corner.  Kwon gets a near fall.  Riddle has a kick blocked and Kwon sends him face first to the mat and gets a near fall.  Kwon knocks Kojima off the apron.  Suzuki tags in and kicks Riddle.

Mads tags in and he punches Riddle.  Kwon tags in and kicks Riddle and gives him a rolling mare and a back heel kick for a near fall.  Kwon punches Riddle and kicks him.  Riddle avoids a kick and Riddle hits a German suplex.  Suzuki keeps Riddle from making the tag by kicking him in the back.  Suzuki goes for the Gotch Piledriver but Riddle blocks it.  Riddle with a jumping knee and Akira tags in.  Akira with punches and kicks to Kwon and he hits an overhead belly-to-belly suplex.  Akira with a sliding forearm for a near fall.  Akira gets Kwon on his back and Kojima with forearms.  Akira with a Gory Bomb.  Mads sends Akira over the top rope to hte floor.

Mads with a punch that knocks Akira off the apron.  Mads tags himself in and he misses a splash.  Kojima with chops aplenty.  Kojima with an Irish whip and forearm.  Kojima goes up top and Mads with a press slam.  Suzuki kicks Akira on the floor.  Kai gives Mads a table to put in the ring and he sets it up against the turnbuckles.  Kojima with a kick and forearms.  Akira goes for a pile driver on the apron but Kwon with a kick.  Mads power bombs Kojima through the tab .  Mads gets a chair while Akira power bombs Kwon on the apron.  Akira with a forearm to Suzuki off the apron.  AKira pushes Kojima out of the way and takes the chair shot and Mads gets the three count.

Winners:  Mads Krugger, Minoru Suzuki, and Ikuro Kwon

After the match, flags are placed over Kojima and Akira.

Riddle gets a chair and hits everyone.  Mads sets for the choke slam on Riddle but Akira with a waist lock and Riddle with a knee that leads to a German suplex. 


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