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By Mike Johnson on 2024-07-13 10:00:00

I saw Barry Horowitz has a book coming out.  Anyone you'd like to see write one?

I've said this in the past but I'd love to see books from Ricky Steamboat, Tully Blanchard and Barry Windham.  I don't know that any are even possible, as it would take a lot of time and interest on their end to get them done.  I've heard from time to time over the years that Tully was working on one, but don't know that to be accurate.

Any word on The Motor City Machine Guns landing anywhere?

I am sure there were discussions with AEW, but never actually heard they signed with the company.  Alex Shelley has still been really busy working independent dates.  I know there's been WWE rumors that we've been asked about, but I haven't heard anything in that regard as of this writing.  So, stay tuned.

Scott D'Amore update?

His BCW in Canada has run a few shows but I don't expect we'll see him doing anything major until whatever his non-compete with TNA is expired next year.

What are your thoughts on the A&E Biography WWE series?

I think some of the episodes have been great and some have been about filling the hour, but the big problem is that you never have enough time to cover everything.  This isn't just related to WWE content.   I was really enjoying their recent A&E Biography on rock legend Alice Cooper and then it jumped from the mid-1970s to today!  You can only cover so much, especially if you have an hour (with commercials).  I do know that when I was interviewed about Steve Austin's career, we spent a good five hours doing the interview, so most of it ended up on the cutting room floor.  It's not because the teams working on the projects aren't doing their job.  It's that they are at the mercy of how much time they have to use for the final product.

Who owns Beyond Wrestling?

Drew Cordiero is the owner, promoter and booker.




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