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By Cory Strode on 2024-06-26 22:29:00

It is Wednesday and AEW Dynamite is coming to us from the Keybank Center in Buffalo, NY. Our commentary team is Excalibur, Taz, and Tony Schiavone.

MJF is on his way to the ring and has something to say, but before he says anything, Daniel Garcia comes to the ring. He thanks MJF for saving him last week, and since we are in his hometown, everything here is his business. He says he’s going to do something no one in the back has ever done before.

He’s gonna say nice things about MJF! He said MJF talked him up backstage, allowed him to have a world title shot, but that was embarrassing for him. But that motivated him to become someone people can respect. He doesn’t want to be a pillar, he wants to be the backbone that AEW can build on. 

He says that if MJF talks crap now, he will look two faced. 

MJF says he didn’t come out to talk trash. He came out to shill for Forbidden Door and his return to Collision. His second reason for coming out was to ask Garcia something, but first, he thanks Garcia and shakes his hand. He says no one talks about the good things he does behind the scenes. He says no one in the back is good enough to take his spot, but Garcia is getting close. 

He says he gave Garcia a shot because he earned it. He puts over Garcia but then says he beat his ass without breaking a sweat. He then goes over how Garcia has improved by busting his ass. So maybe it’s time he gets one more shot at the king at All In.

Garcia says it is huge, but they are interrupted by Will Ospreay. Ospreay puts over Garcia as well. He then gives Garcia a match for his International title for next week. Garcia accepts. Ospreay leaves the ring and MJF looks irritated that he has been upstaged. 

MJF says that the title shot is a massive opportunity and he needs to focus on that. He then leaves Garcia in the ring.

In the back Swerve squads that Ospreay is giving out title matches before he’s won the title means he’s putting the cart before the horse.  Not a good move and shows he’s not ready to be champion. He then says that Ospreay better not slack off during their main event tag team.

Blackpool Combat Club (Jon Moxley, Wheeler Yuta, and Claudio Castagoli) vs Los Ingobernables de Japon (Shingo Takagi, Hiromu Takahashi, and Titan)

Bryan Danielson joins commentary.

Claudio and Takagi start off, and quickly go to running the ropes, and Claudio gets a shoulder tackle and then a side headlock. They run the ropes again and try shoulder tackles and neither drop, so they trade blows. Takagi tries for a back slade, but Claudio blocks it. Takagi gets a hip toss and both men tag out.

We then get Takahashi and Yuta, and Takahashi gets a tejaris and charges in the corner into a drop kick off the ropes. Titan is tagged in after Takahashi and Takagi get a double shoulder block. Titan drop kicks Yuta to the floor and then dives on him. Yuta is rolled into the ring and Titan gets a two count.

Yuta gets a Manhattan drop and an insigiri.  Claudio is tagged in and Titan lands a series of quick kicks on claudio. Titan leaps on Claudio and Claudio gets a back breaker as we go to picture in picture.

When we return to full screen, Mox runs Takahashi into the barricade. In the ring, Claudio tags in Mox so that Titan can’t tag out. Titan dodges a clothesline and gets a leaping kick to Mox. Takagi tags in and he cleans house. Takagi and Mox and Mox wins the exchange with a clothesline, but Takagi gets a clothesline of his own. Mox bites Takagi and Takagi gets a short clothesline. Yuta is tagged in, as is Takahashi, and they trade blows. They run the ropes and after a boomerang come back, he gets a suplex and Takahashi recovers with a Death Valley Driver for two. 

Takahashi gets a lariat and gets a dragon sleeper. Mox breaks it up with a chair and all six men start fighting in the middle of the ring.

Winners via DQ: Los Ingobernables de Japon 

We then get Tetsuya Naito’s music and he slowly saunters out to the stage. Mox charges him and they brawl into the crowd as everyone else keeps fighting at ringside. Takagi nails Yuta with hammer and anvil blows in the middle of the ring, and Danielson enters the ring to break it up. Bryan and Takagi face off as we go to break.

Jay White w/Juice Robinson, Austin and Colton Gunn vs Rey Fenix w/Penta and Alex Abrahantes in a Owen Hart Tournament match

We get dueling chants and the ref tries to get control of the match and he ejects EVERYONE from ringside and we are told Tony Schiavone has gone backstage. 

Rey gets a roll up as the bell rings for two. White lays in kicks and shoulder thrusts in the corner. White lays in chops and tries to slow the pace, but Rey gets a waistlock. Rey gets a head scissor takedown and then charges in to fight in the corner, and then a leaping arm drop from the top. Rey gets a drop kick, knocking White to the floor and Ray leaps on White on the floor. 

Rey is able to trip Rey when Rey is trying to leap off the apron. White follows up and a neck breaker for two as we go to picture in picture.

When they return to full screen, Rey lays in chops and White gets a knee and tries for a backdrop, but Rey lands on his feet, gets a big kick and a leaping kick from top top Rey gets a frog splash from the top for two. Rey gets a hurricanrana for two. Rey gets a kick, but White blocks the second and gets a DDT, and follows with a sheer drop brainbuster for two.

White gets a rear chinlock sleeper, and Rey counters into a rollup for two. White gets a uri nage for two. White sets for a Blade Runner, but Rey gets a rollup for two. Rey gets a waistlock and gets a rip cord into a kick. White gets a Blade Runner and covers for the pin and the win.

Winner and moving on in the tournament:  Jay White

The Bang Bang Gang come back to the ring, but they are followed by Christian Cage, Killswithc and Nick Wayne as Cage lets them know he is coming for the trio championship.

In the back, The Young Bucks say that the Acclaimed took advantage of them, but they are still tag team champions. They then say Jack Perry will be the TNT champion. They say that the Wild Card will be a member of The Elite. 

The Acclaimed are on their way to the ring without a rap as we go to commercial. When we come back, Bowens runs down the Young Bucks using a phrase that TBS has to censor. Max says they are strategizing the best time to issue their challenge. Okada and the Bucks interrupt the scissoring. 

Nick tells the fans to shut up and Matt challenges the Acclaimed and Billy Gunn to a trios match.  Billy says he knows a President. We then see Hiroshi Tanahashi, who says he is coming to Forbidden Door to team with the Acclaimed against The Elite. 

Renee Paquette is with Oranger Cassidy, Kyle O’Reilly, and Mark Briscoe, and Briscoe cuts a fantastic promo about Forbidden Door. Kyle then joins in and gives a Briscoe style promo. Orange and Renee chat quietly about the promos after Mark and Kyle leave.

Toni Storm, Mariah May, and MIna Shirakawa vs Saraya, Anny Jay, and Harley Cameron 

Mariah May comes out with both Toni and then Mina who had separate entrances.

Mina and Anna start and they quickly go into the ropes. They run the ropes and Mina dodges a clothesline from Anna, preens for the crowd and then lays in kicks. Mina is able to get an insigiri out of the corner and Mariah is tagged in. Maraih gets a drop kick and Harley tags in, Harley lays in blows to Mariah’s back.Mariah is able to get a spinning slam and then she can’t decide who to tag in. Saraya’s team attacks all three of them as we go to picture in picture.

When we return to full screen, Harley and Mariah take each other down with running clotheslines. Toni tags in as does Saraya. Toni knocks Anna off the apron and gets a hip attack on Saraya. Mina tags in and Saraya tags in Harley. Each person then takes out the last person who was in the ring, ending with Mine getting the Mina Driver on Harley for the pin and the win.

Winners: Toni Storm, Mariah May, and MIna Shiarkawa

Mariah gives Toni and Mina a mimosa.  As Toni and Mariah are dancing, Mina grabs the bottle to attack Toni, but Toni dodges and hits Mariah instead. The referees keep Toni and Mina apart as Toni comforts Mariah.

We get a video package for Mercedes Mone vs Stephanie Vaquer at Forbidden Door.

In the back Mone cuts a promo who says that Vaquer isn’t at Dynamite. She says that Vaquez will have a match at Collision, but Mone will be at ringside to watch. 

Chris Jericho comes to the ring with Large William and Bryan Keith. William says that Jericho taught him when one door closes another, maybe a Forbidden Door, opens. Jericho says he is only in AEW to help the young buys and it’s not fair that Samoa Joe and Hook hurt Bryan Keith.  Jericho says he’s found someone to take Keith’s place. He says he hasn’t seen the video yet, and wants to see it for the first time with the fans.

On the screen is Minoru Suzuki. He says he heard Jericho wants him to be his partner, but he doesn’t want to wrestle with Jericho. He wants to wrestle Jericho because he hates how soft Jericho is now. He says Jericho has to put the FTW title on the line and wrestle him. 

Keith says that Jericho is no chicken, but Jericho looks sick to his stomach. 

Samoa Joe, Hook, and Shibata come out and Joe says this is awkward. Joe says that they have watched every Learning Tree segment to learn everything about Jericho and Shibata says it best.  Shibata’s phone then says “Oh brother, this guy sucks.”

Jericho slaps Joe. The tree is about to learn.

AND THE BRAWL BEGINS. AND THE BRAWL ENDS. It ends quickly with Jericho and his team tossed from the ring and head to the back.

Zack Sabre Jr. vs Kyle O’Reilly 

Orange Cassidy joins commentary. Taz wishes Cassidy would choose a different color for his name. 

Kyle and Sabre start with hold/counterhold, neither really getting an advantage. They start again and both go to the juje gitame and escape quickly. Kyle is able to bring down Sabre with a wrist lock and Sabre turns it into a head scissors. Kyle escapes and gets a snap mare followed by a back kick. They trade snap mares. Sabre starts to work over Kyle’s shoulder as we go to picture in picture.

When we return to full screen, they are trading forearms and Sabre gets an abdominal stretch into an octopus hold. Kyle grabs the leg and breaks the hold and Kyle gets in a series of blows, and Sabre goes down. Kyle lays in a series of blows and then trips Sabre. As they trade kicks, Sabre gets a small package and Kyle breaks free and goes for the juje gitame. He can’t lock it on and Kyle gets an ankle lock. Sabre reverses and Kle rolls through for the ankle lock. Kyle gets a belly to back suplex. 

They dodge kicks and when Sabre goes for a double leg, Kyle nails Sabre. They trade slaps and Sabre gets a triangle choke, and Sabre turns it into a reverse arm bar and Kyle has to tap out.

Winner: Zack Sabre Jr. 

Orange Cassidy comes to the ring and checks on Kyle. The Undisputed Kingdom shove him out of the way to check on Kyle. Tomohiro Ishii comes to stand by Cassidy, as The Mighty Don’t Kneel join Sabre.

Swerve Strickland and Will Ospreay vs The Gates of Agony (Bishop Kaun and Toa Leona)

Swerve and Ospreay argue who starts the match, and Gates of Agony rush them.  Ospreay stays in the ring with Kaun, and then they run the ropes. Ospreay hits a monkey flip on Kaun and then a springboard elbow strike for one. Swerve is tagged in and they double team Kaun so Swerve can cover for two. Swerve and Kaun go for standing switches and Ospreay almost nails Swerve. Leona takes advantage and takes them both down. Kaun covers Swerve for two and Leona is tagged in as we go to picture in picture.

When they return to full screen, Swerve has been the babyface in peril through the break. Kaun pulls Ospreay off the apron when Swerve gets to make the tag. Leona slams Swerve for two. Kaun tags in Swerve is able to dodge a drop kick from Kaun so that Leona is taken out. Swerve hits a brain buster and gets the tag to Ospreay. Opsreay cleans house. 

Kaun is able to get an avalanche jackhammer from the top for two, broken up by Swerve who follows with a stomp onto Leona on the floor. Ospreay gets a spanish fly on Kaun for two. Swerve almost goes for a Tiger Driver but instead tries to go for a stormbreaker. Kaun escapes out the back and dodges a kick, causing Ospreay to kick Swerve off the apron. Leona gets a pounce and Kaun covers for two. Swerve gets a pump kick on Kaun and Ospreay gets a poisonrana with Swerve’s help, followed with an Oz Cutter for two. Swerve holds Kaun down and snaps his arm. Ospreay hits him with the hidden blade for the pina nd the win.

Winners: Swerve Strickland and Will Ospreay

Will grabs the title belt from Swerve and Swerve takes him out and takes his belt back. 


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