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By Cory Strode on 2024-07-06 22:16:00

It is Saturday and AEW Collision is live this week from the Landers Center in Southaven, MS.

Our commentary team is Tony Schiavone and Nigel McGuinness.

We start with the video recapping MJF’s turning on Daniel Garcia on Dynamite that was shown on Rampage last night. 

MJF is on his way to the ring with a mic and comes from the Heel tunnel. He’s back to insulting the crowd, and he asks them to shut up. He says Daniel Garcia is a pawn. The match at All IN was never going to happen and he says Garcia is a Make a Wish at best, and Garcia didn’t answer when he offered a match at All In.  Now, Garcia will never wrestle again. 

He shows a video where he goes over his issues with people and how he needed to protect himself and be a scumbag. He says he opened up to people and he told them if they turned their back on him it would tear his heart out. He did everything for the fans and they repaid him by chanting Thank You Joe after he lost the title. 

He says he was discarded by the fans and goes after Will Ospreay. He says his attack on Garcia was personal between MJF and the fans, and he will take away everything they love because everything they love sucks. He will fix it and the only way to do that is with him on top. He says Ospreay can’t help the company like he does. He says the only ratings Ospreay cares about are from a man named Meltzer, but the only rating he cares about are from a man named Neilson. 

He says Ospreay calls himself a Billy Goat, and he should come out so that he can sacrifice him like one.

Ospreay’s music hits and when it ends, MJF says he is not coming out because he’s a coward. Just like the fans. 

Backstage, Lexy Nair is with Kyle O’Reilly, Mark Briscoe, and Orange Cassidy.  Mark tells us the word of the day is epiphany, and they are about to put a beating on the Iron Savages. Cassidy says he does care as they head to the ring.

Kyle O’Reilly, Mark Briscoe, and Orange Cassidy vs The Iron Savages (Bronson, Boulder, and Jacked Jameson)

Kyle and Jameson are to start, but Roderick Strong, Matt Taven and Mike Bennett come out to commentary. 

Kyle lays in a kick and grabs a side headlock. They run the ropes and Jameson gets a shoulder tackle Mark is tagged in and he drinks some of the Savage Sauce and he shoulder tackles Jameson and Bronson. Klye dries some and they go after Boulder. Bronson and Boulder take down Kyle and knock Mark out of the ring. Bronson gets a senton for two. Kyle is beat down in the corner as we go to picture in picture.

When we return to full screen, Kyle has been the babyface in peril. Kyle gets the feet up when Jameson tries to leap onto him and crawl to his corner for the hot tag to Briscoe, who runs wild. Cassidy eventually tags in after not caring all that much, and he cleans house as well.  Bronson grabs him in a bear hug when he goes for the Orange Punch. Cassidy is able to get stundog millionaire, and Briscoe uses Cassidy as a launching pad to leap onto Jameson and Boulder. Kyle hits a running knee from the apron onto Jameson, and Briscoe takes out Boulder. Cassidy gets the Orange Punch on Bronson for the pin and the win.

Winners:  Kyle O’Reilly, Mark Briscoe, and Orange Cassidy

We then get a backstage promo from Jack Perry to talk about the cost of being a champion. He is now paid in full and will give someone else the opportunity to make that sacrifice. 

Lexy is with Adam Page and he says the Bucks brought him back for their convenience, but he is here to right the wrong that Swerve Strickland did to him. Lexi points out he has never beaten Jay White before, and Page storms off. 

Toni Storm (AEW Women’s champion) w/Mariah May and Luther vs Trish Adora w/Shawn Dean and Carlie Bravo

They lock up collar and elbow and move to headlocks and arm bars. They each try to get a shoulder tackle, but Trish gets the takedown on the second attempt. They both get quick rollups for two. Trish gets a shoulderbreaker hold for a submission, but Toni works out of it. Trish then grabs Toni’s arms and moves to another submission into a rollup for two. Toni gets a dropkick and knocks Trish out of the ring with a hip attack.’

Toni grabs a mic and asks for a standing ovation as we go to picture in picture. When we return to full screen, Toni gets a backstabber and a German suplex with a bridge for two. Trish catches her when she comes off the ropes for a spinning back breaker. Toni lays in blows, but Truish gets a German suplex for two. Toni dodges a charge in the corner and then hits the hip attack for two. 

Toni lays in blows and Trish fires back. Trish hits a surprise Storm Zero for the pin and the win.

Winner and still AEW Wo0men’s Champion: Toni Storm

We get a video package for Willow Nightingale vs Mariah May in the Owen Hart finals.

We get a promo from Christian Cage who says that the quest for the Trios championship is personal now, and Jay White going for the Owen Hart tournament shows he no longer cares about the titles and he will do what he does best. He will revive the titles. 

Cage asks Kip Sabian to come to him. Sabian says he just lost his father. Cage insults him and tells Killswitch to take him out.  We hear Killswitch beat the tar out of him off screen.

Jack Perry (TNT Champion) vs Marko Stunt

Marko is accepting the open challenge and we are told this is his hometown.

Perry tells Stunt to leave and Stunt attacks with a headbutt and kicks, but Parry cuts him off and beats him down. Stunt lays in chops and Parry lays him out again. Perry lawn darts Stunt into the second turnbuckle for two. Stunt is able to turn a power bomb into a rollup for two. Stunt climbs to the top and goes for a 450-, but Perry catches him, tosses him into the turnbuckles and hits a running knee for the pin and the win.

Winner and still TNT champion: Jack Perry

Malakai Black and Brody King are in the darkness and He says for them, revenge is an imbalance scale, waiting to be put back into balance. And even though they feel nothing, Christian will feel everything.

Claudio Castagnoli vs The Beast Mortos

Mortos is from CMLL

They trade arm bars and have inventive moves to switch. They run the ropes and Claudio misses a dive onto Mortos in the ring. They run the ropes again and Claudio gets a tilt a whirl backbreaker and the big stomp. Mortos whips CXlaudio into the corner and then hits a slam for one. Mortos charges into Claudio in the corner, but Claudio dodges and Mortos goes up and over into a cameraman. 

Claudio goes out of the ring, and Mortos gets into the ring and dives onto Claudio. Claudio is rolled into the ring and hits a tejaris on Claudio. Mortos charges again and Claudio shoves him into the ringpost from the inside as we go to picture in picture.

When we return to full screen, Claudio and Mortos are throwing hands. Claudio winds up and pummels Mortos into the corner. Mortos gets a sling blade out of the corner and then hits a crucifix bomb for two. Mortos is whipped to the corner, but climbs up the turnbuckles for a flying headbutt. Claudio calls for the Ricola bomb, but Mortos gets a back body drop and a spear for two. 

Claudio dumps Mortos over the top to the floor and then hits the running uppercut on the floor. Mortos is rolled into the ring and Mortos kicks him off, rolls him up, and gets a two count. Mortos gets a back breaker for two. Mortos leaps into an uppercut from the second rope, and Clauduio is able to get the big swing. Claudio then hits a big lariat for the pin and the win.

Winner: Claudio Castagnoli

Backstage, Lexy is Matt Menard, he says he isn’t feeling great. He says Daniel Garcia is home and he will be making a full recovery. He also says that he promised Daniel that he will get his revenge on MJF, and it won’t be dancing Daniel, it will be Red Death.

We get a quick video of someone leaping through a portal with the word “Soon.”

We then get a promo from Serena Deeb about the return of Riho. She says they had a great match back in 2021, but Riho needs to be ready because she’s not the same wrestler she was in 2021.

Riho vs Lady Frost

The lock up and Frost forces Riho into the corner. Frost gets a shoulder tackle for two and Riho gets an arm drag. They run the ropes and Frost gets a leaping neck breaker for two., They are using lots of gymnastics in the ropes and corners to dodge each other. Riho gets a drop toe hold, a tiger feint kick and then a flying crossbody for two as we go to picture in picture.

When we return to full screen, Frost has Riho in a reverse butterfly stretch. Riho works out of it and then gets a rolling takedown off the ropes and Frost rolls out of the ring. Riho goes to the top and just BARELY hits a crossbody from the top. That looked scary.

Frost is rolled into the ring and Riho goes to the top and misses a double stomp. Frost hits the chiller driller for two. Frost tries to go to the top, but Riho grabs a foot. Riho gets a kick and they trade blows off the ropes. Frost gets a release German suplex. Frost gets a stomp and goes to the top and hits a moonsault for two. 

Riho fights off a pickup and gets a full nelson into a dragon suplex. Riho then gets a flipping slam called the Run Hey for the pin and the win.

Winner: Riho

They chat after the match and Frost kisses Riho on the forehead before leaving the ring. There were a few times it looked like moves didn’t quite work, so I hope Riho is OK.

Lexy is with Shane Taylor Productions and Top Flight with Action Andretti and they will have a match on Rampage next week to settle their feud. 

We get a video of Samoa Joe’s promo from last night interspersed with the attacks Jericho has done. Really get production on Joe’s fantastic promo. 

Hangman Adam Page vs Jay White in the Owen Hart Tournament

We are told the Bang Bang Gang have been ejected from the building by the Young Bucks for this match. 

Page immediately goes after White, trying to choke him, then stomping him down. They go to the floor and Page rolls White back in the ring and goes back to work. White gets a kick and a series of strikes, but Page gets in a single forearm that drops White. Page picks up White for a fallaway slam. White gets a strike and then a series of chops. He runs into Page’s knee in the corner.

White is able to snap Page’s neck on the top rope. Page joins White on the floor where they brawl. White is rolled into the ring, and when Page gets in , White tries for a Blade Runner, but Page blocks it. Page trips White and pummels and kicks White as we go to picture in picture.

When we return to full screen, Page has been busted open during the break. White is working over Page’s leg and then lays in blows in the corner. Page gets an eye poke and when he misses a blow, White gouges the eyes. White gets a DDT for two after reverses a hammer throw. Page fights out of a Blade Runner. White escapes a fireman’s carry and hits a face plant and a deadlift German suplex on Page. They go to the apron and fight there.

White is able to sucker Page into a faceplant slam on the apron. They brawl more and Page is able to slam White’s back into the apron. He rolls White into the ring and sets for the Buckshot lariat. White slumps to the mat to avoid it. Page comes into the ring and White gets a small package for two. White then gets a dragon screw leg whip in the ropes. Page hits a power bomb for two. 

Page lays in a pair of blows and sets for the Buckshot lariat. White catches him with a uri nage for two. White gets gets a half nelson suplex. They both try for a finisher and neither can get it. White is shoved into the ref, and then Page gets the deadeye but there’s no referee. Page lays in blows and then takes off his belt to choke White. He then starts whipping White.

Jeff Jarrett comes from the back and takes the belt from Page. White gets a half nelson suplex. The referee tells Jarrett to leave and as he is busy with that, Christian Cage hits a spear on White. Cage rolls to the floor and hides at ringside. Page sets for the Buckshot lariat, hits it for the pin and the win.

Winner and moving on the Owen Hart Finals: Adam Page

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