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By Mike Johnson on 2024-06-30 10:40:00

Plaintiff Anthony Duane Wilson, who is currently incarcerated in the State of Ohio, filed a new motion regarding his plagiarism lawsuit against both WWE and AEW on 6/24 The United States District Court, Northern District of Ohio, Youngstown, attempting to get the lawsuit paused until 11/5/24.

In the Motion, Wilson wrote, "I am unable to follow and argue my case, nor am I able to continue legal research at this time and believe, from my legal research, that is within the 8 month max time frame that a continuance would grant me.  If the court would schedule the first hearing after this date so we can get to discovery or pause the proceedings, I may properly and timely respond to motions from the defendants who are very desperate to keep this from continuing into discovery."

WWE argued back in May before the court that a civil trial should not be stayed due to a criminal matter.    AEW has also filed a motion to dismiss.

The court issued a ruling on 6/28, denying Wilson’s attempts to pause the lawsuit and ordered that Wilson respond to WWE and AEW’s motions to dismiss by 7/19.  If he does not respond, the court will rule without his response.  A letter was sent to Wilson via the jail he is currently being held in the same day. 

Wilson has accused each company of "plagiarism, market damages, product damages, personal damages and financial damages" and has seen to have his lawsuit paused while he is incarcerated and facing sentencing on criminal charges.  

The NBC Ohio affiliate reported Wilson has been incarcerated since late March after he was found guilty on charges of harassment by an inmate.     WFMJ noted, "According to the county prosecutor’s office, the case involved an incident on Jan. 29, 2023, where a Trumbull County Jail correction officer was splashed with urine that Wilson had thrown from a milk carton through an opening in the discipline pod of the jail."  Wilson pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity but the court ruled he was competent to stand trial.  He had been released from jail after the incident but his bond was revoked and he is currently behind bars awaiting sentencing.  He could face up to a year of incarceration.

In his lawsuit, Wilson alleged that "WWE, its contractors, and employees have on multiple dates used my creative works without permission, infringing on my wrestling gimmicks, names, slogans and likeness."  Wilson also alleged that he was going to start his own promotion and spoke with "members of the Bullet Club to join me in the venture of starting my company."  Instead, without breaking down specifics, Wilson alleges, "They stole the plans from me and my social media pages and cut me out without giving credit or the portion I am entitled to as the creator."

In his lawsuit filing, Wilson claimed the situation has caused him "market damages, product damages, personal damages, financial damages.  WWE an (sic) AEW are still using infringing works of mine, claiming they created these things and are not crediting me or paying for them,  Many of which are not for sale.  This will follow me my entire career.  This has cost me work outside of professional wrestling and inside professional wrestling.  These things have cost me fans an (sic) income.  Several of these infringements were done maliciously to damage my reputation an (sic) career, attempting to embarrass me or waste my time.  I'm a writer an (sic) professional wrestler, my creative works are my livelyhood (sic).  From my research, I was informed if you cut out an original partner or the creator control of the company belongs to the exiled party.  I'm seeking control of AEW an (sic) removal of stolen works, a public apology an (sic) a financial settlement for damages, my works an (sic) career will see until I retire.  WWE Board Chair, WWE Stock for freelance work an (sic) business tactics of mine.  Return all ships and plunder."  

Wilson is seeking $250,000,000 in damages, as well as, obviously, all ships and plunder. 

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