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By Cory Strode on 2024-06-28 23:24:00

It is Friday and this week’s Rampage was recorded on Thursday 6/20 at the  PPL Center in Allentown, PA right after Collision.

The commentary team is Tony Schiavone, Nigel McGuinness, and Ian Riccaboni.

The Outrunners (Turbo Floyd and Truth Magnum) vs Orange Cassidy

Yep, it’s a handicap match. 

Truth and Cassidy start and quickly go to arm bars where Cassidy twists the arm over and over again. Truth escapes and tags in Turbo, who flexes for the crowd from 1987. Cassidy lazily flexes as well. Rather than locking into a greco roman knuckle lock, Cassidy goes to his pockets and Turbo gets a side headlock into coming off the ropes with a shoulder tackle. Turbo runs the ropes as Cassidy lies on the mat. Cassidy rolls out of the way of an elbow drop. 

Truth is tagged in misses an elbow drop. The Outrunners try to double-team, and Cassidy keeps rolling out of the way. Cassidy runs the ropes with hands in his pockets and then drop-kicks the Outrunners. He dodges chops from the Outrunners, making them chop each other accidentally. They almost clothesline the ref, and when Cassidy charges, he does the same, but then he hugs the referee.

The Outrunners get a back body drop and Truth gets a two count. The Outrunners work Cassidy over with quick tags. Cassidy is able to shove the Outrunners into each other and then fires up, he takes out Turbo with an Orange Punch and then Truth with the same for the pin and the win.

Winner: Orange Cassidy

Renee Paquette is in the back with Chris Jericho, Large William and Bryan Keith. William says that when all the cards are down, you just get a new deck. Keith tells people to respect Jericho and Jericho says he has a new partner for Forbidden Door and we’ll find out tomorrow. 

Gabriel Kidd and Roderick Strong w/Matt Taven and Mike Bennett vs The Infantry (Shawn Dean and Carlie Bravo) w/Trish Adora

Kidd is the New Japan Strong Openweight Champion and has been at Ringside with Strong the last couple of weeks.

Kidd starts with Bravo, and Kidd gets a running big boot on Bravo. They run the ropes and Kidd shoulder tackles Bravo, knocks Dean off the apron and works over Bravo. Strong is tagged in, and they work over Bravo in the corner. Bravo escapes a back body drop and he and Dean drop-kick Strong and Kidd. 

Dean is tagged in and then they face plant Strong for two. Dean gets a leaping elbow drop for one. Strong shoves Dean into a kick from Kidd, Kidd is tagged in and they double-team Dean as we go to picture in picture.

When we return to full screen, Dean has been the babyface in peril through the break. Kidd and Strong try a double back body drop, but Bravo gets in the ring to catch Dean. After he does, he gets a jab for his trouble and they go back to work on Dean. Dean is able to dodge a clothesline and tags in Bravo, who runs wild. Strong cuts him off with a trip, and Kidd gets a back drop driver on Dean after Dean tags in. Bravo is left in the ring and tries to fight both, but Kidd hits him with a pile driver for the pin and their win.

Winners: Gabriel Kidd and Roderick Strong

El Phantasmo vs the Already In The Ring AR Fox in a TNT Championship qualifier match

El Phantasmo’s nickname is ELP.

They fist bump to start the match and go to trading arm bars and headlocks. Fox is sent to the ropes and comes off with a shoulder tackle. They run the ropes and ELP gets a pair of drop-kicks. ELP gets a chop in the corner, and then a rope assisted hurricanrana from the top.  Fox sends ELP up and over in the corner, leaping onto him in the ring, and then on the floor. Fox rolls ELP into the ring and comes off the top with a swanton for two. 

Fox gets a kick and ELP asks for more. ELP gets to his feet and they run the ropes and ELP gets a leaping forearm. Both men are down, and ELP kips up. ELP gets a Manhattan drop and then an atomic drop, followed by a Russian leg sweep. ELP goes to the second rope for an elbow drop. ELP misses a super kick and Fox gets a kick to the midsection. ELP dodges a charge and gets a diving crossbody from the second rope and then a moonsault from the second rope for two. ELP gets a quick rollup. Fox pops up for an insigiri, followed by a twisting suplex. Fox goes to the top for a 450 splash for two.

Fox puts ELP on the top and lays in blows. Fox goes for a charge, but ELP comes off the top with a DDT. ELP follows with a superkick and a styles clash for the pin and the win.

Winner: El Phatasmo

In the back, Lexie Nair is with Deonna Purrazzo, and asks about the match with Hikaru Shida tomorrow, but Purrazzo is upset no one has asked her about taking our Rosa. He then says that Shida was sitting at home watching Purrazzo winning matches. 

Dalton Castle vs Shingo Takagi

They lock up and are in the ropes immediately, but work their way out into the ropes as Takagi shoves Caste to the ropes. They break and Takagi gets a shoulder tackle. Takagi then starts dropping elbows on Castle. Takagi misses a senton and rolls out of the ring. Castle joins him and they brawl on the floor with Takagi running Castle’s back into the ring apron. Castle gets a tejaris and rolls Takagi into the ring for a one count.

Castle lays in blows and Takagi gets up and does the same, dropping castle as we go to picture in picture.

When we return to full screen, Castle is laying in chops and blows. Takagi is able to grab Castle for a suplex. He then walks across Castle. He lays in hammer and anvil elbows and Castle just flops to the mat. Castle is able to grab a leg and gets a suplex. He powers up and tries for another and Takagi gets elbows to free himself. They trade back elbows and Castle gets a clothesline to take Takagi down. Castle gets a running knee in the corner and a spinning bulldog for two.  Takagi blocks a suplex and Castle tries for the bangarang, but Takagi is able to reverse it into a Gory Special.

Takagi gets a clothesline in the corner, a series of strikes, followed by a DDT. Castle is able to get a double leg rollup for two and Takagi drops castle with a lariat. He then hits a Takagi driver for the pin and the win.

Winner: Shingo Takagi

Saraya is in the back and cuts a promo about how she will win the Owen Hart tournament. 

Skye Blue vs Queen Aminata

Aminata dodges a drop-kick and covers for two. They trade quick rollups for two and Aminata gets a belly to back suplex. Blue escapes a second with back elbows and rolls up Aminata for two, and Aminata reverses it for two. Aminata gets a snap suplex and after showing some pride in it, hits a second. When she goes for a third, Blue rolls her up for two. They trade kicks and blows and Aminata is taken down. Blue runs into a big slap and Bluee follows with a running knee and knocks Aminata out of the ring. 

Blue goes to the top and hits a cross body front he top to the floor. Both women are down and Blue recovers first as we go to picture in picture.

When we return to full screen, Blue has been dominating Aminata through the break. We come back to Aminata hitting a double slap on Blue and then a snap mare into a running knee for two. Aminata gets another running knee into the ropes. Aminata gets a German suplex on the apron. Aminata tries for a hip attack into Blue against the steel steps, but Blue dodges. Blue walks her up the steps and suplexes Aminata to the floor. 

They return to the ring and Blue gets a full nelson snap for two. “Didn’t quite get all of it.” Blue tries for Code Blue, but Aminada escapes, hits a headbutt for the pin and the win.

Winner: Queen Aminata

Aminata helps Blue up and they hug, but Blue then hits a super kick. Thankfully, Red Vevet runs from the back for the save. 

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