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By Dave Scherer on 2024-07-21 10:00:00

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So what’s the best match to main event Summerslam?  Cody vs Solo would work, but it has the shortest build, but also that’s most likely where we’ll see Roman.  Gunther vs Damian Priest has been in the works for longer and could probably elevate both stars AND the World Heavyweight Title.  Then there’s Drew McIntyre vs CM Punk, which has gotten so personal and has been built since January, we’ve had to wait so long, why NOT wait until the end of the night?  What if Cody vs Solo or Gunther vs Priest in the scheduled main event with Drew and Punk being an unsanctioned lights out match afterward.

We don’t know that Punk vs. Drew is official yet (though I fully expect it to happen).  I could see them going to a no finish there since they are just getting started.  I don’t main event with that.  It’s hard to say for sure what should main event not know what the booking will be but my gut has be believing that Roman Reigns very well may return that night and if he does, that’s how I want to go off the air.

So how long until Joe Hendry is on the main roster of WWE? This guy could just print money. My wife doesn't really watch wrestling but my god does she sing his song. Do you think he's on NXT to prepare him? I believe.

WWE clearly has interest in him.  If I were a betting man, I would say as soon as his TNA deal is up.

So, what does the WWE/Netflix deal mean to the WWE/ABEMA TV deal in Japan? Will WWE shows/PLEs be available on Netflix there or will that content only be available on ABEMA?

WWE announced that as their current deals around the world expire, Netflix will take over.  That’s part of the allure for WWE, world wide reach on the industry leader.

First, I was at Raw this past Monday in Ottawa.  I was surprised at how many and how long the commercial breaks there were.  At home I can skip commercials.  But at the arena, there was a LOT of downtime in that three hours.  Do you think WWE would ever consider putting up a count-down clock until the next live segment in the arena?  This would give fans a chance to hit the bathroom, the concessions, and the merch tables without missing any show.  It could even drive up revenue.  

I tend to doubt it.  At the end of the day, you are a live studio audience for a TV show when you go to Raw.  They want you in your seat when they come back from commercial.

Also, will we get less commercials on Netflix?  I understand that WWE will always incorporate some sponsorship into their shows, but does the Netflix deal include commercial breaks?

From what I have been told, yes it will.  You can’t blame Netflix for putting ads on the show as a way to help pay for the rights fees for Raw.

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