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By Anthony Pires on 2024-07-03 22:18:00

It’s Wednesday! That means AEW is LIVE! We are on the road to All In as Excalibur, Taz and Tony Schiavone have the call of tonight’s action at Beach Break!

Renee Paquette opens up the show and brings in Daniel Garcia, accompanied by Daddy Magic. He says the most important night of his life.  He swore on his mother’s life he would win.  MJF interrupts and offers to be in his corner. Matt Menard says MJF of OK with him.

Owen Hart Cup Tournament Semi Finals: Bryan Danielson vs. Pac

Headlock by Pac, headscissors by Danielson. Lockup, armdrag by Danielson, PAc quickly to his feet. Test of strength, roll through by Danielson, arm twist by Pac, reversed by Danielson. Leg sweep by Pac, followed by a hard chop. Lockup, Pac bullies him into the corner with chops. Danielson chops back. Double cross body, both men are down.  Uppercut/forearm exchange. Boot to the face by Pac. Danielson to the floor and Pac nails a moonsault. Back in the ring, Pac with a brutalizer. Danielson makes the ropes as we go to commercial.

We are back with Pac kicking away at Danielson. Danielson to his feet and nails a roundhouse kick to the head. Pac is down. Yes kicks by Danielson. PAc to the floor, he avoids a sliding dropkick but eats a running knee instead. Superkick by Pac. Elbow drop off the barricade by Pac. Back in the ring, PAc nails another elbow. Tombstone for 2 by Pac. Danielson applies the LeBell Lock, Pac makes the rope. Kicks by Danielson. Running uppercut by Pac but Danielson with a running dropkick. Pac knocks Danielson off the top rope. Superplex by Pac for 2.  Pac misses a black arrow. Busaiku knee by Danielson for 2. Pac immediately hits the brutalizer. Danielson with a roll through into the Lebell lock. Crucifix by Danielson for the pin.

WINNER BRYAN DANIELSON (advances to the finals)

Renee Paquette is with Willow Nightingale, she’s ready for Kris Statlander tonight.

We see highlights of Jack Perry’s victory Sunday for the vacant TNT Championship.

Mark Briscoe (ROH World Champion) is in the ring representing Dem Boys. He talks about how close he got to the TNT Championship at Forbidden Door.  He hypes Shark Week. He declares a member of Team AEW at Blood & Guts. Jack Perry from behind nails Briscoe with the TNT title.  Kyle O’Riley makes the save but Kazuchika Okada comes in and nails KOR with a Rainmaker. The Young Bucks come out as well and nail the EVP trigger on Briscoe. 

The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn come out to even the odds. The Elite scatter.

Renee is with Toni Storm and Mariah May w/Luther. Storm fires up May for her match later this week against Hikaru Shida.

Owen Hart Cup Tournament match: Kris Statlander w/Stokely Hathaway vs. Willow Nightingale

We’ve got a brawl on the ramp. Pounce by Willow, Statlander rolls to the ring. Willow bounces Statlander in to the apron. Snap suplex by Willow. They get back in the ring. Clubbing forearms by Willow. Eye rake by Statlander. We go to commercial.

As we return, it’s Willow with a high boot. Clothesline by Statlander. Statlander falls to the floor after a failed German attempt. Cannonball by Willow. Shotgun dropkick by Willow for 2. Ax kick by Statlander for 2. German suplex by Statlander. Forearm by Willow. Avalanche German by Willow. High boot into a rollup for 2 by Statlander. F5 by Statlander for 2. Stokley drops a chain in the corner. Statlander misses the punch and Willow rolls her up for the pin.


Renee Paquette is with Jeff Jarrett and company, who walks off a bit emotional.

In the ring Tony Schiavone welcomes Dr. Dritt Baker DMD.  The crowd welcomes her back. She missed the fans. She talks about her past, present and future. She talks about the injury she had, which rendered her weakened. Turns out, she may have had a mini stroke.  She declares that she’s healthy and cleared. She talks about how nervous she was at Forbidden Door. Her motivation is regaining her spot as the female face of AEW. The crowd is very anti Mercedes Mone’.

And, as if almost on cue, our TBS & NJPW Strong champion enters the building, greeted by The Young Bucks (VERY smart move, having Mone’ lean into this with her).  As Dr. Baker in still in the ring, the stagehands set up the celebration.  Mercedes Mone’ comes to the ring. CEO and DMD stare each other down. Mone’ begins her celebration as Chicago tells her to shut the f up.  Baker challenges Mone to a match at All In. Mone’ tells her to get to the back of the line. Mone’ leaves.

We see highlights of Swerve Strickland vs. Will Ospreay. Rene’ is with Ospreay and Kyle Fletcher. Don Callis shows up. Ospreay thanks Callis for all he’s done for him, but he wants out of the Don Callis Family. Callis agrees to let him out of the deal. Fletcher leaves with Callis.

Chris Jericho comes out. He says Hook stole his finishing move, which is the ultimate sign of disrespect. Jericho will be on commentary BUT has an injunction from the Young Bucks banning Taz from the building.

Samoa Joe, Hook & Katsuyori Shibata vs. Cage of Agony

  • Joe and Toa Leona lock up to begin and trade elbow strikes

  • Toa lands a series of jabs. Joe fires back and nails a back elbow and enziguiri

  • Shibata and Cage are now legal. Big shoulder tackle by Cage. 

  • Kaun tags in, as does Hook. Running tackle sends Hook to the floor as we go to commercial.

  • As we return, Toa with a neck wrench to Shibata

  • Shibata turns it into a choke and tags Hook. Hook takes on Cage as well

  • Toa blocks a suplex

  • Kaun tags in and nails a gut buster for 2.

  • Double chokeslam for 2 by Toa and Kaun. Joe with the save. Honestly not sure who’s legal anymore

  • STO and Manhattan Drop by Joe

  • Dropkick by Shibata and Hook with a suplex. 

  • Joe with a senton for 2.  Triple choke by Joe, Hook and Shibata and Cage of Agony tal


Big Bill and Bryan Keith hit the ring with chairs. The Learning tree Pillmanizes Shibata’s arm. Jericho has brass knuckles and punches Hook. Bryan Keith sets up a table and Bill chokeslams Hook through it. 

Owen Hart Memorial Cup Quarter Finals: Jeff Jarrett vs. Hangman Adam Page

Page is the Elite’s Wildcard pick. Lockup, Page shoves JArrett down. Lockup, they trade forearms rapidly. Ground and pound by Page into kicks. Jarrett eats a lariat. Fallaway slam by Page. Apron power bomb by Adam Page. Page bounces Jarrett’s head into the steps as we go to commercial.

Back to live action, Jarrett nails the Stroke on the apron, both men are on the floor. They both make it back in time. Jarrett with punches and a Russian Leg Sweep and enziguiri for 2. Jarrett counters the dead eye and tries to apply the sharpshooter.  Dead eye by Page. The crowd is all over Page chanting Swerve’s House.  Jarrett is down and almost out. JArrett avoids the Buckshot and applies the sharpshooter. Page makes the ropes. Buck shot lariat and another Dead Eye and Page scores the pin.


Karen Jarrett tends to her fallen husband.

Backstage the Learning Tree attack Hook and throw a fireball on his face.

The Bucks celebrate with Page, who doesn’t seem too thrilled to see them. They ask him to the 5th man at Blood and Guts. He doesn’t say no but is very aggressive with the Bucks.

By the way, let me say this loud and clear: This is one HELL of a great episode of Dynamite.

AEW International Championship: Will Ospreay vs. Daniel Garcia w/MJF

Lockup, kick into a headlock/shoulder block by Ospreay. Snap mare and a kick by Garcia. Big chop by Ospreay. Headlock, kick and a hip toss by Garcia. Headlock takeover by Ospreay. Headscissors by Garcia. Punches in the corner by Garcia. Snap mare/dropkick by Garcia. Cravate by Garcia. Neckbreaker by Garcia. Punches in the corner by Garcia, Ospreay slips out and hits a kick. Action spills to the floor. Ospreay and MJF stare each other down. We go to commercial.

We are back to live action.  Ospreay fires away at Garcia’s arm.  Chops by Ospreay. Garcia fires up. He’s not feeling those chops. Now it’s Garcia firing away. Neckbreakers by Garcia. DDT by Garcia for 2. Knee strike by Ospreay. Ospreay with kicks to the face. `

Lost the cable feed for about a minute. Garcia scores a 2.  Step up enziguiri by Ospreay into a Styles Clash for 2. MJF, by the way, is wearing the Synamite Diamond Ring. Garcia blocks a hidden blade and applies a choke. Ospreay escapes. 

MJF offers up the ring. Garcia has it but doesn’t want to use it.  Ospreay hits the hidden blade and scores the pin.


Ospreay shows respect to Garcia, who is inconsolable.  MJF tries to fire up Garcia. They hug it out. Low blow by MJF. He puts on the ring. Daddy Magic tries to help but gets punched. Garcia gets nailed with the ring.  MJF beats up security as well and then pounds away at Garcia. At ringside we see Daddy Magic busted open as well. Tombstone off the 2nd rope by MJF. Even Christopher Daniels is out here trying to stop the carnage. Will Ospreay comes out and chases MJF away.

GREAT ending to a great show.  MJF is trying to start a riot as he leaves through the crowd. Garcia is stretchered out as we go to credits.

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