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By Dave Scherer on 2024-06-30 09:34:00

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I’m a huge fan of Pat McAfee (condolences to his family!), and even Corey Graves’ work when paired with Michael Cole. I just finished watching Raw from this week, and have to ask one thing: is there anyone in the world, past or present, who can single-handedly call a show, with that much ease, smoothness, and success? Cole has been on top of his game for a while now - with some epic calls. But does last night trump any of that in showing the pure greatness that he is?

I have said for at least a decade that Cole is the GOAT.  He had Vince McMahon blathering in his headset and still delivered every time out.  You may know about my ECW ties.  Joey Styles is a friend and he did an amazing job calling Barely Legal by himself (and yes I know Tommy Dreamer was there for a match, what I said stands).  But when Joey fell under Vince’s ramblings into his headset, he was decimated and left the business.  Cole is a pro’s pro, he did what he had to do.  And once Vince was gone?  Well, he showed the world that he is the GOAT.  No one is better in my opinion.  Cole is the standard everyone else aspires to.

What was the problem of having two men's MITB ladder matches (one for RAW wrestlers battling for a WWE Championship contract and one for SmackDown wrestlers battling for a World Heavyweight Championship contract) nowadays compared to 2010 to 2013? Would it exclude the women as a result?

We don’t need FOUR MITB matches on a PLE.  That is what we would have to do if both brands had two matches.  It’s so much better with one briefcase for the men and one for the women.  Having four briefcases is like watching a 58 match AEW PPV.  It’s beyond excessive.

Whatever happened to Matt Bentley aka Michael Shane, the cousin of Shawn Michaels?

He retired from wrestling.  I honestly don’t know what he is up to now.

After watching “Who Killed WCW” episode 3, and listening to Russo, ugh, I’m wondering… as long people have interest in WCW and its downfall (as well as attitude era WWF), will Vince Russo always be able to make some kind of paycheck?

If I pay you 100 bucks for an hour of your time, that is “some kind of paycheck”.  But, it’s not a good paycheck.  That is Vince Russo.  If he mattered, he would have a job in the business that he says he was the best at.  He doesn’t, because he isn’t.  There are two people around the business I never want to answer questions about again and he is one of them.

Let’s say you wrestled for WWE and you’ve had considerable success there but couldn’t come to new deal so you’re a free agent.  Would you take the Khan money and sign with AEW at the state it’s in or would you take your chances on the indies?  Would the level of your prior WWE success factor in your decision, say you got as big as Drew McIntyre vs. as big as Miro?

It would depend on where I was in life.  If I was younger and wanted to earn more money, like Bryan Danielson did when he went to WWE, I would take the Tony bucks.  If I was someone like Matt Cardona, and I just wanted to have fun?  No way I would got to AEW.  None.  But to be fair, for some people fun is the exact reason that they go to AEW, we just define the word differently.

You can send us questions for the Q and A at

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